NTIS publications held in the Beth Hamilton Safety Library
1975 ride quality symposium.
1985 Building Technology Project Summaries.
2,200 lb/59.3 mph/14.5 deg Modified GRI Barrier. Barrier Limits of Performance. Buth, C.E. Campise, Wanda L.
55: A decade of experience. Crump, Edythe Taylor, ed.
A binary sieve version of some sequential switching logic procedures. Hall, Frank Branden
A Bridge parapet designed for safety: general motors proving ground circular test track project. Lundstrom, Louis C. Skeels, Paul C. Englund, Blaine R. Rogers, Robert A.
A brief guide to recordkeeping requirements for occupational injuries and illnesses.
A computer based mathematical method for predicting the braking performance of trucks and tractor-trailers. Phase 1 Report: Motor Truck Braking and Handling Performance Study. Murphy, Ray W. Bernard, James E. Winkler, Christopher B.
A computer based mathematical method for predicting the braking performance of trucks and tractor-trailers. Phase II Technical Report: Motor Truck Braking and Handling Performance Study . Fancher, Paul S. Bernard, James E. Winkler, Christopher B.
A critique of 'A practical review of high voltage safety devices for modle cranes' which was Published in Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc. Paper No. 770778 and was authored By George S. Allin, Jack T. Wilson and Richard E. Zibolski of Harnischfeger Corp. White, H.L.
A direct determination of the irredundant forms of a Boolean function from the set of prime implicants. Petrick, S.R.
A Fortran program for vehicle side impact. Spencer, Paul Taylor, Judy
A Guide to Standardized Highway Barrier Hardware . Subcommittee On New Highway Materials, AASHTO-AGC-ARTBA, Joint Committee
A Guide to Standardized Highway Barrier Hardware-Part 2 . Subcommittee On New Highway Materials, AASHTO-AGC-ARTBA, Joint Committee
A Manual to determine benefits of seprating pedestrians and vehicles. Roddin, Marc F.
A Map approach to the solution of a class of boolean functional equations. Maitra, K.K.
A methodology for measurement of vehicle parameters used in dynamic studies. Basso, G.L.
A new approach to vehicle dynamic analysis of severe steering and braking inputs. Weissner, R. Seiffert, U.
A qualitative analysis of the inherent fire safety/fire risk in a coal mine. Nelson, Harold E.
A Quantitative evaluation of the geometric aspects of highways. Tharp, Kenneth John Harr, Milton Edward
A Review of experience with the computer program UCIN on a project addressing the: assessement of probability of injury in the analysis and testing of bridge rails. Chi, Dr. Michael
A search for evidence of the fascination phenomenon in road side accidents. Charles, Michael T. Crank, John Falcone, David N.
A Shipper's guide to stowage of cargo in marine containers.
A study of young children's pull-apart strength. (an addendum to NBSIR73-156 - a study of the strength capabilties of children ages two through six. Brown, W.C.
A survey of naval aircraft crash environments with emphasis on structural response. Glancy, John J. Desjardins, Stanley P.
A technique for implementing synchronous sequential relay circuitry. Gamblin, R.L. Marcus, M.P. Tunis, C.J.
A way to reduce highway guardrail costs: machine-driving of wooden posts. Gatchell, Charles J.
A.G.A.-Supported complementary programs at IGT on coal gasification. Schora, Frank C.
ABC's of standards related activities in the United States . Breitenberg, Maureen A.
Abrasion resistance of safety lenses: effects of abrasion on toughened safety glass and plastic lenses with respect to their optical properties. Ascenzi, Donna M.
Abrasive blasting operations: Engineering control and work practices manual.
Acceptable common names and chemical names for the ingredient statement on pesticide labels, 4th ed.. Blalock, Charlotte R. Shaughnessy, John A. Johnson, David E. Caswell, Robert L.
Access control issues related to urban arterial intersection design. Stover, V.G.
Accessibility for level-entry urban rail systems. Edelman, J. McInerney, F.T.
Accident / incident investigation manual.
Accident Analysis: Breakaway and Nonbreakaway Poles Including Sign and Light Standards Along Highways. Volume II: Technical Report. Mak, King K. Mason, Robert L.
Accident analysis: Breakaway and nonbreakaway poles including sign and light standards along highways, vol. 1: Executive summary. Mak, King K. Mason, Robert L.
Accident and near accident causation: the contributions of automobile design characteristics. Burger, William J. Smith, Russell L. Queen, John E. Slack, Graham B.
Accident Avoidance Skill Training and Performance Testing . Hatterick, C. Richard Rathurst, James, R.
Accident Avoidance Skill Training. Bathhurst, J.R.
Accident countermeasure manual.
Accident data analysis of occupant injuries and crash characteristics: eight papers [Collected technical studies, vol. II]. Bondy, Nancy Najjar, Daniel Partyka, Susan
Accident data analysis of vehicle crashworthiness: 10 papers . Blodgett, Robert Bondy, Nancy McGuigan, Robert Najjar, Daniel Partyka, Susan
Accident effects of sideslope and other roadside features on two- lane roads. Zegeer, C.V. Reinfurt, D.W. Hunter, W.W. Hummer, J. Stewart, R. Herf L.
Accident involvement and crash injury rates by make, model, and year of car: a follow-up. Dutt, Amitabh K. Reinfurt, Donald W.
Accident involvement and crash injury rates by make, model, and year of car. Dutt, Amitabh K. Reinfurt, Donald W.
Accident rates as related to design elements of rural highways. Kihlberg, Jaakko K. Tharp, K.J.
Accident research manual. Council, F.M. Dutt, Amitabh K. Reinfurt, Donald W. Campbell, B.J. Roediger, F.L. Carroll, C.L. Dunham, J.R.
Accident risk associated with design characteristics of the car. Foldvary, L.A. Potter, D.W.
Accident/Incident Bulletin No. 147 Calender Year 1978.
Accident/Incident Bulletin No. 148 Calender Year 1979.
Accident/Incident Bulletin No. 149 Calender Year 1980.
Accident/Incident Bulletin No. 150 Calender Year 1981.
Accident/Incident Bulletin No. 154 Calender Year 1985.
Accident/Incident Bulletin No. 158, Calender Year 1989.
Accident/Incident Bulletin No. 159, Calender Year 1990.
Accidental injuries associated with consumer products . Tokuhata, George K.
Accidents and safety associated with interchanges. Twomey, J.M. Heckman, M.L. Hayward, J.C. Zuk, R.J.
Accidents at entrance ramps in long-term construction work zones. Casteel, D.B. Ullman, G.L.
Accidents involving eye injuries.
Accidents involving foot injuries.
Accidents involving head injuries.
Accidents involving snowmobiles : a preliminary review . Negri, Barry D.
Accidents of Motor Carriers of Property 1977.
Accidents of Motor Carriers of Property 1978.
Accidents of Motor Carriers of Property 1980-1981.
Accidents of Motor Carriers of Property 1982.
Ad hoc study of certain safety related aspects of double-bottom tankers: appendices. Ervin, R.D. Fancher, P.S. Gillespie, T.D. Winkler, C.B. Wolfe, A.
Ad hoc study of certain safety related aspects of double-bottom tankers: final report. Ervin, R.D. Fancher, P.S. Gillespie, T.D. Winkler, C.B. Wolfe, A.
Administrative review, analysis and recommendations for California's heavy vehicle operator licensing program . Furtado, Bart F. Saenz, Pamela L. Eskin, Charles G.
Advanced Design Bus Ventilation Testing.
Advanced technology high-capacity hoist-drive system. Stein, D. Campbell, R.F. Rothman, N.H. Shefrin, J.
Advanced valve technology. May, Kenneth D.
Advancement of cab and canopy design and use in coal mines . Aljoe, W.W. Whitehead, K.L.
Aerodynamic characteristics of passenger vehicle/trailer combinations. Zellner, John W.
Aeromedical evaluation of UH-1 internal advanced personnel rescue hoists, Western Gear Corp. hoist models 42277R1 and 42305R1, Breeze Corp. hoist ECP-720 modification. Pettyjohn, Frank S. Gee, Terry E. Akers, Lloyd A. Rice, George P. Carroll, William F. Allemond, Pierre Bailey, Stephen M. Burden, Raymond T. Harrison, Thomas G.
Age and sex factors in the control of automobiles. Soliday, Stanley M. Allen, John A.
Agricultural tractor-related injuries: a 35-state summary . Hoskin, Alan F. Miller, Terrence A. Hanford, William D. Landes, Steven R.
AIM: Accident investigation methodology.
Air Contaminants: Permissible Exposure Limits (Title 29 CFR Part 1910.1000).
Air pollution in Donora, PA: epidemiology of the unusual smog episode of October 1948, preliminary report. Schrenk, H.H. Heimann, Harry Clayton, George D. Gafafer, W.M.
Airborne contaminants in above ground metal and nonmetal mining and processing work areas (for metal and non-metal mine employees). Holland, Walter D.
Airborne dust assessment at three metal mines and a silica mine. Larson, William C. Zeller, H. William
Aircraft accident incident investigation and reporting.
Aircraft accident notification procedures and responsibilities .*** Service and methods demonstrations program summary report . Spear, Bruce D.
Aircraft Accident Report - Cessna 310N, N4111Q Near Upland, California, April 12, 1969.
Aircraft Accident Report: In-Flight Icing Encounter and Loss of Control, Simmons Airlines, d.b.a. American Eagle Flight 4184, Avions de Transport Regional (ATR) Model 72-212, N401AM, Roselawn, Indiana, October 31, 1994. Volume 1: Safety Board Report..
Aircraft Accident Report: In-Flight Icing Encounter and Loss of Control, Simmons Airlines, d.b.a. American Eagle Flight 4184, Avions de Transport Regional (ATR) Model 72-212, N401AM, Roselawn, Indiana, October 31, 1994. Volume 2: Response of BEA (France) to Safety Board's Draft Report..
Aircraft bombs, fuzes, and aerial mines: Student study guide and workbook.
Aircraft crash survival design guide, vol. 2: aircraft crash environment and human tolerance. Laananen, D.H.
Aircraft crash survival design guide, vol. 4: aircraft seats, restraints, litters, and padding. Desjardins, S.P. Laananen, D.H.
Aircraft crash survival design guide, vol. III: aircraft structural crashworthiness. Singley, G.T. III Tanner, A.E. Jr. Turnbow, J.W. Laananen, D.H.
Aircraft electrical wet-wire arc tracking. Cahill, Patricia L. Dailey, James H.
Aircraft refueling for shore activities.
Airport access for disabled and elderly persons.
Air-quality and noise issues in environmental planning . Kassabian, Naomi, ed.
Algorithms for logical design. Randlev, Ann E. Roth, J. Paul Wagner, Eric G.
All terrain vehicle steady-state steering responses. Deppa, Roy W.
All terrain vehicle transient turning test. Deppa, Roy W. Van Houten, Terry
Alternative approaches to accident cost concepts, State of the art. Miller, Ted R. Reinert, Kenneth A. Whiting, Brooke E.
Alternative power-line proximity warning techniques. Raab, Frederick H.
Alternative surveillance concepts and methods for freeway incident management : Vol. 1, Executive summary. Urbanek, G.L. Rogers, R.W.
Alternative surveillance concepts and methods for freeway incident management : Vol. 5, Training guide for on-site incident management. Urbanek, G.L. Owen, J.R.
Alternative surveillance concepts and methods for freeway incident management : Vol. 4, Guidelines for specific low-cost alternatives. Urbanek, G.L. Owen, J.R.
Alternatives for small wastewater treatment systems: on-site disposal/septage treatment and disposal.
Ambient aquatic life water quality criteria for pentachlorophenol. Call, Daniel J. Hyland, Jeffrey L. Neff, Jerry M.
Ambient water quality criteria for 2,3,7,8 -tetrachlorodibenzo-p- dioxin.
Ambient water quality criteria for pentachlorophenol.
Ambient water quality criteria for phthalate esters.
Ammonium nitrate: its properties and fire and explosion hazards. Scott, G.S. Grant, R.L.
Amtrak/Knorr Disc Brake Study, Vol. 1: Final Report . Scofield, R. Avant, R.
An algorithm for determining minimal normal forms of an incomplete truth function. Mott, Thomas H., Jr.
An analysis of concepts for a special guardrail post for turned- down guardrail terminals.
An assessment of measures to reduce cyclist and motorcyclist accidents. Messiter, Gordon F.
An examination and analysis of thedynamics of the human behavior in the fire incident at the Georgia Towers on January 9, 1979 . Bryan, J.L. DiNeenno, P.J.
An experimental method for evaluating fire hazard. Smith, Edwin E.
Analysis and prediction of the dynamic behavior of motor vehicles v.1.
Analysis and prediction of the dynamic behavior of motor vehicles v.2.
Analysis for NPRM: Strobe lights on locomotives. Priest, W. Curtiss Knoblauch, Karl
Analysis of 9 years of railroad accident data. Shulman, A.E. Taylor, C.E.
Analysis of and design requirements for mechanical power press safeguarding systems.
Analysis of automobile accidents to determine which variables are most strongly associated with driver injury. Stewart, J. Richard
Analysis of cargo tank integrity in rollovers, final report . Davis, S. Masser, P. Culley, C. Edwards, J.
Analysis of Chicago gas line safety 1975-1981. Stewart, Susan
Analysis of cumulative trauma disorders and work methods . Armstrong, Thomas J. Foulke, James A. Goldstein, Steven A. Joseph, Bradley S.
Analysis of dump point accidents involving mobile mining equipment. May, J.P.
Analysis of fatal rollover accidents in utility vehicles . Smith, Sandra R.
Analysis of findings of four tank-car accident reports . Interrante, C.G. Early, J.G. Hicho, G.E.
Analysis of fires in passenger cars, light trucks and vans . Tessmer, Joseph
Analysis of Fires Involving Thermal Insulating Materials.
Analysis of frontal impact test data: New car assessment project. Miller, Patrick M. Rydzynski, Paul A.
Analysis of guardail and median barrier accidents using the longitudinal barrier special studies (LBSS) file, volumn 1: Final report. Erinle, O. Hunter, W. Bronstad, M. Council, F. Stewart, R. Hancock, K.
Analysis of heavy truck data. Ranney, Thomas A.
Analysis of High Bay Hangar facilities for fire detector sensitivity and placement. Gott, Joseph E. Lowe, Darren L. Notarianni, Kathy A. Davis, William
Analysis of left-turn warrants at unsignalized T-intersections on two-lane roadways. Lee, S.B. Smith, Jr., R.L.
Analysis of motor vehicle fuel tank-related fires. Steilen, Kathleen
Analysis of motorcycle accidents with recommendations for licensing and operation. Waller, Patricia F.
Analysis Of Performance Measurement And Training Requirements For Driving Decision Making In Emergency Situations. Barrett, Gerald C. Alexander, Ralph A. Forbes, J. Benjamin
Analysis of Sitting Areas and Pressures of Man. Swearingen, J.J. Wheelwright, C.D. Garner, J.D.
Analysis of soil and surface properties which affect infiltration and runoff of mined lands, Centre County, PA . Jorgensen, David W. Gardner, Thomas W.
Analysis of spetic tank distribution and septage generation rates in Illinois. Pendowski, J. McBride, B. Crandall, D.
Analysis of the accidental explosion at Pepcon, Henderson, NV, May 4, 1988. Reed, Jack W.
Analysis of the behavior of stair users. Templer, John A. Mullet, Gary M. Archea, John Margulis, Stephen T.
Analysis of the Dismounted Motorist and Road-Worker Model Pedestrian Safety Regulations. Ulmer, Robert G. Leaf, William A. Blomberg, Richard D.
Analysis of the flammability of television receiver chassis and components. Bajpai, Satya N. Marlin, Paul G.
Analysis of transportation investment and use.
Analysis of truck and bus handling, vol. 1. Weir, David H. Teper, Gary L. Hoh, Roger H. Humes, Robert W. et al.
Analysis of truck safety on crest vertical curves. Middleton, P.B. Wong, M.Y. Taylor, J. Thompson, H. Bennett, J.
Analytical and experimental determination of nonlinear wheel/rail geometric constraints. Cooperrider, N.K. Law, E.H. Hull, R. Kadala, P.S. Tuten, J.M.
Analytical Considerations of HIC in Relation to the Proposed New FMVSS 201. Bowman, Bruce M.
Analytical evaluation of Texas bridge rails to contain buses and trucks. Hirsch, T.J.
Analytical modeling of driver response in crash avoidance maneuvering, vol. 4: user's guide for linear analysis, nonlinear simulation, part task simulation. Rosenthal, Theodore J. Allen, R. Wade Szostak, Henry T.
Analytical study for evaluation of rollover test devices . Segal, David J. McGrath, Martin T.
Analytical study in support of the 400 series rollover standard. First progress report, 1978.
Analytical study of a new rollover test device. Segal, D.J. Balasubramanian, N. McGrath, M.T.
Angle and small car impact tests of an articulated gore barrier employing lightweight concrete energy-absorbing cartridges . Walker, Grant W. Warner, Charles Y. Young, Bruce O.
Annotated bibliography for cleanup of hazardous waste disposal sites. Green, Andrew J.
Annotated bibliography of United States Air Force engineering anthropometry, 1946 to 1988. Robinette, Kathleen M. Fowler, Joy
Anthropometric and mass distrubiton characteristics of the adult female. Young, Joseph W. Chandler, Richard F. Snow, Clyde C. Robinette, Kathleen M. Zehner, Gregory F. Lofberg, Maureen S.
Anthropometric comparisons between body measurements of men and women. Schafer, Edward Bates, Barry T.
Anthropometric relationships of body and body segment moments of inertia. McConville, John T. Churchill, Thomas D. Kaleps, Ints Clauser, Charles E. Cuzzi, Jaime
Anthropometric Source Book Volume II: A handbook of anthropometric Data.
Apparatus for determining the reactivity of calcium carbide and acetylene-water vapor mixtures. Jones, G.W. Scott, G.S. Kennedy, R.E. Spolan, I.
Applicability of braking control systems to highway vehicles: final report. Olsson, George R. Field, Peter G.
Application of a photodiode array optical spectrometer to the study of the incendivity of light alloys impacting on rusted steel.. Driscoll, T.J. Flinn, D.R. Lederer, W.C.
Application of biomechanical principles and models to reduce railroad injuries from physical exertion. McMahan, Paul B.
Application of continuous dynamic compaction control for earthworks in railroad construction. Samaras, A.A. Lamm, R. Treiterer, J.
Application of Safety Appurtenances, Transportation Research Record 1024. Numerous Papers by Various Authors
Applications of holography to vibrations, transient response and wave propagation. Evensen, D.A. Aprahmian, R.
Apply pesticides correctly: a guide for commercial applicators .*** Hazard analysis: injuries associated with airless paint sprayers.
Apply pesticides correctly: a programmed instruction learning program for the recertification of private applicators, a home study course.
Appraisal of Guardrail Installations by Car Impact and Laboratory Tests. Cichowski, William G Paul C. Skeels William R. Hawkins
Approaches to Acceptable Risk: A Critical Guide. Fischhoff, B. Lichtenstein, S. Slovic, P. Keeney, R. Derby, S.
Architectural aspects of domestic accident prevention.
Are we cleaning up? 10 Superfund case studies.
Arm strength at selected degrees of elbow flexion. Hunsicker, Paul A.
Arsenic contamination near a copper smelter. Milham, Samuel
Articulated vehicle handling. Eshleman, R.L. Desai, S.D.
Asbestos and health: an annotated bibliography of public health and professional eductional materials.
Asbestos in buildings: a national survey of asbestos-containing friable materials. Strenio, Judith F. Constant, Paul C. Rose, Donna Gabriel, Marilyn Lentzen, Donald E.
Asbestos standard for construction industry.
Asbestos-containing materials in school buildings: a guidance document, part 1.
Asbestos-containing materials in school buildings: a guidance document, part 2.
Asphalt mix materials and mixtures, 1990.
Asphalt overlay design procedures. Finn, Fred N. Monismith, Carl L.
Assessing the need for personal protective equipment: a guide for small business employers.
Assessment of automotive fuel system fire hazards, summary report. Johnson, Neva B.
Assessment of automotive fuel system fire hazards. Johnson, Neva B.
Assessment of Existing Data Bases for Highway Safety Analysis . Mak, King K. Griffin, Lindsay I.
Assessment of explosion hazards in refuse shredders. Zalosh, Robert G. Wiener, Stephen A. Buckley, Joseph L.
Assessment of health risks to garment workers and certain home residents from exposure to formaldehyde.
Assessment of industrial hazardous waste practices in the metal smelting and refining industry, vol. II: primary and secondary nonferrous smelting and refining. Leonard, Richard P Ziegler, Robert C.
Assessment of industrial hazardous waste practices, storage and primary batteries industries. McCandless, L.C. Wetzel, R. Casana, J. Slimak, K.
Assessment of injury criteria in roadside barrier tests. Chi, Michael
Assessment of potential aerodynamic effects on personnel and equipment in proximity to high-speed train operations. Lee, Harvey Shui-Hong
Assessment of research and development needs in ammonia safety and environmental control. Brenchley, D.L.
Assessment of the common carrier shipping environment.
Assessment of the effects of ceiling-mounted destratification fans on the performance of ' products of combustion' type fire detectors. Matthews, John D. Walker, Fred K.
Assessment of the flammability of aircraft hydraulic fluids . Parts, Leo
Assessnment Of Safety Symbol Understandability By Different Testing Methods (The). Lerner, Neil D. Collins, Belinda L.
Assigning a Degree of Hazard Ranking to Illinois Waste Streams. Plewa, Michael Minear, Roger Dowd, Patrick Ades, Diane Wagner, Elizabeth
Audible automobile back-up pedestrian warning device-development and evaluation. Brown, Ron Sutherland, Louis C.
Australian Helmet Standards and Their Enforcement. Wigan, M. R
Automatic slack adjusters for heavy vehicle air brake systems.. Williams, S.F. Knipling, R.R.
Automobile assembly plant spray booth cleaning emission reduction technology review.
Automobile consumer information crash test program, vol. 2 . Shoemaker, N.E. Ryder, M.O. DeLeys, N.J.
Automobile consumer information study crash test program. Volume II - Technical Report. Final report.
Automobile controllability - Driver/vehicle response for steering control, vol. 1: summary report. McRuer, Duane T. Klein, Richard H.
Automobile controllability - Driver/vehicle response for steering control, vol. 2: supporting experimental results . McRuer, Duane T. Klein, Richard H. Weir, David H. Allen, R. Wade Humes, Robert W. Zellner, John W.
Automobile impact forces on concrete wall panels. Chiapetta, R.L. Pang, E.C.
Automobile impact tests, 1973-August 1980 (citations from NTIS database).
Automobile impact tests, vol. 1: 1964-1972 (citations from NTIS database).
Automobile Impacts With Small Signs. Owings, Raymond P.
Automobile safety: bumpers 1970-Dec 1977 (citations from the Engineering Index Data Base). Young, Mary E., ed.
Automobile safety: bumpers, 1964-Dec. 1979 (citations from NTIS database).
Automobile safety: seat belts 1964-Dec. 1980 (citations from the NTIS database).
Automobile tire hydroplaning: a study of wheel spin-down and other variables. Stocker, A.J. Dotson, J.T. Ivey, D.L.
Automobile-barrier impact studies using scale model vehicles . Jurkat, M. Peter Starrett, James A.
Automotive crash injury research (ACIR) annual report, 1968-1969.
Automotive rear lighting and signaling research. Mortimer, Rudolf G.
Available technologies: state-of-the-art technologies offered by Martin Marietta Energy Systems' Office of Technology Transfer.
Aviation, Airport Terminal and landside design and operation, 1990.
Aviation, Public-sector aviation issues, graduate research award, papers 1988-1989.
B&J Trucking Company Truck Tractor/Coachella Valley Unified School District Schoolbus Collision State Route 86 Near Coachella, CA 1980.
Baby Walker Project Status Report. Jacobson, Barbara J. et al.
Back belts : do they prevent injury?.
Backfill effects on subsurface drainage of Toledo soils: 1. With grass-legume cover. Hundal, S.S. Taylor, George S. Fausey, N.R.
Back-up report for the proposed standard for the flammability of general wearing apparel. Braun, E. Cobble, S. Helzer, S. Krasny, J.F. Peacock R.D. Stratton, A.K
Banned products thru August 1973.
Barrier curb redirection effectiveness. dunlap, Duane F.
Barrier Potential of chain link fence. Stanley, Arthur Thomas
Barrier VII: a computer program for evaluation of automobile barrier systems: Final Report. Powell, G.H.
Basic body dimensions of 1972 cars.
Basic body dimensions of 1973 cars.
Basic Cold Weather Manual.
Basic mechanics study for computer evaluation of automobile barrier systems. Kellye, J.M. Tseng, W.S. El-Kasrawy, T.
Basic research in automobile crashworthiness. Miller, Paterick M. Mayor, Richard P.
Basic research in crashworthiness II - Side impact test of unmodified vehicles. Greene, James E.
Basic research in crashworthiness II - Summary Report . Miller, Paterick M., ed.
Basic research in crashworthiness II - testing and evaluation of collapsing forward structure modification concept in car-to-car frontal collisions. Galganski, Robert A.
Beams, plates, and shells on elastic foundations [translated from Russian]. Vlasov, V.Z. Leont'ev, U.N.
Behavior change procedures in controlling diet and smoking . Agras, W. Stewart
Behavioral analysis of workers and job hazards in the roofing industry. Prather, K. Crisera, R. Fidell, S.
Behavioral toxicology: an emerging discipline.
Behavioral, Autonomic, And Subjective Reactions To Low-And Moderate-Level Simulated Sonic Booms: A Report Of Two Experiments And A General Evaluation Of Sonic Boom Startle Effects. Thackray, Richard I. Touchstone, R. Mark Bailey, Joe P.
Benefit-to-risk ratio in occupational health. Robbins, Lewis C.
Bibliography of FRA Office of Research and Development Technical Reports 1974-1980.
Bicycle safety and transportation, 1964-Dec. 1980, citations from the NTIS database.
Bicycle safety: a subject bibliography. Flynn, Lois
Bicycle-safe grate inlets study, vol. 1: Hydraulic and safety characteristics of selected grate inlets on continuous grates . Burgi, P.H. Gober, D.E.
Binocular and Monocular Field of View Performance Test Part 1 . Kuroda, A.S. Boyer, D.S.
Binocular and Monocular Field of View Performance Test Part 2 . Kuroda, A.S. Boyer, D.S.
Biological hazards at wastewater treatment facilities.
Biological treatment process control: aerobic digestion, instructor's guide. Klopping, Paul H.
Biomechanical aspects of upper extremity performance and disorders. Armstrong, Thomas J.
Biomechanics of lifting and materials handling. Tichauer, E.R. Elbaum, S. Glickman, F. Gold, C. Tauber, C.
Biomechanics of manual materials handling and low back pain . Chaffin, Don B.
Blast effects of atomic weapons upon curtain walls and partitions of masonry and other materials - Operation Upshot- Knothole - Project 3.29 - WT-741. Taylor, Benjamin C.
Blasting Incidents in Mining. Fischer, Richard L.
Blasting vibrations and their effect on structures. Nicholls, Harry R. Johnson, Charles F. Duvall, Wilbur I.
Block pulse functions applied to bounding predictions for impacted structures of the type associated with transformation vehicle collisions.. Oskard, Morton Samuel
Bloodborne pathogens and acuter care facilities.
Bloodborne pathogens and long-term care workers.
Bloodstain analysis system. Wraxall, Brian Bordeaux, Jean Harmor, Gary Walsh, Jack
Body dimensions.
Body dimensions.
Body segment parameters. Drillis, Rudolfs Contini, Renato
Bond and insurance coverages for highway construction contractors. Hancher, Donn E. Burke, Dock Goff, Zane
Boolean matrices applied to sequential circuit theory and threshold logics. Ledley, R.S.
Brake system defects in cars not involved in accidents. Kemp, R.N.
Brakes: a bibliography. Flynn, Lois [comp.]
Braking Performance of Thirteen Light Trucks: Final Report . Flick, Mark A. Radlinski, Richard W.
Braking, stability and structural integrity of longer combinations: a technical report on tests conducted at Utica, Michigan May 8 - July 27, 1967.
Break-away components produce safer roadside signs. Olson, Robert M. Rowan, Neilon J. Edwards, Thomas C.
Breaking-load evaluation of modified Navy crane insulator links. Stonesifer, F.R.
Bridge Paint: Removal, containment, and disposal. Appleman, Bernard R.
Bridge Rail Design: Factors, Trends, and Guidelines. Olson, Robert M. Ivey, Don L. Post, Edward R. Gunderson, Richard H. Cetiner, Ayhan
Bridge rail to restrain and redirect 80,000 lb trucks . Hirsch, T.J. Arnold, Anthea
Bridge rail to restrain and redirect buses. Hirsch, T.J.
Briefing package on petition CP86-1: TV/AV carts (Institutional television and audiovisual carts). Project Manager, Stan Morrow
Broaening the specification of granular fills. Bolton, M.D. Fragaszy, R.J. Lee, D.M.
Broken rails: a major cause of train accidents.
Building Firesafety criteria, Appendix D.
Building to resist the effect of wind, vol. 1: overview . Raufaste, N.J. Marshall, R.D. Kliment, S.A.
Building to resist the effect of wind, vol. 3: a guide for improved masonry and timber connections in buildings. Fattal, S. George Sherwood, G.E. Wilkinson, T.L.
Bulk gasoline terminals: Background information for promulgated standards.
Bumpers: a subject bibliography. Flynn, Lois
Bus, truck, tractor-trailer braking system performance summary. Murphy, R.W. Limpert, R. Segel, L.
Bus, truck, tractor-trailer braking system performance, vol. 1: Research findings. Murphy, R.W. Limpert, R. Segel, L.
Bus, truck, tractor-trailer braking system performance, vol. 2: appendices and references. Murphy, R.W. Limpert, R. Segel, L.
Calculating infiltration: implications for a construction quality standard. Grimsrud, D.T. Sherman, M.H. Sonderegger, R.C.
Calculations of painting wasteloads associated with metal finishing. Brewer, George E.F.
Calibration and related measurement services of the National Bureau of Standards, 1980 ed..
California motorcycle study, driver and accident characteristics. Harano, Richard M. Peck, Raymond C.
California skid resistance studies. Apostolos, John A. Doty, Robert N. Page, Bobby G. Sherman, George B.
Cancer and white lung: the plight of North Carolina's asbestos workers. Weiner, Alan Schewel Austin, David
Cancer in the rubber industry: the risks and what you can do about them.
CANOPY: a computer program for the structural analysis of space frame protective canopies. Sawyer, Stephen G.
Car / roadside - rollover, CAL accident case No. 71-249A [Mercury Cougar XR7].
Car collisions - the movement of cars and their occupants in accidents. Grime, G. Jones, I.S.
Car, rollover/fixed object impact, case no. 1266d.
Caravans in traffic crashes. Vaughn, Rodney g.
Car-Barrier impact response of a computer simulated mustange . Melosh, Robert J.
Carbon disulfide, carbonyl sulfide: literature review and environmental assessment. Peyton, Thomas O. Steele, Robert V. Mabey, William R.
Carbon monoxide in the products of combustion from natural gas burners. Brumbaugh, I.V. Jones, G.W.
Carbon Monoxide--The Invisible Killer.
Card-Gap and Projectile Impact Sensitivity Measurements, A Compilation. Watson, Richard W.
Cargo tank bottom loading of flammable liquids; review & analysis of mechanical systems on cargo tank trucks used in bottom loading with regard to impact protection. Tyndall, L.H. Anderson, R.L.
Cargo Tanks-Bottom Loading of Flammable Liquids, Vol. 2: Review and Analysis of Liquid Level Control Systems Used in Bottom Loading of Flammable Liquids into Cargo Tanks. Johnson, N.B. Tyndall, L.H. Anderson, R.L.
Car-tire relationships. Bidwell, Joseph B.
Car-truck fatal accidents in Michigan and Texas. Minahan, Daniel J. O'Day, James
Catalog of computer files maintained in the roadside safety library: roadside safety library supplement #2.
Catalytic converter exhaust system temperature tests . Harrison, Robin T.
Categorical analysis of the relationship between vehicle weight and driver injury in automobile accidents. Stewart, J.R. Stutts, J.C.
Causes of disability in employees of the mining industry: Analysis of Social Security disability benefit awards and allowances to workers, 1969-73, 1975-76. Osborne, Rebecca Fischbach, Thomas
Center of gravity height: A round-robin measurement program . Winkler, C.B. Campbell, K.L. Mink, C.E.
Changing Illinois Environment: Critical Trends. Summary Report of the Critical Trends Assessment Project.
Changing Illinois Environment: Critical Trends. Technical Report of the Critical Trends Assessment Project. v.1: Air Resources.
Changing Illinois Environment: Critical Trends. Technical Report of the Critical Trends Assessment Project. v.2: Water Resources.
Changing Illinois Environment: Critical Trends. Technical Report of the Critical Trends Assessment Project. v.3: Ecological Resources.
Changing Illinois Environment: Critical Trends. Technical Report of the Critical Trends Assessment Project. v.4: Earth Resources.
Changing Illinois Environment: Critical Trends. Technical Report of the Critical Trends Assessment Project. v.5: Waste Generation and Management.
Changing Illinois Environment: Critical Trends. Technical Report of the Critical Trends Assessment Project. v.6: Sources of Environmental Stress.
Changing Illinois Environment: Critical Trends. Technical Report of the Critical Trends Assessment Project. v.7: Bibliography.
Channelization guidelines to accomodate longer and wider trucks at at-grade intersections. Straub, N. Fambro, D.B. Mason, J.M.
Characterization of electrical ignition sources within television receivers. Rogers, George J. Evans, David D.
Characterization of priority pollutants from a secondary lead and battery manufacturing facility. Mezey, Eugene J.
Chemical emergencies in laboratories : planning and response . Sansone, Eric B.
Chemical reporting and record-keeping authorities under 15 environmental and consumer acts. Wilhelm, Steven L.
Chemonucleolysis in the treatment of lumbar disc disease . Apfelbach, Henry W.
Child and infant restraints, a subject bibliography from Highway Safety Literature. Flynn, Lois
Child restraint development. Roberts, Verne L.
Child Restraint Field Study.. Vazey, Brian A.
Child restraint rollover test development. Haffner, Mark P. Melton, Claude H.
Child restraint system tests performed on simulated aircraft passenger seats, vol. 2: test data. Naab, Kenneth N.
Child restraint/passenger air bag interaction analysis . Sullivan, Lisa K.
Child seat and restraint systems test results, appendix D, v. 1. Robbins, D.H. Henke, A.W. Roberts, V.L.
Child seat and restraint systems test results, appendix D, v. 2. Robbins, D.H. Henke, A.W. Roberts, V.L.
Child seat and restraint systems test results, appendix D, v. 3. Robbins, D.H. Henke, A.W. Roberts, V.L.
Child seating test procedure development. Hiltner, Edward C. MacLaughlin, Thomas F.
Children Wearing Approved Restraints and Adults' Belts in Crashes.. Corben, Christopher W. Herbert, David C.
Chlorine dioxide: scientific, regulatory and application issues.
Chronic obstructive lung disease, 1964-Mar 1981 (Citations from the NTIS database).
Cinematography of solar intensity, velocity and magnetic fields. Beckers, Jacques M. Dickson, Larry Woodman, Donald
Classification information for residential flame-fired furnaces, hot water heaters, clothes dryers and ranges. Bullerdiek, W.A.
Classification of automobile frontal stiffness/crashworthiness by impact testing. Ryder, Melvin O.
Clay veins: their occurrence, characteristics and support . Chase, Frank E. Ulery, James P.
Clean energy from coal. Schora, Frank C.
Clean fuel from coal for power generation. Patel, J.G. Loeding, J.W. Tsaros, C.L.
Cleaning up the nation's waste sites: markets and technology trends..
Cleanup and treatment of radioactively contaminated land including areas near nuclear facilities: a selected bibliography. Fore, C.S. Faust, R.A. Brewster, R.H.
Closing the circle on the splitting of the atom, the environmental legacy of nuclear weapons production in the United States and what the Department of Energy is doing about it.
Coal mine equipment population characterization and protective structure status - Volume 1. Gavan, Gary R. Harour, C. William Schaffer, Louis Woodward, Jack L.
Coal mine illumination. Proceedings: Bureau of Mines Technology Transfer Seminars.
Coal to clean fuels conversions: a perspective. Huebler, J.
Coal: surface fatalities; first half: 1994. Analysis, summaries and illustrations..
Coal: underground fatalities; first half 1994. Analysis, summaries and illustrations. (Includes slides which are in Pam Box).
Cocaine use in America: Epidemiologic and clinical perspectives.
Collection of technical articles on aluminum welding: volume 1, engineering and alloy selection.
Collision Avoidance Radar Braking Systems Investigation - Phase III Study. Faris, William R.
Color and shape recognition of reflectorized targets under automobile low-bean illumination at night. Zwahlen, H.T. Yu, J
Combination vehicles: five year accident experience. O'Day, James Filkins, Lyle Kaplan, Richard
Comments of NIOSH on the OSHA request for comments and information on health and safety standards; manual lifting.
Comments on the OSHA Proposed Rule Grain Handling Facilities; Safety Hazards 29 CFR Parts 1910 and 1917..
Commercial Jet Transport Crashworthiness. Widmayer, E. Brende, Otto B.
Commercial vehicle driver performance inprovement - phase 1 . Inglis, P.F. Kaulback, P.J. Grusec, T. Hieatt, D. Garland, L.
Commercial Vehicle Front-Tire Failures. Kaye, Robert A., Director of The Bureau of Motor Carrier Safety
Commercial vehicle preventable accident manual : a guide to counter measures. Uzgiris, S.C. Hales, C. Dilich, M.A.
Commuter rail station location evaluation process, vol 1: methodology. Kurth, David L. Zoerhoff, Douglas J.
Commuter, regional, and rail transit, research and analysis.
Compact crash-cushion trailer protects workers on the move.
comparative cause-specific mortality patterns by work area within the steel industry. Redmond, Carol K.
comparative crash survivability program: Phase I report.
Comparison of door opening frequency in 1967-68 cars with earlier model U.S. cars. Garrett, John W.
Comparison of light truck and passenger car occupant protection in single-vehicle crashes. Terhune, Kenneth W.
Comparison of Michigan fatal and non-fatal car-into- truck accidents. Minahan, Daniel J. O'Day, James
Comparison of operational parameters for conventional and single- point diamond interchanges. Hook, D.J.P. Upchurch, J.
Comparison of plane and convex rearview mirrors for passenger automobiles. Rowland, George E. Silver, Carl A. Volinsky, Samuel C. Behrman, Joseph S. Nichols, Norman F. Clisham, William F.
Comparison of risks and costs of hazardous waste alternatives: methods development and pilot studies.
Comparison of sight distance procedures for turning vehicles from a stop-controlled approach. Fitzpatrick, K. Mason, Jr., J.M. Harwood, D.W.
Comparison of the comfort and convenience of automatic safety belt systems among selected 1988-89 model year automobiles . Finn, Peter Beauregard, Marianne Macek, Stacey Rodriquez, Alfredo
Comparison Of The Startle Effects Resulting From Exposure To Two Levels Of Simulated Sonic Booms (A). Thackray, Richard I. Touchstone, Robert M. Bailey, Joe P.
Comparison of two testers in evaluating the slip-resistance of bathtub and shower base surfaces.. Brungraber, Robert J.
Comparison on intersection air quality models' ability to simulate Carbon Monoxide concentration in an urban area . Zamurs, J. Conway, R.
Compendium of human responses to the aerospace environment, vol. 3, sections 10-16. Roth, Emanuel M.
Compendium of materials for noise control.
Compendium of methods for the determination of toxic organic compounds in ambient air. Riggin, R.M.
Compendium of methods for the determination of toxic organic compounds in ambient air: Supplement. Riggin, R.M.
Compilation of air pollutant emission factors, 2nd ed., suppl. #6.
Compilation of air pollutant emission factors, 2nd ed., suppl. 3. Lahre, Thomas Vatavuk, William
Compilation of air pollutant emission factors, vol. II: Mobile Sources.
Component degradation braking systems performance.
Component degradation: brake system performance, vol. 1: summary report. Keranen, T.W DuCharme, R.T. Matle, C.C.
Component degradation: brake system performance, vol. 2: technical report. Keranen, T.W DuCharme, R.T. Matle, C.C.
Composition of foods, Spices and herbs. Raw - Proccessed - Prepared. Marsh, Anne C. Moss, Mary K. Murphy, Elizabeth
Comprehensive safety recommendations for land-based oil and gas well drilling.
Comprehensive safety recommendations for the precast concrete products industry.
Comprehensive truck size and weight study, summary report for phase I--synthesis of truck size and weight (TS&W) studies and issues.
Compressor and related explosions. Perlee, Henry E. Zabetakis, Michael G.
computer analysis of a pressurized stairwell. Klote, John H. Bodart, Xavier
Computer based mathematical method for predicting braking performance of trucks & tractor-trailers, phase I report: Motor truck braking & handling performance study. Murphy, R.W. Bernard, J.E Winkler, C.B.
Computer evaluation of automobile barrier systems. Powell, G.H.
Computer simulation of an aircraft seat and occupant in a crash environment. Volume I - technical report. Laananen, David H. Bolukbasi, Akif O. Coltman, Joseph W.
Computer simulation of an aircraft seat and occupant in a crash environment. Volume II - program SOM-LA user manual . Laananen, David H. Bolukbasi, Akif O. Coltman, Joseph W.
Computer simulation of tank car head puncture mechanisms: Classification yard accidents. Hohenemser, K.H. Diboll, W.B. Yin, S.K. Szabo, B.A.
Computer simulation of the effect of cargo shifting on articulated vehicles performing braking and cornering manuevers, vol. 1: executive summary. Bohn, P.F. Butler, M.C. Dunkle, H.D. Eshleman, R.L.
Computer simulation of the effect of cargo shifting on articulated vehicles performing braking & cornering manuevers, vol. 2. Bohn, P.F. Butler, M.C Dunkle, H.D Eshleman, R.L.
Computer simulation of the effect of cargo shifting on articulated vehicles performing braking & cornering manuevers, vol. 4: user's manual for TDVS/SLOSH. Bohn, P.F. Butler, M.C Dunkle, H.D. Eshleman, R.L
Computer simulation of the effect of cargo shifting on articulated vehicles performing braking & cornering manuevers, vol. 3 Technical Supplement. Bohn, P.F. Butler, M.C Dunkle, H.D. Eshleman, R.L
Computer simulation of the effect of liquid cargo shifting on articulated vehicles performing braking and cornering maneuvers: volume 4, User's Manual for TDVS/SLOSH. Bohn, P.F. Butler, M.C. Dunkle, H.D. Eshleman, R.L.
Computer Simulation of the Effect of Road Roughness on Tire- Pavement Forces for an Articulated Vehicle Performing Braking and Cornering Maneuvers. Kuehne, C.S. Bohn, P.F.
Computer simulation of vehicle handling.
Computer simulation of vehicle handling, vol. 1: summary report.
Computer simulation study of the operational effects of two-way left-turn lanes on urban four-lane roadways. Ballard, J.L. McCoy P.T.
Computer-aided synthesis of wastewater treatment and sludge disposal systems. Rossman, Lewis A.
Computerized model for simulating the braking & steering dynamics of trucks, tractor-semitrailers, doubles, & triples combinations - User's manual, phase 4. MacAdam, Charles C. Fancher, Paul S. Garrick T. Gillespie, Thomas D.
Concept of Intelligent Materials and the Guidelines on R&D Promotion.
Concrete median barrier research, vol. 2: research report . Bronstad, M.E. Calcote, L.R. Kimball, C.E.
Concrete safety shape simulations with program guard. Welch, R.E.
Concrete safety shape with metal rail on top to redirect 80,000 lb trucks. Hirsch, T.J. Fairbanks, W.L. Buth, C.E.
Conditional analysis of accidents at four-approach traffic circles. Al-Bakri, A. Conaway, M.R. Stoner, J.
Conference of lightning and static electricity, held at Culham Laboratory, Abingdon, England.
Confined space entry: an evaluation of current practices & procedures used by general industry with recommendations for improvements to the confined space entry standard. Stobbe, T.J. Plummer, R.W. Mogensen, J.E.
Conflicts at traffic circles in New Jersey. Sadegh, A. Mehta, J. Smith M.
Considerations for preparation of operation and maintenance manuals. Green, R.L. Page, G.L. Johnson, W.M.
Conspicuity for pedestrians and bicyclists: definition of the problem, development and test of countermeasures. Blomberg, Richard D. Hale, Allen Preusser, David F.
Construction equipment, vol. 1: 1964-April 1976, a bibliography with abstracts. Habercom, Guy
Construction equipment: May 1976-March 1980, citations from the NTIS database. Habercom, Guy
Construction industry.
Construction zone safety and delination study. Davis, Thomas D.
Consumer information program on bumpers V.1.
Consumer information program on bumpers V.2.
Consumer product safety index, vol. 2. Clark, Carl C. Smith, G. Michael
Consumer product safety index, vol. 3. Clark, Carl C. Smith, G. Michael
Consumer product safety index. Clark, Carl C. Smith, G. Michael
Contact-Impact problems. Volume 1, Engineering report and user's manual. Taylor, R.L. Sackman, J.L.
Contact-Impact problems. Volume 2, programmers manual . Taylor, R.L. Sackman, J.L.
Contractor guide to advance preparation for accident investigation.
Contributions of the industrial hygienist. Smith, Ralph G.
Contributions of vehicle factors and roadside features to rollover in single-vehicle crashes--task 2 of project, 'Crash avoidance research--stability and control'. Terhune, Kenneth W.
Control layout report for riding mowers. Van Houten, Terry
Control of Exposure to Metalworking Fluids. O'Brien, D. Frede, J.
Control of Hazardous Energy (Lockout/Tagout).
Control of hydrocarbons from tank truck gasoline loading terminals. Polglase, William Kelly, Winton
Control of large commercial vehicle accidents caused by front tire failures: Final report. Anderson, R.L. Nidey, R.A. McCormick, G. Russoniello, F.
Control of PCBs at the local government level. McCloskey, Francis X.
Control of respirable dust in noncoal mines and ore processing mills.
Control of unconfined vapor clouds by fire dept. water spray handlines.
Control of volatile organic compound leaks from gasoline tank trucks and vapor collection systems. Shedd, Stephen A. McLaughlin, Nancy D.
Control of volatile organic emissions from bulk gasoline plants. Shedd, Stephen A. Efird, Neil
Control responses of automobile drivers relative to type of highway and steering normally used. Soliday, Stanley M. Allen, John A.
Controlling electrical hazards.
Controlling electrical hazards.
Controlling occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens in dentistry.
Controlling odors emitted from packaging materials, Jan 76-Apr 86, citations from the PIRA database.
Conventional road safety, phase I. Rinde, E.A.
Conversion to the NARD computer program to the PC environment . McHale, Gene M. Legere, Jay F.
Cooperation between state highway and environmental agencies in dealing with hazardous waste in the right-of-way. Schick, J.R.
Coordination of vasic intersection design elements: an overview. Walker, R.J.
Correlating resilient moduli from pressuremeter tests to laboratory California bearing ratio tests. Cosentino, P.J. and Chen, Y.
Correlation of NCAP performance with fatality risk in actual head-on collisions. Kahane, Charles J.
Cost and leadtime estimates for improved pillar padding / automatic slack adjusters, visual brake adjustment indicators and tractor / trailer ABS connections..
Cost and leadtime estimates for improved pillar padding/automatic slack adjusters, visual brake adjustment indicators and tractor/trailer ABS connections.
Cost effectiveness in hypertension management. Stason, William B.
Cost of highway crashes. Miller, T. Viner, J Rossman, S. Pindus, N Gellert, W Douglas, J. Dillingham, A. Bloomquist, G.
Cost of injuries to employers: a traffic safety compendium . Miller, Ted R.
Cost/benefit analysis of fire detectors. Waterman, Thomas E. Mniszewski, Kim R. Spadoni, D.J.
Cost/benefit analysis of head shields for 112A/114A series tank cars. Adams, D.E. Bullerdiek, W.A. Pattern, J.S. Vassalo, F.A.
Cost-effectivemess of countermeasures for utility pole accidents. Zegeer, Charles V. Parker, Martin R., Jr.
Cost-effectiveness of hot-dip galvanizing for exposed steel . Coburn, Seymour K.
Costs of placing fill in a flood plain.
Counting injuries and illnesses in the workplace: Proposals for a better system.
Crane or derrick suspended personnel platforms.
Cranes: a guide to good work practice for operators.
Crash 2 User's Manual - Interim Report. McHenry, Raymond R. Lynch, James P.
Crash cushions of waste materials. Marquis, E.L. Hirsch, T.J. Buth, C.E.
Crash performance of emergency locking retractor seat belts . Stott, J.D. Garth, R. Herbert, D.C.
Crash simulation of composite and aluminum helicopter fuselages using a finite element program. Winter, R. Pifko, A.B. Cronkhite, J.D.
Crash survival design guide.
Crash test evaluation of guardrail systems utilizing the new charley post. Bronstad, M.E. Kimball, C.E.
Crash Test Evaluation of Thrie Beam Traffic Barriers . Bronstad, Maurice E. Jarvis D. Michie J. G. Viner W. E. Behm
Crash test performance of a prototype lightweight concrete energy-absorbing guardrail system. Warner, Charles Y. Walker, Grant W.
Crash test results for Hi-dri cell crash cushion: Interim report. Young, B.O. Walker, G. W.
Crash tests of construction zone traffic barriers - Second Interim Report on Research Project 102-1, Research Report 82 . Hahn, Kenneth C. Bryden, James E.
Crash tests of light-post thrie-beam traffic barriers . Bryden, James E. Hahn, Kenneth C.
Crash tests of sharply curved light-post guiderail. Bryden, James E. Hahn, Kenneth C.
Crash tests of small highway sign supports. Interim Report . Ross, Hayes E. Jr. Walker, Kenneth C. Effenberger, Micahel J.
Crash tests of work zone traffic control devices - Final Report on Research Project 102-13. Bryden, James E.
CRASH# user's guide and technical manual.
Crash: a computer simulator of nonlinear transient response of structures. Young, J. William
CRASH2 maintenance, vol. 1: description of results . Oppenheim, Tim
CRASH2 maintenance, vol. 2: listings of test runs. Oppenheim, Tim
CRASH2 user's manual. McHenry, Raymond R. Lynch, James P.
Crash3 User's Guide and Technical Manual.
Crashworthiness of motor vehicles: a bibliography. Flynn, Lois
Crashworthiness of the subcompact vehicle. Final report.
Crashworthiness of vehicle structures: passenger car roof structures program. Carl, Robert A. Williams, George K.
Crashworthy helicopter seats and occupant restraint systems . Singley, George T III Desjardins, Stanley P.
Criteria document for PCBs. Nisbet, Ian C.T.
Criteria for a recommended standard - Occupational exposure to 1,1,1-Trichloroethane (Methyl chloroform).
Criteria for a recommended standard - Occupational exposure to alkanes (C5-C8).
Criteria for a recommended standard - Occupational exposure to asbestos.
Criteria for a recommended standard - occupational exposure to hot environments.
Criteria for a recommended standard - occupational exposure to n- Alkane mono thiols, cyclohexanethiol, benzenethiol.
Criteria for a Recommended Standard - Occupational Exposure to Phenol.
Criteria for a recommended standard - occupational exposure to refined petroleum solvents.
Criteria for a recommended standard - Occupational exposure to sulfuric acid.
Criteria for a recommended standard - occupational exposure to toluene.
Criteria for a recommended standard - occupational exposure to xylene.
Criteria for a recommended standard - working in confined spaces. Pettit, Ted A. Gussey, Patricia M. Simons, Rebecca S.
Criteria for a recommended standard : occupational exposure to methyl alcohol..
Criteria for a recommended standard... Occupational exposure to ammonia.
Criteria for a recommended standard: occupational exposure to benzene.
Criteria for a recommended standard: occupational exposure to epichlorohydrin.
Criteria for a recommended standard: occupational exposure to ethylene glycol monobutyl ether and ethylene glycol monobutyl ether acetate.
Criteria for a recommended standard: occupational exposure to methylene chloride.
Criteria for a recommended standard: occupational exposure to oxides of nitrogen (nitrogen dioxide and nitric oxide).
Criteria for a recommended standard: occupational exposure to tungsten and cemented tungsten carbide.
Criteria for a recommended standard: welding, brazing, and thermal cutting [abridged ed.].
Criteria for balanced geometric design of two-lane rural highways. Oppenlander, J.C. Dawson, R.F.
Criteria for controlling occupational exposure to cobalt.
Criteria for evaluation of truck weight enforcement programs . Downs, Hugh G.
Criteria for guardrail need and location on embankments -- volume II: computer input and sample output. Ross, Hayes E. Jr. Post, Edward R.
Criteria for guardrail need and location on embankments. Volume 1: development of criteria. Ross, Hayes E. Jr. Post, Edward R.
Criteria for guardrail need and location on embankments. Volume II: Computer Input and Sample Output. Ross, Hayes E. Jr. Post, Edward R.
Criteria for the design of safe sloping culvert grates -- volume I: development of criteria. Ross, Hayes E. Jr. Post, Edward R.
Criteria of full-scale embankment tests with computer simulations -- volume I: test results and comparisons. Ross, Hayes E. Jr. Post, Edward R.
Current Issues of Occupant Protection in Car Rear Impacts..
Current trends in the prosecution of products liability actions [lecture notes]. Barnett, Ralph L.
Curve design and tests on the Pennsylvania turnpike. Stonex, Kenneth A. Noble, Charles M.
Cutting experiments with plastic edges. Wakamiya, Stanley K
CWA/Crunch Input Data Manual, revised.
Damages and threats caused by hazardous materials sites.
Danger of ignition of ground cover fuels by vehicle exhaust systems. Harrison, Rob
Data analysis and instrumentation requirements for evaluating rail joints and rail fasteners in urban track. Prause, Robert H. Harrison, Harold D.
Data from the Drug Abuse Warning Network, Annual Data 1989.
Data update on toy-related injuries, 1987. Tinsworth, Deborah Kale
Dealing with Hazardous waste sites, a compendium for highway agencies. Friend, David Connery, Jan
Decision sight distance for highway design and traffic control requirements. McGee, H.W. Moore, W. Knapp, B.G. Sanders, J.H.
Decision support system for evaluation and treatment of earth slope instability. Grivas, D.A. Reagan, J.C.
Decommissioning Handbook.
Demonstration of the efffectiveness of an industrial lift truck operator safety training program utilizing a behavior sampling procedure. Cohen, H. Harvey Jensen, Roger C.
Demonstrations of control technology for secondary lead reprocessing, vol. 1. Burton, D.J. Simonson, A.V. Emmel, B.B. Hunt, D.B.
Demonstrations of control technology for secondary lead reprocessing, vol. 2. Burton, D.J. Simonson, A.V. Emmel, B.B. Hunt, D.B.
Department of the Army Field Manual: Northern Operations.
Department of Transportation's motor vehicle defect-testing procedures were reasonable public announcements of potential safety defects coule be improved.
Deployable head restraints. Melvin, J.W. McElhaney, J.H.
Descriptive parameters use in analyzing the braking and handling of heavy trucks: measurements of the longitudinal and lateral traction properties of truck tires, Vol. 3. Fancher, Paul S.
Descriptive parameters use in analyzing the braking and handling of heavy trucks: properites of antilock systems, Vol. 5 . MacAdam, C.C. Fancher, Paul S.
Descriptive parameters used in analyzing the braking and handling of heavy trucks. Measurements of the longitudinal and lateral traction properties of truck tires, vol. 3: Data volume (in 3 notebooks). Fancher, P.S.
Design and cost analysis of truck/trailer rear underride guards. Taylor, Theodore Ludtke, Norman F.
Design and operation of the mobility development laboratories (MDL) statics and dynamic test machines. Wyen, Gerald R.
Design and tests of a precast concrete barrier for work zones . Ross, Hayes E. Sicking, Dean L.
Design concepts for safer matches and lighters.
Design criteria and guidelines for falling object protective structures (FOPS).
Design guide for auxiliary passing lanes on rural two-lane highways. Kaub, A.R. Berg, W.D.
Design guide for home safety.
Design guide for load suspension points, slings and aircraft hard points. Huebner, Walter E.
Design guide for oil spill prevention and control at substations. Zoller, Joe S.
Design manual: Odor and corrosion control in sanitary sewerage systems and treatment plants.
Design manual: onsite wastewater treatment and disposal systems. Otis, Richard J. Boyle, William C. Clements, Ernest V. Schmidt, Curtis J.
Design of power-transmitting shafts. Loewenthal, Stuart H.
Design of Slip Bases For Break-Away Signs. McCollom, Bruce F.
Design of structures to resist nuclear weapons effects . Anderson, Ferd E.
Design of urban highway drainage: the state of the art.
Design, development, and evaluation of a crash-resistant fuel system installation. Buckson, W. Schlegel, W. Smith, I.R.
Design, fabrication, and flight test of the active arm external load stabilization system for cargo handling helicopters . Smith, J.H. Allen, E.M. Vensel, D.
Designing fail-safe structures for highway safety. Tamanini, Flory J.
Designing fire protection for steel columns, third edition.
Designing for aircraft structural crashworthiness. Thomson, Robert G. Caiafa, Ceasar
Detecting leaks: successful methods step-by-step.
Detecting structural heat losses with mobile infrared thermography Part II. Survey of Pease Air Force Base, Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Munis, R.H. Berger, R.H. Marshall, S.J. Bush, M.A.
Detection times to fire-related stimuli by sleeping subjects . Kahn, Michael J.
Determination of inertia, suspension, geometric and stiffness properties of vehicles for use in the analytical evaluation of highway appurtenances. Davis, Sol
Determination of motor vehicle eye height for highway design . Boyd, Miller W. Littleton, Arthur C. Boenau, Ronald E. Pilkington, George B.
Determination of Stopping Sight Distances. Fambro, Daniel B. Fitzpatrick, Kay Koppa, Rodger J.
Determination of stresses in helical gear teeth.
Determinaton of physical criteria for roadside energy conversion systems. McHenry, R.R. Segal, D.J. DeLeys, N.J.
Detonation behavior of ammonium perchlorate as a function of charge density and diameter. Clairmont, A.R. Jaffe, I. Price, D.
Detonation of a flammable cloud following a propane pipeline break: the Dec. 9, 1970 explosion in Port Hudson, MO . Burgess, D.S. Zabetakis, M.G.
Developing of Compliance Test for Truck Rear Underride Protection, Vol. I: Summary Report. Baczynski, R. Johnson, N. Davis, S.
Developing of Compliance Test for Truck Rear Underride Protection, Vol. II: Technical Report. Baczynski, R. Davis, S.
Development and calibration of an aerodynamic disturbance test facility, vol. III: Construction, calibration and operation . Klein, Richard H. Blauvelt, Arthur A. Van Valkenburgh, Paul G.
Development and demonstration of improved truck ladders . Gavin, G. Mate, P. Strassel, D. Conway, K.
Development and evaluation of effective symbol signs . Collins, Belinda Lowenhaupt
Development and testing of integrated seat restraint systems . Robbins, D.H. Roberts, V.L. Henke, A.W. Raney, D.F. Bennett, R.O. McElhaney, J.H.
Development document for effluent limitations guidelines and new source performance standards for the plywood, hardboard and wood preserving segment of the timber products processing point source category. Williams, Richard E.
Development document for effluent limitations guidelines and new source performance standards for the secondary aluminum smelting subcategory of the aluminum segment of the nonferrous metals manufacturing point source category. Thompson, George F.
Development document for effluent limitations guidelines and standards for the nonferrous metals manufacturing point source category, vol. 2: bauxite refining; primary aluminum smelting; secondary aluminum smelting.
Development document for effluent limitations guidelines and standards for the nonferrous metals point source category, vol. 3. Berlow, James R. Hall, Ernst P.
Development guide for reliabiltiy, part 2: design for reliability.
Development of a classification scheme for brake linings, vol. 1. Cook, H.E. White, R.A. Clark, G.L. Johnson, L.K. Sommer, H.J. Buck, O. Szalkowski, L
Development of a classification scheme for brake linings, vol. 2. Cook, H.E. White, R.A. Clark, G.L. Johnson, L.K. Sommer, H.J. Buck, O. Szalkowski, L
Development of a collapsing ring bridge railing system. Final report. Kimball, C.E. Bronstad, M.E. Michie, J.D. Viner, J.G. Wentworth, J.A.
Development of a computer simulation to evaluate the effectiveness of vehicle rear marking and signaling systems . Carlson, William L. Mortimer, Rudolf G.
Development of a cost-effectiveness model for guardrail selection, executive summary. Calcote, L.R.
Development of a cost-effectiveness model for guardrail selection, vol. 1: Technical documentation. Calcote, L.R.
Development of a cost-effectiveness model for guardrail selection, vol. 2: User's manual. Calcote, L.R.
Development of a glass window fracture model for implementation into a zone type computer fire code. Sincaglia, Paul elliott
Development of a Limited-Slip Portable Concrete Barrier Connection. Beason, W. Lynn Bullard, D. Lance
Development of a low-profile portable concrete barrier . Guidry, Todd R. Beason, W. Lynn
Development of a methodology for evaluating road signs . Rockwell, T.H. Bhise, V.D. Safford, R.R.
Development of a nonprimary-explosive low-voltage electric detonator for use in mining operations. Ritter, P.B Day, E.A.
Development of a structural model and materials evaluation procedures: Ballast and Foundation Materials Research Program . Robnett, Q.L. Thompson, M.R. Knutson, R.M. Tarabji, S.D.
Development of a tank test method for a national survey of underground storage tanks. Wilcox, H. Kendall Flora, Jarius D. Haile, Clarence L. Gabriel, Marilyn J. Maresca, Joseph W.
Development of a visibility research capability. Burg, Albert Beers, Jinx Brenner, Mayer F.
Development of aerodynamic disturbance test procedures, vol. II: Technical report. Klein, Richard H. Hogue, Jeffrey R.
Development of air bag-crushable dash-knee bar passive restraint system for small cars, summary. Romeo, David J.
Development of an analytical procedure for prediction of highway barrier performance. McAlpin, George W. Grapham, Malcoln D. Burnett, William C. McHenry, Raymond R.
Development of an experimental methodology for studying motor vehicle impacts with flexible safety barriers. Basso, G.L. Pinkney, F.L. McCaffrey, F.W.
Development of break-away sign supports and slotted steel plate mechanical fuses. Rowan, Neilon J. Olson, Robert M. White, Monroe C.
Development of car/trailer handling and braking standards, vol. II: Technical report for phase I - Rear wheel drive tow cars . Klein, Richard M. Szostak, Henry T.
Development of car/trailer handling and braking standards, vol. III: Appendices for phase I. Klein, Richard M. Szostak, Henry T.
Development of criteria and test methods for eye and face protective devices. LaMarre, David A.
Development of Design Criteria for Exhaust Systems for Open Surface Tanks. Flanigan, L.J. Talbert, S.G. Semones, D.E. Kim, B.C.
Development of draft construction safety standards for excavations, vol. 2. Yokel, F.Y. Stanevich, R.L.
Development of draft construction safety standards for excavations, vol. 1. Yokel, Felix Y. Stanevich, Ronald L.
Development of knowledge and performance tests for heavy vehicle operators: vol. I, development and field test. McKnight, A.J. Kelsey, S.L. Edwards, M.L.
Development of knowledge and performance tests for heavy vehicle operators: vol. II, license administrator/examiner manuals . McPherson, K. McKnight, A.J. Oates, J.F.
Development of limiting velocity models for the highway performance monitoring system (Abridgment). Elkins, G,E Semrau, J.
Development of Safer Highway Appurtenances and Utility Poles, Transportation Research Record 942. Numerous Papers by Various Authors
Development of Safer Roadside Structures and Protective Systems.
Development of safety utility poles: volume 1. Labra, J.J. Kimball, C.E., Jr.
Development of statistical distributions or ranges of standard factors used in exposure assessments. Anderson, E. Browne, N. Duletsky, S. Ramig, J. Warn, T.
Development of vehicle rollover maneuver. Rice, Roy S. Segal, David J. Jones, Ian S.
Development of vehicle rollover manuever, vol. 1. Rice, Roy S. Segal, David J. Jones, Ian S.
Development of vehicle rollover manuever, vol. 2: executive summary. Rice, Roy S. Segal, David J. Jones, Ian S.
Diagnosis of occupational pulmonary diseases, 1976-Nov 1983 (Citations from the Energy database).
Direct measurements of nitrous acid, nitrogen dioxide and formaldehyde in auto exhaust by differential optical absorption spectroscopy. Pitts, James N. Winer, Arthur M. Biermann, Heinz W. Tuazon, Ernesto C. Duignan, David B. Fitz, Dennis R.
Disaster planning at a large corporate headquarters. Ducey, Ann
Do you know...How to achieve a 'satisfactory' DOT safety rating.
Do you know...How to achieve a 'satisfactory' DOT safety rating, safety edition.
Documentation for immediately dangerous to life or health concentrations (IDLHS). Ludwig, Howard R. Cairelli, Susan G. Whalen, John J.
Documentation of input for single vehicle accident computer program. Young, Ronald D. Edwards, Thomas C. Bridwell, Richard J. Ross, Hayes E. Jr.
Documentation of the Illinois Spills Database for the Preliminary Evaluation of the Risk of Accidental Spills of Hazardous Materials in Illinois Waterways.. Demissie, Misganaw Keefer, Laura
DOE acting to control hazardous wastes at its Savannah River Nuclear Facilities.
DOE waste information network annual progress report for PY 1987. Fore, C.S.
DOE waste information network: DOE-DP hazardous and mixed waste database: a user's guide. Fore, C.S. Blair, M.T. Phillips, M.H.
Dollars and Sense: a summary of the financial responsibilty regulations for underground storage tank systems.
Downgrade speed characteristics of heavy vehicles. Polus, Abishai
Draft mission plan amendment. U.S. Department of Energy
Dragnet vehicle arresting system: a tentative progress memorandum on contract No. CPR-11-5851, U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Bureau of Public Roads. Hirsch, T.J. Hayes, Gordon G. Ivey, Don L.
Dredge Safety Hazard Analysis. Schaffer, Louis Patterson, William Davis, Cathering
Driver behavior and accident involvement: implications for tort liability.
Driver behavior under abnormal conditions: physical impairment, drugs and gases (citations from NTIS database, 1970-Sept 1984) .*** Vehicle lighting: a subject bibliography from Highway Safety Literature.
Driver characterizing function - the g-g diagram. Rice, Roy S. Alianello, Donald A.
Driver Characterizing Function The g-g Diagram (A). Rice, Roy S., Alianello, Donald A.
Driver injury in automobile accidents involving certain car models. Campbell, B.J.
Driver injury in automobile accidents involving certain car models: an update. Campbell, B.J.
Driver performance and individual differences in attention and information processing, vol. 1: driver inattention. Zaidel, David M. Paarlberg, William T. Shinar, David
Driver performance and individual differences in attention and information processing, vol. 2: field dependence and highway safety. Shinar, David Zaidel, David M. Paarlberg, William T.
Driver performance data book. Henderson, Robert
Dynamic aspects of grip strength. Fitzhugh, Frederick E.
Dynamic behavior of an automobile traversing selected curbs and medians. Ross, Hayes E. Jr. Post, Edward R.
Dynamic field test of wooden signposts. Sankey, Foster C.
Dynamic full scale impact tests of cable type median barriers test series VII.
Dynamic full scale impact tests of cable type median barriers test series IX.
Dynamic full-scale impact tests of bridge barrier rails . Nordlin, E.R. Field, R.N. Hackett, R.P.
Dynamic pavement loads of heavy highway vehicles. Whittemore, Allan P. Wiley, John R. Schultz, Phillip C. Pollock, Donald E.
Dynamic Response of Guardrail Posts in Soil. Bedewi, Nabih Elias
Dynamic responses of railroad car models to vertical and lateral rail inputs. Sewall, John L. Parrish, Russell V. Durling, Barbara J.
Dynamic sled testing of child restraints. Kelleher, Barbara J. Walsh, Michael J.
Dynamic stability of rotor-bearing systems. Gunter, Edgar J. Jr.
Dynamic testing of innovative solutions to child occupant protection problems. Weber, Kathleen Melvin, John W.
Dynamic tests of an energy absorbing barier employing water- filled plastic cells. Nordlin, Eric F. Woodstrom, James H. Doty, Robert N.
Dynamic tests of an energy-absorbing barrier employing steel drums. Nordlin, Eric F. Woodstrom, James H. Doty, Robert N.
Dynamic tests of an energy-absorbing barrier employing water- filled cells. Nordlin, Eric F. Woodstrom, James H. Doty, Robert N.
Dynamic Tests of Corrugated Metal Beam Guardrail. Beaton, John L. Eric F. Nordlin Robert N. Field
Dynamic tests of corrugated metal beam guardrail. Beaton, John L.. Nordlin, Eric F. Field, Robert N.
Dynamic Tests of Metal Beam Guardrail, Series XXVII. Nordlin, E. F. J. R. Stoker R. L. Stoker
Dynamic tests of short sections of corrugated metal beam guardrail. Nordlin, Eric F. Field, Robert N. Folsom, J.J.
Dynamic tests of steel box beam and concrete median barriers . Nordlin, Eric F. Field, Robert N.
Dynamic tests of the california type 20 bridge barrier rail . Nordlin, Eric F. Woodstrom, James H. Hackett, Raymond P. Folsom, J. Jay
Dynamics of motorcycle impact 1971-1973 vol. II: motorcycle crash test program. Bothwell, P.W. Peterson, H.C.
Dynamics of motorcycle impact III. part C: conclusions and recommendations. Peterson, H.C. Bothwell,
Dynamics of motorcycle impact III. vol. I, summary report, results of crash test program and computer simulation . Peterson, H.C. Bothwell, P.W. Knight, R.E.
Dynamics of motorcycle impact III. vol. II, part a: motorcycle crash test program, results of crash test series 1, 1973-74 . Bothwell, P.W. Peterson, H.C.
Dynamics of motorcycle impact III. vol. II, part b: motorcycle crash test program, results of crash test series 2. Bothwell, P.W. Peterson, H.C.
Dynamics of motorcycle impact, vol. 1: summary report, results of crash test program and computer simulation. Bothwell, P.W. Knight, R.E. Peterson, H.C.
E-Algebras in switching theory. Semon, Warren
Ease of Ignition of Fabrics Exposed to Flaming Heat Sources - Final Report. Heskestad, G.
Economic and safety considerations for establishing minimum lateral obstacle clearance policies for utility facilities in Nebraska urban and suburban areas. Faller, Ronald K. Holloway, James C. Post, Edward R. Ataullah, Syed
Economic aspects of high speed gravel roads. Reckard, Matthew
Economic consequences of automobile accident injuries, vol. 1 (part 1 and 2).
Economic consequences of automobile accident injuries, vol. 2 (part 3).
Economic cost to society of motor vehicle accidents.
Economic impact of noise.
Effect of brake adjustment on braking performance. Flick, Mark A.
Effect of cargo shifting on vehicle handling. Culley, C. Anderson, R.L. Wesson, L.E.
Effect of curb geometry and location on vehicle behavior . Olson, R.M. Weaver, G.D. Ross, H.E., Jr. Post, E.R.
Effect of guardrail in a narrow median upon Pennsylvania drivers. Sacks, William Louis
Effect of longitudinal edge of paved surface drop-off on vehicle stability. Nordlin, E.F. Parks, D.M. Stoughton Stoker, J.R.
Effect of mortar properties on strength of masonry. Fishburn, Cyrus C.
Effect of Pavement Roughness on Safe Vehicle Handling Characteristics. Quinn, B. E. Hildebrand, S. E.
Effect of the air hammer on the hands of stonecutters . Hamilton, Alice Rothstein, Thor Edsall, L. Leake, J.P.
Effect of Tire Wear on Skid Resistance. Gusakov, I. Bogdan, Tapia, L.
Effect of truck size and weight on accident experience and traffic operations: Vol. 2, Traffic operations. Hanscom, Fred R.
Effect of Truck Size and Weight on Accident Experience and Traffic Operations, Vol. III: Accident Experience of Large Trucks. Vallette, Gerald R. McGee, Hugh Sanders, James H. Enger, Deborah J.
Effective highway barriers. Viner, John G. Tamanini, F.J.
Effective use of passing lanes on two-lane highways. Harwood, D.W. Hoban, C.J. Warren, D.L.
Effective warning devices for parked/disabled vehicles . Lyles, Richard W.
Effectiveness of changeable message displays in advance of high- speed freeway lane closures. Hansocm, Fred R.
Effectiveness of highway arterial lighting: design guide . Janoff, M.S. Koth, B. McCunney, W. Freedman, M. Duerk, C. Berkovitz, M.
Effectiveness of highway arterial lighting: final report . Janoff, M.S. Koth, B McCunney, W. Freedman, M. Duerk, C. Berkovitz, M.
Effectiveness of retroreflective tape on heavy trailers (The) . Morgan, Christina
Effectiveness of steady-burn lights for traffic control in tangent sections of highway work zones. Pant, P.D. Park, Y.
Effects of alcohol on driving skills. Mortimer, R.G. Sturgis, S.P.
Effects of alcohol on performance in a driving simulator of alcoholics and social drinkers. Moskowitz, H.
Effects of control location upon performance time for knob, toggle switch, and push button. Sharp, Earl D. Hornseth, John P.
Effects of embedment depth, soil properties, and post type on the performance on highway guardrail post. Eggers, David W. Hirsch, T.J.
Effects of fatigue on human behavior and performance: a bibliography with abstracts. Crockett, Pernell
Effects of future conditions upon motor vehicle safety requirements. Joksch, Hans C. Reidy, Joseph C.
Effects of head restriction on drivers' eye movements and errors in simulated dangerous situations. Schroeder, Stephen R. Allen, John A. Ball, Patricia G.
Effects of intelligent cruise control on driving behaviour: a simulator study. Hogema, J.H. Janssen, W.H.
Effects of noise on people. Miller, James D.
Effects of postulated event devices on normal operation of piping systems in nuclear power plants. Landers, D.F. Hookway, R.D. Desai, K.D.
Effects of road surface texture on traffic and vehicle noise . Glazier, G, Samuels, S.
Effects of seatwings and seatbelts on the response of forklift truck operator during lateral dynamic tipovers. Alem, Nabih M.
Effects of steering and suspension component degradation on automobile stability and control, part 1: summary report . Bird, K.D.
Effects of steering and suspension component degradation on automobile stability and control, part II: technical report, vol. 1: Literature review. Vergara, R.D.
Effects of steering and suspension component degradation on automobile stability and control, part II: technical report, vol. 2: Test plan. Belsdorf, M.R.
Effects of steering and suspension component degradation on automobile stability and control, part II: technical report, vol. 3: Test results. Belsdorf, M.R. Rice, R.S.
Effects of steering and suspension component degradation on automobile stability and control, part II: technical report, vol. 4: Inspection requirements.
Effects of steering and suspension component degradation on automobile stability and control, part II: technical report, vol. 5: Appendices. Belsdorf, M.R. Rice, R.S. Roland, R.D.
Effects of Tire Properties on Truck and Bus Handling - Appendix C Vol. II. Ervin, R.D. Winkler, C.B. Bernard, J.E. Gupta, R.K.
Effects of Tire Properties on Truck and Bus Handling, Vol. 1 . Ervin, R.D. Winkler, C.B. Bernard, J.E. Gupta, R.K.
Effects of Truck Size on Driver Behavior. Seguin, Edmond L. Crowley, Kenneth, L. Harrison, Jr. Paul C. Perchonok, Kenneth
Effects of turns by larger trucks at urban intersections . Hummer, J.E. Zegeer, C.V. Hanscom, F.R.
Effects of vertical dynamic loading on corrugated fiberboard containers. Godshall, W.D.
Effects of weight distributing hitch torque on car-trailer directional control and braking. Klein, Richard H. Szostak, Henry T.
Efficient Computation of Head Injury Criterion (HIC) Values . Mentzer, Stuart G.
Ejection risk in automobile accidents. Anderson, Theodore E.
Elastic plastic response of long slender rods subjected to impulsive type loadings. Valentine, Massey B. Whitehouse, Gerald D.
Eldery and handicapped transportation: 8 case studies.
Electric shock prevention investigation, task 1: Report background study. Kogler, K.J.
Electrical insulation fire characteristics, vol. 1: flammability tests. Meyer, L.E. Taylor, A.M. York, J.A.
Electrical insulation fire characteristics, vol. 2: toxicity . Crane, Charles R. Endecott, Boyd R. Sanders, Donald C. Abbott, John K.
Electrical protection handbook: selecting protective devices Based on the 1981 National Electrical Code. Bussmann Division, McGraw-Edison Comapny
Electrical standards for construction.
Electron microscopy of explosion and fire residues. Ng., Daniel L. Cashdollar, Kenneth L. Hertzberg, Martin Lazzara, Charles P.
Electroplating: a bibliography, Dec. 1955-May 1972.
Emergency Life-Saving Instant Exit System For Cargo, Cargo- Transport and Passenger Aircraft (An). Nicholson, D.E. Burkdoll, F.B.
Emergency management U.S.A..
Emergency medical treatment needs: chronic and acute exposure to hazardous materials. Hammond, David A. Anderson, Horace S. Koontz, Michael D.
Emergency planning for dams: bibliography and abstracts of selected publications. Owen, H. James
Emergency preparedness for transportation incidents involving radioactive materials..
Emergency preparedness for transportation incidents involving radioactive materials..
Employee Health and Safety in the Lithographic Printing Industry.
Employer rights & responsibilies following an OSHA inspection.
Endurance & other properties of rail steel, pt 1: Endurance properties of rail steel; pt 2: comparative tests of rail steel cast in standard and sink-head molds of the Gathmann type . Freeman, John R. Berry, William J. Dowdell R.L.
Energetics of the United States of America: an atlas . Drysdale, Frank R. Calef, Charles E.
Energy and environmental issues.
Energy involved in construction materials and procedures . Halstead, Woodrow J.
Energy: Bibliography of GAO Documents January 1986 - December 1989.
Engineering and construction manual for an instrument to make burn hazard measurements in consumer products. Marzetta, Louis A.
Engineering and development program plan aircraft crashworthiness.
Engineering Design Handbook: Analysis and Design of Automotive Brake Systems.
Engineering design handbook: computer aided design of mechanical systems.
Engineering design handbook: computer aided design of mechanical systems, part 2.
Engineering design handbook: criteria for environmental control of mobile systems.
Engineering design handbook: military vehicle electrical systems [bound in 2 parts].
Engineering hazard analysis of residential LP-gas fuel usage . Bullerdiek, W.A.
Engineering of location: the selection and evaluation of trial grade lines by an electronic digital computer. Suhrbier, John H. Roberts, Paul O.
Environment, safety and health report for the Dept. of Energy defense complex.
Environment, safety, and health needs of the U.S. Dept. of Energy, vol. 1: assessment of needs.
Environment, safety, and health needs of the U.S. Dept. of Energy, vol. 2: site summaries.
Environmental conditions in U.S. copper smelters. Wagner, William L.
Environmental management 1995.
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program: Ecological Indicators. Hunsaker, C.T.
Environmental radiation data, report 57 (Jan.-March 1989).
Environmental research needs in transportation.
Environmental restoration & waste management (EM) fact sheets.
Environmental restoration and waste management (EM) program, An introduction.
Environmental restoration and waste management 5 year plan.
Environmental restoration and waste management five-year plan: fiscal years 1994-1998: Volume I..
Environmental restoration and waste management five-year plan: fiscal years 1994-1998: Installation summaries.
Environmental restoration and waste management program: an introduction.
Environmental restoration and waste management robotics technology development program, robotics 5-year program plan, vol. 1: executive summary.
Environmental restoration and waste management robotics technology development program 5 year program plan, vol. 2: program plan.
Environmental restoration and waste management robotics technology development program 5 year program plan, vol. 3: site needs and requirements.
Environmental restoration and waste management, 5 year plan, fiscal years 1992-1996.
Environmental restoration and waste management, 5 year plan, fiscal years 1993-1997, executive summary.
Environmental restoration and waste management, 5 year plan, fiscal years 1993-1997.
Environmental survey: preliminary summary report of the Defense production facilities.
Environmental tobacco smoke: measuring exposures and assessing health effects.
EPA Bibliographic Series, Indoor radon pollution. Hoffman, Mary (Complier)
EPA enforcement accomplishments report, FY 1992.
EPA guide for identifying cleanup alternatives at hazardous waste sites and spills: biological treatment.
EPA/DOE hazardous waste control technology database: interim status report. Fore, C.S. Lee, C.C. Ferguson, R.A.
EPA's consideration of permanent cleanup remedies.
Epidemiological basis for manual lifting guidelines. Garg, Arun
Epidemiology and differential diagnosis in injuries and degenerative diseases of the low back. Nordby, Eugene
Epidemiology in studies of occupational health. Enterline, Philip E.
Epidemiology research projects directory, vol. 1.
Equilibrium and transient rolling resistance of truck tires measured on Calspan's tire research facility. Gusakov, I Tapia, G.A. Bogdan, L.
Erection procedure for glued-laminated timber bridge decks with dowel connectors. Tuomi, Roger L.
Ergonomic basis for recommendations pertaining to specific sections of OSHA standard 29 CFR 1910 Subpart D, Walking and working surfaces. Armstrong, Thomas J. Chaffin, Don B. Midonski, Roy Stobbe, Terrence Boydstun, Louis
Ergonomic Research on School Bus Cross Mirror Systems . Garrott, W. R. Rockwell, T. H. Kiger, S. M.
Establishment of interim guidelines for bridge rails required to contain heavy vehicles, vol. 1: statement of criteria. Bloom, J.A. Rudd, T.J. Labra, J.J
Establishment of interim guidelines for bridge rails required to contain heavy vehicles, vol. 2: Technical approach. Bloom, J.A. Rudd, T.J. Labra, J.J.
Establishment of interim guidelines for bridge rails required to contain heavy vehicles, vol. 3: Appendices to technical report. Bloom, J.A. Rudd, T.J. Labra, J.J.
Establishment of interim guidelines for bridge rails required to contain heavy vehicles, vol. 4: Development of simplified input & flexible criteria capabilities for the Barrier VII Program . Bloom, J.A.
Estimating accident potential of Ontario road sections . Persaud, B.N.
Estimating concentrating downwind from an instantaneous puff release. Petersen, William B.
Estimating the cold war mortgage, the 1995 baseline environmental management report. Vol. II: Site summaries.
Estimating the cold war mortgage, The 1995 baseline environmental management report. Vol. I (A second copy of Vol II is filed with this report. See Triodyne #2001 for other copy.) .*** Estimating the cold war mortgage, The baseline environmental management report, Executive summary.
Estimation of economic savings from increased safety belt use . Blincoe, Lawrence
Ethylene oxide sterilizers in health care facilities: engineering controls and work practices.
Evacuation risks: an evaluation. Hans, Joseph M. Sell, Thomas C.
Evaluate airbag restraints for subcompact car drivers, vol. 2: final program report. Michie, J.D. Bronstad, M.E.
Evaluating falsework stresses from post-tensioning. Okada, Glenn H. Hamada, Harold S.
Evaluating grade-separated rail and highway crossing alternatives. Taggart, R.C. Lauria, P. Groat, G. Rees, C. Brick-Turin, A.
Evaluation of 5 railroad engine alerting and warning light systems. Sanders, Mark Aylworth, Charles O'Benar, John
Evaluation of a paint spray booth utilizing air recirculation . Norton, L.E. Bryan, R.J. Becvar, D.P.
Evaluation of a pressurized stairwell smoke control system for a 12 story apartment building. Fung, Francis C.W.
Evaluation of an aluminum tor-shok barrier.
Evaluation of available cleanup technologies for uncontrolled waste sites.
Evaluation of belt positioning booster seats and lap/shoulder belt test procedures. Howe, J. Gavin Sullivan, Lisa K.
Evaluation of bolted base steel channel signpost. Ross, Hayes E. Jr. Sweeney, Lawrence
Evaluation of brake adjustment criteria for heavy trucks . Fancher,P. Bareket, Z, Blower, D. Mink, C. Campbell, K.
Evaluation of center high mounted stop lamps based on 1987 data. Kahane, Charles J.
Evaluation of chain saw kickback motion using an optoelectronic measurement system. Robinson, Donald Federman, Charles
Evaluation of chain saw simulated kickback modes. Robinson, Donald
Evaluation of child safety seat enforcement strategies.
Evaluation of diagnostic analysis and test equipment for small automotive repair establishments.
Evaluation of Door Locks and Roof Crush Resistance of Passenger Cars Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards 206 and 216 . Kahane, Ph.D., Charles J.
Evaluation of geometric aggressiveness of full-size automobiles. Final Report. Ryder, Melvin O., Jr.
Evaluation of Head Restraints, Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 202 (An). Kahane, Charles Jesse
Evaluation of load-indicating devices (LIDS) for mobile construction cranes. Rosenfield, Myer J. Wendler, Bruce H.
Evaluation of proximity warning devices (Phase III, Volume 2).
Evaluation of proximity warning devices.
Evaluation of proximity warning devices, phase II.
Evaluation of proximity warning devices. Hipp, J.E. Henson, F.E. Martin, P.E. Phillips, G.N.
Evaluation of reflective markers. Kidd, Sidney Q.
Evaluation of roadway safety features by computer simulation - a final report. Ross, Hayes E. Jr.*** Concrete median barrier research. Volume 1: Executive Study. Final Report. Bronstad, M.E. Calcote, L.R. Kimball, C.E. Jr.
Evaluation of safe performance secondary school driver education curriculum demonstration project. Stock, J.R. Weaver, J.K. Ray, H.W. Brink, J.R. Sadof, M.G.
Evaluation of safety roadside rest areas. King, G.F.
Evaluation of safety symbols. Collins, Belinda L. Pierman, Brian C.
Evaluation of static rollover propensity measures. Chrstos, Jeffrey P.
Evaluation of the effectiveness of occupant protection: FMVSS 208, interim report.
Evaluation of the feasibility of a single-beam headlighting system. Halstead-Nussloch, R. Olson, P.L. Burgess, W.T. Flannagan, M.J. Sivak, M.
Evaluation of the NIOSH certification program division of safety research testing certification branch. Brief, R. Corn, M. Firenze, R.
Evaluation of the safety performance of tricycles and minibikes. Rice, Roy S.
Evaluation of the upgraded heavy equipment operators' safety belt restraint system. Benson, Joseph B. Melvin, John W. Snyder, Richard G.
Evaluation of Underground Injection of Industrial Waste in Illinois. Brower, Ross D. Visocky, Adrian, P., Krapac, Ivan G. Hensel, Bruce R. Nealon, John S. Guthrie, Mark
Evaluation of windshield glazing and installation methods for passenger cars. Kahane, Charles J.
Evaluations of automobile rear lighting and signaling systems in driving simulator and road tests. Mortimer, Rudolf G. Sturgis, Samuel P.
Evolution and benefits of preventive maintenance strategies . O'Brien, Louis
Examination of aircraft interior emergency lighting in a postcrash fire environment. Demaree, James
Examination of Sudden Acceleration (An). Pollard, John Sussman, E. Donald
Examination of the effects of the 55 mph speed limit on North Carolina accidents. Council, Forrest M. Pitts, Linda Sadof, Michael Dart, Olin K.
Examination of the lumbosacral spine. Ford, Lee T.
Examination of Truck Accidents on Urban Freeways. Bowman, Brian L. Hummer, Joseph E.
Excavation and Trenching Operations.
Excavations, trenching & shoring: the responsibility for design and safety. Thompson, Louis J. Tanenbaum, Ronald J.
Executive Summary, The 1996 Baseline Environmental Management Report.
Exercise prescription in an industrial fitness program . Dedmon, Robert E.
Existing DWI enforcement-oriented public communications themes and materials.
Existing Structures Evaluation. Part II. Window Glass and Applications. Iverson, J,H,
Exothermal decomposition of mixtures containing ammonium nitrate. Elliott, Martin A.
Experimental and analytical investigation of the effect of bus- induced aerodynamic disturbances on adjacent vehicle control and performance: executive summary report. Weir, David H. Hoh, Roger H. Heffley, Robert K. Teper, Gary L.
Experimental and analytical investigation of the effect of bus- induced aerodynamic disturbances on adjacent vehicle control and performance. Weir, David H. Hoh, Roger H. Heffley, Robert K. Teper, Gary L.
Experimental and analytical investigation of the effect of truck- induced aerodynamic disturbances on passenger car control and performance. Weir, David H. Ringland, Robert F. Heffley, Robert K. Ashkenas, Irving L.
Experimental Evaluation of a Portable Energy Absorbing System for Highway Service Vehicles - Final Report for Phase II . Carney, John F.
Experimental highway testing of alternative vehicle rear lighting systems. Rockwell, Thomas H. Banasik, Robert C.
Experimental investigation of normal perforation of projectiles in metallic plates. Awerbuch, J. Bodner, S.R.
Experimental research on rail vehicle safety using dynamically scaled models. Sweet, Larry M.
Experimental safety cars study, phase I final report, vol. 1.
Experimental safety cars study, phase I final report, vol. 2.
Experimental safety cars study, phase I final report, vol. 3.
Experimental safety cars study, phase I final report, vol. 4.
Experimental safety cars study, phase I: final report.
Experimental Safety Vehicle (Phase 2), developed by General Motors. Experimental Safety Vehicle Group
Experimental safety vehicle program, vol. I: Program summary.
Experimental safety vehicle program, vol. II: Technical elements.
Experimental safety vehicle program, vol. III: Vehicle designs .*** Experimental safety vehicle program, vol. IV: Test specifications.
Experimental safety vehicle program, vol. V: Program plan.
Experimental study of highway aerodynamics interferences . Telionis, D.P. Fahrner, C.J. Jones, G.S.
Experimental verification of the computer program CANOPY by the static testing of a continuous miner canopy. Sawyer, Stephen G. Brogan, Darryl K. Dahle, John L. Karabin, George J.
Expert systems in transportation. O'Leary, Kieran P., ed.
Exploratory analyses of the fatal accident files. Belew, W.W. Wuerdemann, H. Horton, W.F. Helfand, R.M. Holter, W.H. Overbey, J.W.
Exploratory study of glowing electrical connections. Meese, William J. Beausoliel, Robert W.
Exploratory study of temperatures produced by self-heating of residential branch circuit wiring when surrounded by thermal insulation. Beausoliel, R. Meese, W. Galowin, L.
Explosibility of dusts used in the plastics industry . Jacobson, Murray Nagy, John Cooper, Austin R.
Explosibility of metal powders. Jacobson, Murray Cooper, Austin R. Nagy, John
Explosion airblast predictions on a personal computer and application to the Henderson, NV incident. Reed, Jack W.
Explosion development in closed vessels. Nagy, John Seiler, Earl C. Conn, John W. Verakis, Harry C.
Explosion proofing of large vehicles, phase I report. Kline, R. Demler, R. Paas, N.
Explosions of ammonium nitrate fertilizer on board the S.S. Grandcamp and S.S. High Flyer at Texas City, TX April 16-17, 1947. Kintz, G. M. Jones, G. W. Carpenter, Charles B.
Explosives and Blasting Procedures Manual. Dick, Richard A. Fletcher, Larry R. D'Andrea, Dennis V.
Explosives safety officer: Student study guide and workbook, vol. 2.
Explosives safety officer: Student study guide and workbook, vol. 1.
Explosives, propellants and pyrotechnic safety covering laboratory, pilot plant, & production operations. McGill, Russell
Exposure factors handbook. Konz, James J. Lisi, Karen Friebele, Elaine Dixon, Douglas A.
Extended tire testing. Tapia, George A.
Extent of exposure to styrene in the reinforced plastic boat making industry. Crandall, Michael S.
Fabric acoustic insulation: manufacture and applications, Jan. 78-Apr 86 (citations from the World Textile Abstracts database).
FACE Report : Asphalt Milling Superintendent Crushed Under Asphalt Milling Machine - Virginia, August 5, 1994. Anonymous
Fact book: A summary of information about towaway accidents involving 1973-1975 model cars, vol. 2. Hall, Robert G.
Fact book: a summary of information about towaway accidents involving 1973-75 model cars, vol. 2. Hall, Robert G.
Factbook of the mechanical properties of the components for single-unit and articulated heavy trucks.
Factbook on combination vehicles in fatal accidents, 1975-1981. Wolfe, A.C. Filkins, L.D. O'Day, James
Factor of Safety: USAF Design Practice. Muller, George E. Schmid, Clement J.
Factors affecting electrostatic hazards. Kirklin, P.W.
Fall Arrest and Post-Fall Suspension: Literature Review and Directions for Further Research. Bernard F. Hearon, James W. Brinkley
Fatal accident circumstances and epidemiology (FACE report): Billboard worker dies when metal ladder contacts 7200 volt power line in Kentucky.
Fatal accident circumstances and epidemiology (FACE report): Billboard worker dies when scaffold makes contact with power line in Tennessee.
Fatal accident circumstances and epidemiology (FACE) report, lineman supervisior dies following contact with energized conductor, October 25, 1988. Anonyous
Fatal accident circumstances and epidemiology (FACE) report: Foreman electrocuted and lineman injured after truck-mounted crane boom contacts 7,200-volt overhead powerline in Virginis, August 22, 1990.
Fatal accident circumstances and epidemiology (FACE) report: service operations technician dies after contacting 7680-volt switch, May 13, 1989. Anonymous
Fatal accident summery report: Electrocution in a fast food restaurant.
Fatal Highway Accidents on Wet Pavement : The Magnitude, Location and Characteristics.
Fatigue and fracture evaluation for rating riveted bridges . Fisher, J.W. Yen, B.T. Wang, D.
Feasibility analysis in small hydropower planning. Davis, Darryl W. Smith, Brian W.
Feasibility analysis of urban transportation systems with special reference to tunnels. Myers, M.G. Wood, R.K. Lago, A.M. Blattenberger, L.B.
Feasibility of a grade severity rating system. Myers, Thomas T. Ashkenas, Irving L. Johnson, Walter A.
Feasibility of a nationwide network for longer combination vehicles.
Feasibility of Developing Training Programs Designed to Improve Deficient Driver Factors, Vol. I: A Review of Existing Data Bases and Recommendations for Future Data Collection . McKnight, A. James Hume, Rex D.
Feasibility of Developing Training Programs Designed to Improve Deficient Driver Factors, Vol. II: Identifying Accident Avoidance Behaviors: A Guide for Accident Investigators . McKnight, A. James Hume, Rex D.
Feasibility of lightweight cellular concrete for vehicle crash cushions. Ivey, Don L. Buth, Eugene Hirsch, T.J.
Feasibility study of breakaway stub concept for wooden utility poles. Post, Edward R. McCoy, Patrick T. Wipf, Terry Bolton, Robert W. Mohaddes, Abbass
Feasibility study of in-depth accident investigation teams . Mullen, Catherine B. Desper, J. Steven Lacey, John H.
Feasibility study of the computer simulation of vehicle/small sign post interaction. Daily, George Bohn, Paul
Federal agency occupational safety and health programming.
Federal Hazardous Substances Act.
Federal Highway Administration motor carrier safety assistance program accomplishments and effectiveness.
Federal Manual for Indentifying and Delineating Jurisdictional Wetlands.
FHWA International Scanning Report on Advanced Transportation Technology. Dougan, Charles Kaufman, William et al.
FHWA Study Tour for National Travel Surveys (FHWA's Scanning Program- International Technology). McElhaney, David R. Pisarski, Alan et al.
FHWA Study Tour for pedestrian and bicyclist safety in England, Germany, and The Netherlands. Cynecki, Michael Fegan, John et al.
FHWA's scanning program.
Field evaluation of a proximity alarm device. Reynolds, Richard L.
Field investigation of elevator installation and related fatality by possible electrocution. Csamer, Richard P.
Field investigation of noise reduction afforded by insert-type hearing protectors. Edwards, R.G. Hauser, W.P. Moiseev, N.A. Broderson, A.B. Green, W.W. Lempert, B.L.
Field of view requirements directly behind trucks and buses . Reiss, Martin L. Lunenfeld, Harold Morton, George W.
Field test evaluation of rear lighting deceleration signals: I - Analytical and experimental studies. Mortimer, Rudolf G.
Fields Brook, Ashtabula, OH: Superfund site study.
Fifth national high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) facilities conference, HOV facilities -- coming of age. Turnbull, Katherine F., ed.
Figures of merit for motor vehicle conspicuity and visibility subsystems. Ziedman, K Smith, R. Burger, W.
Films for highway safety and traffic engineers. Colpitts, K.
Final environmental impact statement : waste management activities for ground water protection, Savannah River Plant, Aiken, South Carolina. Volume 3.
Final environmental impact statement : waste management activities for ground water protection, Savannah River Plant, Aiken, South Carolina. Volume 2.
Final environmental impact statement : waste management activities for ground water protection, Savannah River Plant, Aiken, South Carolina. Volume 1.
Final regulatory impact analysis for the standard on grain handling facilities.
Final Report of FMVSS Nos. 208, 212, 219 (Partial) and 301 Compliance Testing of a 1991 Ford Festiva 2-Door Hatchback. . Paolini, Vincent M. Travale, David J. and Levan, Walter E.
Final report of the National Commission on Product Safety.
Final report on ladder testing standard.
Final Report, Phase 1, Experimental Safety Car Study.
Final Report-Study for Steering Assemblies for Evaluation, Rating, and Improvements of Safety Performance. Hannemann, Neil E. Sysen, Stephen R.
Final, Recommended shipbuilding construction guidelines for cruise vessels destined to call on U.S. Ports.
Finite element analysis of partially saturate seepage through compacted fills. Stark, T.D. Bixby, W.G.
Fire accidents involving the ignition of sleepwear worn by children under the age of three. Tyrrell, Elaine A.
Fire and car-park buidings. Butcher, E.G. Langdon-Thomas, G.J. Bedford, G.K.
Fire and life safety for the handicapped.
Fire experience and exposure in fixed-guideway transi systems: Boston, Massachusettes, Chicago, Illinois, New York, New York, Path System, New Jersey, Bart System, California, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Fire hazards associated with gas water heaters. Harwood, Beatrice
Fire in motor vehicle accidents; an HSRI special report . Cooley, Peter
Fire incidents involving flammable liquids, gas and dry explosives. Tyrrell, Elaine A.
Fire performance standards and the problem of fire risk assessment. Harmanthy, T.Z.
Fire protection in buildings. Tomasetti, Rochard L. Wildt, Roger H. Kaming, Joseph S. Cohn, Bert M. Sampson, Arthur F. Davis, Fred J. Date 1972
fire resistance of major duct materials: summary report.
Fire Safety of Wood-Burning Appliances, Part II: Fireplace Inserts, a Design Review. Maxwell, T. T. Maples, G. Dyer, D. F. Burch, T.
Fire toxicology: a literature review for polyvinyl chloride . Tewarson, A.
First International Congress on Automotive Safety theme: Standardization of automotive diagnostic systems.
Five year plan for motor vehicle safety and fuel economy rule making calendar years 1980-1984. US Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Five-hundred life-saving interventions and their cost- effectiveness. Tengs, Tammy O. Adams, Miriam E. Pliskin, Joseph E. Safran, Dana Gelb Siegel, Joanna E. Weinstein, Milton C. Graham, John D.
Flammability characteristics of vehicle interior materials . Goldsmith, Alexander
Flammability characteristics of vehicle interior materials: Final technical report. Goldsmith, Alexander
Flammability of skin and hair in oxygen-enriched atmospheres . Durfee, Robert L.
Flammable fabrics program, 1968-1969.
Flashover failures from wet-wire arcing and tracking . Campbell, F.J.
Flexible wire rope rockfall nets. Duffy, J.D.
Flood hazard mitigation: Handbook of common procedures for the interagency regional hazard mitigation teams.
Flow of Liquids and Gases Through Rail Tank Car Safety Valves (The). Sallet, D.W. Weske, J.R. Guhler, M.
FMVSS 208 RM crash simulation support: a crash test of a 1986 Volkswagen Golf into a fixed 30 degree oblique barrier with a closing velocity of 48.3 kph. Wade, B. Sankey, J.
FMVSS 208 RM crash simulation support: a crash test of a 1986 Volkswagen Golf into a fixed 30 degree oblique barrier with a closing velocity of 48.4 kph. Wade, B. Sankey, J.
FMVSS 212/219 vehicle safety compliance and research and development testing of "windshield mounting," "windshield zone intrusion": Commuter vehicles incorporated, 1980 Comuta-Car electric - 2 Door, NHTSA 811001.
Food aroma: Aroma and flavor components, Mar 83 - Jan 86 (citations from the FSTA database).
Food aroma: Aroma and flavor components, Mar 83 - Jan 86 (citations from the FSTA database).
Food packaging machines Jan 72 - Dec 79 (citations from the FSTA database).
Food packaging machines Jan 72 - Dec 79 (citations from the FSTA database).
Food packaging: Odor permeation, 1976-Feb. 1984 (citations from the PIRA database).
Food packaging: Odor permeation, 1976-Feb. 1984 (citations from the PIRA database).
Food Packaging: Odor Permeation: (1976-Oct 82), Citations from the paper and board printing and packaging industries research association data base.
Food packaging: Odor, flavor, and contamination, Jan. 76-Feb. 86 (citations from the PIRA database).
Food packaging: Odor, flavor, and contamination, Jan. 76-Feb. 86 (citations from the PIRA database).
Force Measurements of Riding Lawnmower Tires on Grass and Asphalt Surfaces. Holloway, David C. Zeng, Nian-Ning
Force-Deflection characteristics of guardrail posts: final report - technical. Stout, D. Hinch, J. Yang, T-L.
Ford Aerostar (all model years) - 'Sudden Acceleration,' 'Stability,' 'Rollover,' 'Poor Performance'.
Four seasons guide for saving lives.
Fracture of Brittle Materials Under Transient Mechanical and Thermal Loading. Barnett, Ralph L., Hermann, Paul C., Wingfield, James R., Conners, Chester L.
Freeway and interchange design: a historical perspective . Leisch, J.P.
Freeway incident management handbook. Reiss, Robert A. Dunn Walter M. Jr.
Freeway operations, highway capacity, and traffic flow 1991.
Freight transportation: truck, rail, water, and hazardous materials, 1991.
Frequency of tire disablements among four-tired vehicles on the Illinois tollway. McIlraith, G. Declan Baker, J. Stannard
Fresnel lens blind area viewers for improved mine equipment safety and productivity. Johnson, Guy A.
Friction, restitution, and energy loss in planar collisions . Brach, R.M.
Frictional ignition of gas by mining machines. Hartmann, Irving
Friction-creep and wear studies for steel wheel and rail . Karamchandani, K.C. Kumar, S. Sciammarella, C.A. Seth, B. Nailescu, L. Kalpakjian, S
Fuel tank protection.
Full Sacle Pole-to-Car-Side Impact Tests--Results and Significance. Lozzi, Andrei Derrick Cutting David C. Herbert
Full-scale transport controlled impact demonstration program.
Functional Derivation of vehicle parameters for dynamic studies [internal laboratory report]. Basso, G.L.
Future configuration of tank vehicles hauling flammable liquids in Michigan. Ervin, R.D. Mallikarjunarao, C. Gillespie, T.D.
Future configuration of tank vehicles hauling flammable liquids in Michigan: appendices. Ervin, R.D. Mallikarjunarao, C. Gillespie, T.D.
Gaseous and particulate emissions from gasoline- and diesel- powered heavy-duty trucks. Braddock, James N. Perry, Ned
General computer program for analysis of automobile barriers . Powell, Graham H.
Geometric design and barrier rails: 9 reports.
Geometric Design and Operational Effects.
Geometric design requirements in highway work zones: simulation analysis plan for investigation of pavement/shoulder dropoffs.
Geometric inconsistencies and accident experience on two-lane rural highways. Krammes, R.A. Glascock, S.W.
Geotechnical Engineering.
Geotechnical grouting.
Glare screen guidelines. Transportation Research Board
Glass door injuries and their control.
Gold (a chapter from Mineral Facts and Problems). Lucas, J.M.
Good Way to Die.
Good work practices for tannery workers.
Grade severity rating system (GSRS) users manual. Bowman, Brian L.
Grade-separted intersections. Leisch, J.P.
Grafin - Grafix interactive manual. McHale, G. Haghighi, A. Basu, A.
Grain dust explosions and fires: Research and development.
Grip strength performance in dynamic gripping tasks . Fitzhugh, Frederick E.
Ground-fault circuit protection: Preliminary assessment of technological feasibility and economic impacts.
Ground-fault protection on construction sites.
Ground-fault protection on contruction sites.
Guard Version 3.0 Users and Programmers Manual. McHale, G. Basu, S.
Guard Version 3.1 Users and Programmers Manual. Chou, C.C. Hancock, K. McHale, G. Basu, S.
Guardrail crash test evaluation: new concepts and end designs . Michie, J.D. Bronstad, M.E.
Guardrail encroachment monitor - GEM. Final Report. King, J. Derwin Cerwin, Stephen A.
Guardrail/vehicle dynamic interaction. Bruce, R.W. Hahn, E.E. Iwankiw, N.R.
Guardrails, barriers and sign supports: 5 reports.
Guardrails, Median Barriers and Sign and Light Supports.
Guards on Trucks to Prevent Car Under-Ride. Simons, David A. Neil Gillies
Guidance for controlling asbestos-containing materials in buildings (1985 ed.). Keyes, Dale L. Price, Bertram P. Chesson, Jean
Guidance for developing state and local radiological emergency response plans and preparedness for transportation accidents.
Guidance for developing state, tribal, and local radiological emergency response planning and preparedness for transportation accidents..
Guidance for preventing asbestos disease among auto mechanics.
Guidance manual for petroleum-related LUST cleanups in Illinois.
Guidance on Quality Assurance Requirements During Design and Procurement Phase of Nuclear Power Plants - Revision 1.
Guidance on Quality Assurance Requirements During Design and Procurement Phase of Nuclear Power Plants.
Guidance on Quality Assurance Requirements During the Construction Phase of Nuclear Power Plants.
Guidance on Quality Assurance Requirements During the Operations Phase of Nuclear Power Plants.
Guide for development of state and local emergency operations plans.
Guide for the inspection of hazardous waste shipments (other than radioactive material) by motor vehicle or at freight facilities.
Guide for the inspection of hazardous waste shipments (other than radioactive material) by motor vehicle or at freight facilities..
Guide for the inspection of radioactive material shipments by motor vehicle or at freight facilities..
Guide for the inspection of spent nuclear fuel shipments by motor vehicle..
Guide rail condition survey field manual. Malasheskie, G.
Guide to audiovisual and print materials on safety belts and child car safety seats.
Guide to documents on the safe transport of radioactive materials in regular freight trains.. Goodman, Leonard S.
Guide to human engineering design for visual displays . Meister, David Sullivan, Dennis J.
Guide to NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) .*** Rollover, braking, and dynamic stability - modified suspension vehicles, vol. 1: technical report. Kebschull, B.K. Weir, D.H. Zellner, J.W.
Guide to safety in confined spaces. Pettit, Ted Linn, Herb
Guideline Specification for Urban Rail Cars. Dunton, W.H. Norton, P.R.
Guidelines and Methods for Conducting Property Transfer Site Histories. Colten, Craig E. Mulville-Friel, Diane
Guidelines for application and use of interlock safety devices .*** Health and safety guide for foundries.
Guidelines for applying criteria to designate routes for transporting hazardous materials.
Guidelines for applying criteria to designate routes for transporting hazardous materials..
Guidelines for controlling hazardous energy during maintenance and servicing.
Guidelines for design of rapid transit facilities.
Guidelines for improved rapid transit tunneling safety and environmental impact, vol. I: Safety. Bledsoe, John D. Chase, Arthur D.
Guidelines for making pedestrian crossing structures accessible. Richter, Richard A. King, Charles L.
Guidelines for medial and marginal access control on major roadways. Stover, Vergil G. Adkins, William G. Goodknight, John C.
Guidelines for offsetting opposing left-turn lanes on four-lane divided roadways. McCoy, P.T. Navarro, U.R. Witt, W.E.
Guidelines for selecting preferred highway routes for highway route controlled quantity shipments of radioactive materials..
Guidelines for sodium fire prevention, detection, and contron : report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Sodium Fires. Cissel, D.W., Coleman, L.F., Pancner, F.O., Smith, F.A., Tevebaugh, A.D.
Guidelines for stair safety. Archea, John Collins, Belinda L. Stahl, Fred I.
Guidelines for the use of weathering steel in bridges . Albrecht, P. Coburn, S.K. Wattar, F.M. Tinklenberg, G.L. Gallagher, W.P.
Guidelinges for evaluating corrosion effects in existing steel bridges. Kulicki, J.M. Prucz, Z. Sorgenfrei, D.F. Mertz, D.R.
Guides to pollution prevention : the automotive repair industry.
Hand and power tools.
Hand and power tools.
Hand tremor, hand strength and level of endurance as related to task efficiency. Pedde, Lawrence Dean
Handbook : septage treatment and disposal.
Handbook for Public Playground Safety.
Handbook of methods for the restoration of obliterated serial numbers [incomplete paper]. Treptow, Richard S.
Handbook on planning, design, and maintenance of pedestrian facilities. Bowman, Brian L. Fruin, John J. Zegeer, Charles V.
Handling Test Procedures for Light Trucks, Vans, and Recreational Vehicles. Anderson, R.L. L. E. Wesson Starr, D.S. Jindra, F.
Hazard analysis injuries associated with skateboards.
Hazard analysis of injuries relating to playground equipment.
Hazard analysis: injuries associated with small objects . Rutherford, George W. Beale, Sheila P. Friedman, Joel I.
Hazard assessment of the electronic component manufacturing industry.
Hazard communication standard interpretation indexes and letters.
Hazard from engines rebreathing exhaust in confined space . Marshall, W.F. Hurn, R.W.
Hazard perception in automobile drivers: age differences . Soliday, Stanley M. Allen, John A.
Hazardous effects of highway features and roadside objects . Perchonok, Kenneth Ranney, Thomas A. Baum, A. Stephen Morris, Dominic F. Eppich, J. Douglas
Hazardous effects of highway features and roadside objects, vol. 2: Findings. Perchonok, Kenneth Ranney, Thomas A. Baum, A. Stephen Morris, Dominic F. Eppich, J. Douglas
Hazardous material tank cars: Tank head protective 'shield' or 'bumper' design. Everett, J.E.
Hazardous Materials Emergency Planning Guide.
Hazardous materials incident prevention manual and quick reference indicator. Hales, C. d'Entremont K.L.
Hazardous materials transportation intrusion protection for hazardous cargo tanks. Krasner, L.M. Wiener, S.A. Buckley, J.L.
Hazardous Materials Transportation, citations from the NTIS database, Jan. 1984-Oct. 1991.
Hazardous Materials Transportation, Work-Zone Traffic Control, and Traffic Marking Materials.
Hazardous materials waste disposal: citations from the NTIS database, Oct. 1980 - May 1993.
Hazardous materials waste disposal: citations from the NTIS database, Oct. 1980 - May 1993.
Hazardous waste minimization audit studies on the paint manufacturing industry.
Hazards classification testing of ammonium perchlorate . Caltagirone, Joseph P. Westover, Darl E. McIntyre, Fred L.
Headlight factors and nighttime vision. Graf, Carl T.
Head-on tests of cable guardrail (MHD Standard Plate No. 8330B) RF 3012. Post, Edward R. Buth, Eugene
Health & safety guide for the commercial roofing industry.
Health and safety guide for concrete products industry.
Health and safety guide for construction and related machinery manufacturers.
Health and safety guide for food processors.
Health and safety guide for laundries and dry cleaners.
Health and safety guide for manufacturers of industrial trucks and tractors.
Health and safety guide for manufacturers of toys, games, amusements, and recreational goods.
Health and safety guide for manufacturers of woodworking machinery. Froelich, P.
Health and safety guide for meat packing, poultry dressing, and sausage manufacturing plants.
Health and safety guide for metal stamping operations.
Health and safety guide for millwork shops.
Health and safety guide for paperboard-container industry.
Health and safety guide for plastic fabricators.
Health and safety guide for prefabricated wooden building manufacturers.
Health and Safety Guide for Sawmills and Planing Mills.
Health and safety guide for scrap processors.
Health and safety guide for sign & advertising display manufacturers.
Health and safety guide for textile machinery manufacturers.
Health and safety guide for the manufacturers of paints and allied products.
Health and Safety Guide for the Printing industry. Karches, G.J. Sundin, D. Okawa, M. Markel, H.
Health and safety guide for the screw machine products industry.
Health and safety guide for wooden furniture manufacturing.
Health curriculum materials: Grades 10-12. Strand IV, Environmental and community health; Consumer health. Van Hooft, Gordon E.
Health curriculum materials: Grades 4-6; Strand I, Physical health; disease prevention and control. Johnstone, Robert H.
Health curriculum materials: Grades 4-6; Strand I, Physical health; disease prevention and control.
Health curriculum materials: Grades 4-6; Strand I, Physical health; disease prevention and control.
Health curriculum materials: Grades 7-9. Strand III, Mental health. Van Hooft, Gordon E.
Health curriculum materials: Grades K-3. Strand I, Physical health; disease prevention and control. Johnstone, Robert H.
Health effects of exposure to wood dust: a summary of the literature.
Health hazard alert: 2-nitropropane.
Health hazard alert: benzidene-, o-Toldine-, o-Dianisdine-based dyes.
Health hazard evaluation / toxicity determination: Modern Metal Products, Loves Park, IL.
Health hazard evaluation determination report, Definance Screw Machine, Definance, Ohio.
Health hazard evaluation determination: Baumer Radiator Works, Denver, CO.
Health hazard evaluation determination: Bell Helmets, Inc., Norwalk, CA.
Health hazard evaluation determination: Gates Energy Products, Denver, CO.
Health hazard evaluation determination: Jan Clopton Composition, Atlanta, GA.
Health Hazard Evaluation determination: Kalamazoo Stamping and Die Company, Kalamazoo, Michigan. Daniels, William Anderson, Kern
Health hazard evaluation determination: Star Dust, Las Vegas, NV.
Health hazard evaluation determination: Stearns-Roger Fabricators, Inc., Denver, CO.
Health Hazard Evaluation determination: Swinston Company, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Kominsky, J.R.
Health hazard evaluation determination: Texaco Inc., Bayonne Terminal, Bayonne, NJ.
Health Hazard Evaluation determination: The Budd Company, Red Lion Plant, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Chrostek, W.J.
Health hazard evaluation determination: Western Electric Co., Denver, CO.
Health Hazard Evaluation ITT Grinnel Corporation, Columbia, Pennsylvania. Lee, S.A. Schulte, P.
Health hazard evaluation report : Impressions Handprinters, Chicago, Illinois. Almaguer, D.
Health hazard evaluation report John Morrell & Co., Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Hales, T. Habes, D. Fine, L. Hornung, R. Boiano, J.
Health hazard evaluation report, Bestop Inc., Longmont, CO . Nichting, Anne
Health hazard evaluation report: Fort Stanwix National Monument, Rome, NY. Lee, Steven A. Lucas, Cheryl
Health hazard evaluation report: Longmont Turkey Processors, Longmont, CO. Richardson, Fred D. Habes, Daniel Boiano, James Wilcox, Thomas
Health hazard evaluation report: Newburgh Fire Dept., Newburgh, NY. Tubbs, Randy L. Flesch, Jerome P.
Health hazard evaluation report: Pelton and Crane Co., Charlotte, NC.
Health hazard evaluation report: Point Adams Packing Co., Hammond, OR. Boiano, James M. Badger, Donald W.
Health hazard evaluation report: Wheeling Pittsburgh Steel Corp., Martins Ferry, OH.
Health hazard evaluation summaries, April 1980.
Health hazard evaluation summaries, Jan 1982.
Health hazard evaluation summaries, May 1981.
Health hazard evaluation summaries, October 1980.
Health hazard evaluation, Crane Co., Rogers, AR. Markel, Harry L. Slovin, Donald L.
Health hazard evaluation/toxicity determination Emerson Electric Co., Paris, TN. Ramos, Henry Lucas, James D.
Health hazard evaluation/toxicity determination Franlin Electric Co., Bluffton, IN.
Health hazard evaluation/toxicity determination Western GearCorp., Jamestown, ND. Gunter, B.J.
Health hazard evaluation/toxicity determination, Ford Motor Co., Lorain, OH. Apol, Arvin G.
Health Hazard Evaluation/Toxicity determination: National Standard Company-Carbondale, Pennsylvania. Straub, W.E. Emmett, E.A.
Health hazard evaluation/toxicity report: Midwest Steel Div., National Steel, Portage, Indiana. Ramos, Henry Flesch, Jerome P.
Health Hazard Evaluation: Screen Printing Shops. Baker, E. Smith, T, Quinn, M.
Health Hazard Evalution Determination Report, Rocky Mountain Radiator Co., Boulder, CO.
Health hazard eveluation report HETA 86-341-1711. Gunter, B.J.
Health service problems. Parker, Mary L.
Hearing conservation.
Heavy rail transit safety, 1983 annual report. Daley, David M.
Heavy rail transit safety, 1984 annual report. Drain, Mary Claire
Heavy rail transit safety, 1985 annual report. Drain, Mary Claire
Heavy rail transit safety, 1987 annual report. Drain, Mary Claire
Heavy truck occupant protection. Mergel, Joseph
Heavy Truck Occupant Restraint Use: final report. Copenhaver, M. Wilkinson, T.
Heavy truck pilot crash test frontal impact. Rice, Roy S. Shoemaker, Norris E.
Heavy Truck Pilot Crash Test Rollover: final report. Rice, Roy S.
Heavy truck rear underride protection - final report. Elias, Jeffrey C. Monk, Michael W.
Heavy truck safety study. Clarke, R.M. Leasure, W.A. Radlinski, R.W. Smith, M.
Heavy vehicle size and weight--test procedures for minimum safety performance standards. Winkler, C.B. Fancher, P.S. Bareket, Z. Bogard, S. Johnson, G. Karamihas, S. Mink, C.
Heavy vehicle tests of tubular thrie beam retrofit bridge railings. Kimball, C.E. Bronstad, M.E. Michie, J.D. Viner, J.G. Wentworth, J.A.
Heavy-duty fuel economy program - Phase I, Specific analysis of certain existing data. Ingalls, Melvin N. Mason, Robert
High performance helicopter hoist program. Lawson, L.J. Duddy, J.H. Gilbert, R.R. Holvey, M.R.
Highlights from Wave I of the National Survey of Personal Health Practices and Consequences: United States, 1979. Danchik, Kathleen M.
High-mounted brake lights and the behavior of following drivers. Sivak, Michael Olson, Paul L. Farmer, Kenneth M.
High-pressure fluidization characteristics of several particulate solids: primarily coal and coal-derived materials . Knowlton, T.M.
High-pressure light-gas gun. Horn, Leon
Highway Accident Report - Tractor-semitrailer/intercity bus head-on collision Interstate 10 Beaumont, Texas, May 4, 1987 .*** Highway Accident Report - Charter bus/tractor-semitrailer rear- end collision near Carney's Point, New Jersey, September 29, 1986.
Highway Accident Report - Activity Bus/Tractor-Cargo Tank Semitrailer Collision on State Route 61, Near Devers, Texas, December 23, 1983.
Highway Accident Report - B&J Trucking Co. Truck Tractor/Coachella Valley Unified School District Schoolbus Collision, State Route 86, Near Cochella, California, April 23, 1980.
Highway Accident Report - Charter Bus/Tractor-Semitrailer Rear- end Collision, Near Carney's Point, New Jersey, September 29, 1986.
Highway Accident Report - Collision of DeQueen, Arkansas, Police Department Patrol Car and Terrell Trucking, Inc., Tractor- Semitrailer, U.S. Route 71, Ashdown, Arkansas, July 5, 1984.
Highway Accident Report - Collision of G&D Auto Sales, inc., Tow Truck Automobile, Branch Motor Express, Co. Tractor-Semitrailer, Town of Rehoboth Schoolbus, Rehoboth, Massachusetts January 10, 1984.
Highway Accident Report - Collision of Humboldt County Dump Truck and Klamath-Trinity Unified District Schoolbus, State Route 96 near Willow Creek, California, February 24, 1983.
Highway Accident Report - Collision of Tuba City School District Schoolbus and Bell Creek, Inc. Tractor-Semitrailer, US 160 Near Tuba City, Arizona, April 29, 1985.
Highway Accident Report - Collision of Tuba City School District Schoolbus and Bell Creek, Inc., Tractor-semitrailer, US 160 near Tuby City, Arizona, April 29, 1985.
Highway Accident Report - Fatigue-Related Commercial Vehicle Accidents: Cheyenne, Wyoming, July 18, 1984 and Junction City, Arkansas, October 19, 1984.
Highway Accident Report - Gateway Transportation Company, Inc. Tractor-Semitrailer Penetration of Median Barrier and Collision with Automobile, I-70, St. Louis, Missouri, September 25, 1977 .*** Highway Accident Reports - Brief Format - Issue Number 3-1979.
Highway Accident Report - George Wollman Meats, Inc., Truck/Auto/Greyhound Bus Collision and Fire, New Jersey Turnpike, Bordentown, New Jersey, October 19, 1973.
Highway Accident Report - Greyhound Bus Collision with concrete overpass support column on I-880, San Juan Overpass, Sacramento, California, November 3, 1973.
Highway Accident Report - Greyhound Bus/Malone Freight Lines, Inc. Truck Collision, U.s. Route 11W, Bean Station, Tennessee, May 13, 1972.
Highway Accident Report - Herman Duvall Tractor-Pole Semitrailer/S.L. & B. Academy, Inc. Schoolbus Collision, U.S. Route 45, Near Waynesboro, Mississippi, October 12, 1981.
Highway Accident Report - Hoppy's Oil Service, Inc., truck overturn and fire, State Route 128, Braintree, MA, October 18, 1973.
Highway Accident Report - J.C. Sales inc., Tractor-Semitrailer, Calvary Baptist Church Van Collision, State Route 198 at 19th Avenue near Lemoore, California, October 8, 1982.
Highway Accident Report - Kohler Co. Tractor-Semitrailer/Pickup Truck Collision, N.C. Route 226, Near Marion, North Carolina, January 25, 1978.
Highway Accident Report - Multiple vehicle collision and fire, U.S. Route 101, Los Angeles, California, March 3, 1980.
Highway Accident Report - Multiple Vehicle Collisions and Fire U.S. 13 near Snow Hill, North Carolina, May 31, 1985.
Highway Accident Report - Multiple Vehicle Collisions and Fire Caldecott Tunnel, Near Oakland, California, April 7, 1982.
Highway Accident Report - Multiple Vehicle Collisions and Fires under Limited Visibility Conditions, Interstate Route 75 at Ocala, Florida, February 28, 1983.
Highway Accident Report - Multiple-Vehicle collision, followed by propylene cargo-tank explosion, New Jersey Turnpike, Exit 8, September 21, 1972.
Highway Accident Report - Osterkamp Trucking Inc., Truck/Full Trailer and Dodge Van Collision, U.S. 91, near Scipio, Utah, August 26, 1977.
Highway Accident Report - Samuel Coraluzzo Co. Inc., Tractor Cargo Tank Semitrailer Mechanical Failure, Overturn and Fire, Interstate 76 (Schuylkill Expressway) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, October 7, 1983.
Highway Accident Report - Tractor Semitrailer/Station Wagon Runaway, Collision and Fire, Van Buren, Arkansas, June 21, 1985Fire, Interstate 76 (Schuylkill Expressway) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, October 7, 1983.
Highway Accident Report - Tractor-Semitrailer/Intercity Bus Head- on Collision, Interstate 10, Beaumont, Texas, May 4, 1987.
Highway Accident Report - Tractor-Semitrailer/Schoolbus collision and overturn, Rustburg, Virginia, March 8, 1977.
Highway Accident Report - Tractor-Semitrailer/Station Wagon runaway, collision, and fire, Van Buren, Arkansas, June 21, 1985.
Highway Accident Report - Trailways Lines Inc., Intercity Bus Collision with Rising Fast Trucking Company, Inc. Truck interstate highway 40 near Brinkley, Arkansas, July 14, 1986.
Highway Accident Report - Trailways Lines Inc., Truck Rear End Collision and Bus Run-Off-Bridge, U.S. Route 59, near Livingston, Texas, November 30, 1983.
Highway Accident Report - Transport Co. of Texas, Tractor- Semitrailer (Tank) Collision with Bridge Column and Sudden Dispersal of Anhydrous Ammonia Cargo, I-610 at Southwest Freeway, houston, Texas, May 11, 1976.
Highway Accident Report - Truck Engine Fuel Tank Puncture by Bridge Repair Plate, Diesel Spill and Multiple Vehicle Skidding Collisions Interstate Route 10, Lake Charles, Louisiana, August 27, 1981.
Highway Accident Report - Valley Supply Co. Truck Towing Farm Plow/Anchor Motor Freight Inc. Car Carrier Truck/New york-State Association for Retarded Children Bus Collision and Fire, State Route 8, Near holmesville, New York, April 5, 1983.
Highway Accident Report --B & J Trucking Company truck tractor/Coachella Valley Unified School District Schoolbus Collision, State Route 86, Near Coachella, California, April 23, 1980.
Highway Accident Report-- Collision of Winnebago Motor Home with bridge column, near Monroe, Michigan, July 1, 1975.
Highway Accident Report: Multiple-Vehicle Collisions and Fire During Limited Visibility (Fog) on Interstate 75 near Calhoun, Tennessee, December 11, 1990..
Highway accident report: airport police cruiser-automobile collision on Dulles Airport access road, exit #1, near Chantilly, VA.
Highway accident report: Direct Transit Lines Inc., tractor- semitrailer multiple-vehicle collision & fire, U.S. Route 40, Frostburg, MD.
Highway accident report: Multiple vehicle collision and fire, U.S. Rte. 101, Los Angeles, CA, March 3, 1980.
Highway accident report: multiple-vehicle collisions and fire, Interstate 15, near San Bernadino, CA, Nov. 10, 1980.
Highway accident report: Pacific Intermountain Express tractor cargo tank semitrailer/Eagle F.B. Truck Lines, Inc., tractor lowboy semitrailer, collision & fire, U.S. Rte. 50, near Canon City, CO, Nov. 14, 1981.
Highway accident report: Schoolbus rollover, State Rte. 88, near Jefferson, NC, March 13, 1985.
Highway accident report: Usher Transport Inc., Tractor-cargo- tank-semitrailer overturn and fire, State Route 11, Beattyville, KY, Sept. 24, 1977.
Highway Accident Report--Central Texas Bus Lines, Inc., Charter Bus, State Route 7, near Jasper, Arkansas, June 5, 1980.
Highway Accident Report--Collapse of the Northbound U.S. Route 51 Bridge Spans over the Hatchie River, near Covington, Tennessee, April 1, 1989.
Highway Accident Report--Collision Between Mission Consolidated Independent School District Bus and Valley Coca-Cola Bottling Co., Inc., Tractor-Semitrailer, Intersection of Bryan Rd. and Texas Farm-to-Market Rd. 676, Alton, TX, September 21, 1989..
Highway Accident Report-Collision between Mission Consolidated Independent School District School Bus and Valley Coca-Cola Bottling Company, Inc. tractor-semitrailer, intersection of Bryan Road and Texas Farm-to-Market Road 676, Alton, Texas, September 21, 1989.
Highway Accident Report--Collision of Small School Bus and Tractor-Semitrailer near Snyder, Oklahoma, November 10, 1993..
Highway Accident Report-Long Transportation Company, Tractor-Semitrailer Collision with Multiple Vehicles, Valley View, Ohio, August 20, 1976.
Highway Accident Report--Multiple collision with an Intercity Charter Bus, Passenger Car, and Transit Bus, State Route 495, North Bergen, New Jersey, October 9, 1986.
Highway Accident Report--Multiple Vehicle Collision with Fire during Fog near Milepost 118 on Interstate 40, Menifee, AR, on January 9, 1995 and Special Investigation of Collision Warning Technology..
Highway Accident Reports - Brief Format - Issue Number 2-1979.
Highway Accident Report--Schoolbus rollover, State Route 88, Near Jefferson, North Carolina, March 13, 1985.
Highway Accident Report-Series of multivehicle collisions and fires under limited visibility conditions, New Jersey Turnpike, Gate 15 and U.S. Route 46, October 23/24, 1973.
Highway Accident/Incident Summary Reports, Largo, Maryland - September 6, 1985.
Highway design and operations standards affected by driver characteristics, vol. 2: final technical report. McGee, Hugh W. Hooper, Kevin G. Hughes, Warren E. Benson, William
Highway design and operations standards affected by vehicle characteristics. McGee, Hugh W. Rizzo, Ryan S. Tustin, Betty
Highway Fog. Kocmond, Warren C. Perchonok, Kenneth
Highway Noise Barriers. Cohn, Louis F.
Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP).
Highway Safety Literature: Annual Cumulation 1969 Human Factors Bibliography.
Highway safety structures, 1964-Apr 1980 (Citations from the NTIS database. Kenton, Edith
Highway Sight-Distance Requirements: Truck Appications . Gordon, Donald A.
Highway Sign Support Structures. Volume 1. Break-Away Roadside Sign Support Structures. Huff, T.S. (Chairman) et al.
Highway systems research car studies and related literature: annotated bibliography. Aaron, James E.
Highway systems, human performance, and safety, 1991.
Highway vehicle object simulation model - 1976 Volume 1. Users Manual. Segal, David J.
Highway vehicle object simulation model - 1976 Volume 2. Programmers Manual. Segal, David J.
Highway vehicle object simulation model - 1976 Volume 4. Engineering Manual Validation. Segal, David J.
Highway-vehicle-object simulation model 1976, vol. 3: Engineering manual-analysis. Segal, David J.
Historical Industrial Waste Disposal Practices in Winnebago County, Illinois: 1870-1980.. Colten, Craig E. Breen, Gerald E.
History of walkway slip-resistance research at the National Bureau of Standards. Adler, Sanford C. Pierman, Brian C.
Holocaust: American incendiary bombs of World War II . Mountcastle, John W.
Home safety guidelines for architects and builders. Alessi, David Brill, Michael
Home ventilation rates: a literature survey. Handley, T.H. Barton, C.J.
Household survey conducted as part of the educational diagnosis of selected hazardous consumer products. Aitken, Sherrie S.
How to apply potential failure mode and effect analysis to the design and manufacture of medical devices and instrumentation.
How to establish an employee health service in a reluctant hospital. Hunstiger, Cynthia A.
How to evaluate alternative cleanup technologies for underground storage tank sites : a guide for corrective action plan reviewers.
How to get it - a guide to defense-related information resources.
How to prepare for workplace emergencies.
How to prepare for workplace emergencies.
How to select and specify round steel tubing. Carson, Robert W.
HSRI part-task driving simulator for research in vehicle rear lighting and related studies. Campbell, John D. Mortimer, Rudolf G.
Human factors analysis of automotive adaptive equipment for disabled drivers. Koppa, Rodger J. McDermott, Make Raab, Charles Sexton, Donna J.
Human factors analysis of materials handling equipment . Coleman, Patrick J. Gottlieb, Mark S. Kaplan, Marsha C. Knutson, Sheri J. McPeek, John S.
Human factors analysis of rear-view mirrors for motor vehicles. Pettit, George D.
Human factors analysis: lack of structural integrity in cribs.. Elder, Jacqueline
human factors associated with interchange esign features . Lunenfeld, H.
Human factors considerations in locomotive cab design. Wilde, Gerald J.S. Stinson, John F.
Human factors engineering in motor vehicles [citations from Compendex, Nov. 83 to present].
Human force considerations in the failure of power assisted devices. Pierce, B.F. Woodson, W.E. Selby, P.H.
Human measurements and performance in retracting seat belts . Herbert, David C. Corben, Christopher
Human mechanics: four monographs abridged [Center of gravity of the human body; Theoretical fundamentals for a mechanics of living bodies; The human motor; Space requirements of the seated operator]. Braune, W. Fischer, O. Amar, J. Dempster, W.T.
Human Motor Reactions to Dangerous Motions in Robot Operations. Helander, M.G. Karwan, M.H.
Human performance Aspects of Rearview Mirrors: An Applied- Litereature Review. Flannagan, M.
Human tolerance to rapidly applied accelerations: a summary of the literature. Eiband, A. Martin
Human Vibration Measuring Instrument. Lee, Richard A.
HVOSM studies of cross-slope breaks on highway curves. Final Report Highway-Vehicle-Object Simulation Model (VHOSM) studies of cross-slope breaks on highway curves. Final Report . Glennon, J.C. Neuman, T.R. McHenry, R.R. McHenry, B.G.
Hydraulic characteristics of two bicycle-safe grate inlet designs. Woo, D.C. Jones, J. Sterling
Hydrology and bridge scour.
Hydroplaning and tread pattern hydrodynamics. Sinnamon, James F. Tielking, John T.
Hydropower analysis using streamflow duration procedures (HYDUR): Users manual [Provisional].
Hygas coal-gasification process. Huebler, J. Schora, F.C. Jr. Lee, B.S.
Identification & classification of potential hazards associated with use of residential flame-fired furnaces, hot water heaters, clothes dryers and ranges. Bullerdiek, W.A. Adams, D.E.
Identification and Categorization of Accidents and Injuries in Cabs of Locomotives. Kurz, Frank
Identification of preventable accidents and their causes . Boyar, V.W. Couts, D.A. Joshi, A.J. Klein, T.M.
Identification of unsafe driving actions and related countermeasures. Lohman, L.S. Leggett, E.C. Stewart, J.R. Campbell, B.J.
Ignition characteristics of internal combustion engine exhaust products. DeBernardo, Luigi U.
Ignition of metals in oxygen. White, E.L. Ward, J.J.
Ignition studies, part VI: Effect of chemical structure on the spontaneous ignitition of hydrocarbons. Affens, W.A. Johnson, J.E. Carhart, H.W.
Ignition time vs. temperature for selected forest fuels . Kaminski, Guido C.
IGT U-Gas Process. Loeding, J.W. Patel, J.G.
Illumination guide.
Impact attentuation performance of surfaces installed under playground equipment. Mahajan, Bal M. Beine, William B.
Impact attenuators for heavy vehicles - a feasibility study: Phase 1 Final Report. Labra, J.J.
Impact intrusion characteristics of fuel systems. Brayman, A.F.
Impact of specific geometric features on truck operations and safety at interchanges. Ervin, R. Barnes, M. MacAdam, C. Scott, R.
Impact of Specific Geometric Features on Truck Operations and Safety at Interchanges. Volume 2. Appendices.. Ervin, R. Barnes, M. MacAdam, C. Scott, R.
Impact of technology on the commercial secondary aluminum industry. Siebert, Donald L.
Impact performance of safety eyecup goggles. Campbell, Donald L. Wolfe, Rex S.
Impact resistance of non-ferrous passenger car wheels . Bowers, Larry Wallingford, Jerry G.
Impact study on driving by special populations, vol. 1: Conduct of the project and state-of-the-art. Brainin, Paul A. Naughton, Thomas J. Breedlove, Robert M.
Impact tests of aluminum I-Beam guardrail posts. Wiles, E.O. Bronstad, M.E.
Impacts of European cars and a passenger coach against shaped concrete barriers. Jehu, V.J. Pearson, L.C.
Impacts. Raufaste, Noel J.
Impairments due to injury, United States 1971. Wilder, Charles S. Pearson, Alice M.
Improved backup alarm technology for mobile mining equipment . Johnson, Guy A. Griffin, Russell E. Laage, Linneas W.
Improved brake systems for commercial motor vehicles. Clarke, R.M. Radlinski, R.W. Knipling, R.R.
Improved brake systems for commercial motor vehicles. Clarke, R.M. Radlinski, R.W. Knipling, R.R.
Improved commercial vehicle conspicuity and signalling systems, Task 3 field test evaluation of vehicle reflectorization effectiveness. Burger, William J Mulholland, Mark U. Smith, Russell L.
Improved commercial vehicle conspicuity and signalling systems: Analyses, experiments, and design recommendations. Ziedman, K. Burger, W.J. Smith, R.L. Mulholland, M.U. Sharkey, T.J.
Improved commercial vehicle conspicuity and signalling systems: Accident analyses and functional requirements. Ziedman, K Burger, W.J. Smith, R.L. Mulholland, M.U. Sharkey, T.J.
Improved commercial vehicle conspicuity and signalling systems; analyses, experiments and design recommendations. Ziedman, K. Burger, W.J. Smith, R.L. Mulholland, M.U. Sharkey, T.J.
Improved conspicuity to the sides and rear of motorcycles and mopeds. Freedman, Mark Davit, Paul S.
Improved low-beam photometrics: final report. Olson, Paul L. Sivak, Michael
Improved low-beam photometrics: interim report. Olson, Paul L. Sivak, Michael
Improved perception-reaction time information for intersection sight distance. Hostetter, R.S. McGee, Hugh W. Crowley, K.W. Seguin, E.L. Dauber, G.W.
Improvement of Methods for Determining Pre-Crash Parameters from Skid Marks. Garrott, W.R. Guenther, D. Houk, R. Lin, J. Martin, M.
Improvements in data aquisition technology for maintenance management systems. Hyman, W.A. Horn, A.D. Jennings, O. Hejl, F. Alexander, T.
Improving the dynamic performance of multitrailer vehicles: a study of innovative dollies. Winkler, C.B. Fancher, P.S. Carsten, O. Mathew, A. Dill, P.
Improving traffic operations and safety at exit gore areas . Taylor, James I. McGee, Hugh W.
Improving Truck Safety at Interchanges. Firestine, M. McGee, H. and Toeg, P.
In servicing tires hazardous to your health.
In time of emergency, A citizen's handbook.
Increasing safety belt use through an incentive program . Campbell, B.J. Hunter, William W. Steward, J. Richard Stutts, Jane C.
In-Depth analysis of fatalities to wearers of seat belts . Vazey, B.A. Holt, B.W.
In-Depth Study of Traffic Crashes Involving Fuel Tankers. . Corben C. C. Oshlackk D. Linklater
In-depth survey report: Control technology for autobody repair and painting shops. Heitbrink, William A. Cooper, Thomas C. Edmonds, Marjorie A. Bryant, Charles J. Ruch, Walter E.
Indicators of quality in maintenance. Miller, Charles R.
Individual home aerobic wastewater treatment systems . McBride, Robert Norman
Individual home wastewater characterization and treatment . Bennett, Edwin R.
Industrail infra-red heating design guide.
Industrial engineering study of hazards associated with surface coal mines: final report. Barry, Theodore
Industrial face shield performance test. Campbell, Donald L.
Industrial guide for air pollution control. Gerstle, Richard W.
Industrial hygiene survey of Ford Motor Company, Kansas City assembly plant, Kansas City, Missouri. Piacitelli, G. Krishnan, R.
Industry and disabling conditions of disabled workers 1975-76: analysis of Social Security disability benefit allowances to workers during 1975-76. Fischbach, Thomas Crouse, William Sestito, John Green, Jerome
Industry wage survey: Petroleum refining, September 1988.
Industrywide Studies Report of an Industrial Hygiene Survey at the Clermont Sun, Batavia, Ohio. Hills, B.
Inelastic design of load carrying members, Part IV. The behavior of beam-columns in the inelastic range. Mudi, B.B. Sidebottom, O.M.
Inertial Properties Of Commercial Vehicles- Descriptive Parameters Used in Analyzing the Braking and Handling of Heavy Trucks, Vol.2, 2nd ed. UMTRI-83-17 Report #. Winkler, Christopher B.
Inertial properties of commercial vehicles: descriptive parameters used in analyzing the braking and handling of heavy trucks, vol. 2 [2nd ed.]. Winkler, Christopher B.
Inertial properties of commercial vehicles: descriptive parameters used in analyzing the braking and handling of heavy trucks, vol. 2. Winkler, Christopher B.
Inexpensive automatic control system for soils testing . Sivakugan, N. Chameau, J.L. Holtz, R.D. Huang, A.B.***
Influence of braking strategy on brake temperatures in mountain descents. Fancher, Paul Winkler, C. Campbell, M.
Influence of roadway disturbances on vehicle handling, vol. 1: Summary report. Klein, Richard H. Johnson, Walter A. Szostak, Henry T.
Influence of roadway disturbances on vehicle handling, vol. 2: Technical report. Klein, Richard H. Johnson, Walter A. Szostak, Henry T.
Influence of Roadway Disturbances on Vehicle Handling. Volume I: Summary Report -- Final Report. Klein, Richard H. Johnson, Walter A. Szostak, Henry T.
Influence of Roadway Disturbances on Vehicle Handling. Volume II: Technical Report -- Final Report. Klein, Richard H. Johnson, Walter A. Szostak, Henry T.
Influence of Roadway Disturbances on Vehicle Handling. Volume III: Appendices -- Final Report. Klein, Richard H. Johnson, Walter A. Szostak, Henry T.
Influence of roadway surface discontinuities on safety.
Influence of Size and Weight Variables on the Stability and control properties of heavy trucks, vol. 1. Ervin, R. Nisonger R.L. MacAdam, C.C. Fancher, P.S.
Influence of size and weight variables on the stability and control properties of heavy trucks, vol. 3: appendices . Ervin, R.D. Nisonger, R.L. MacAdam, C.C. Fancher, P.S.
Influence of size and weight variables on the stability and control properties of heavy trucks, vol. 2. Ervin, R.D. Nisonger, R.L. Sayers, M. Gillespie, T.D. Fancher, P.S.
Influence of tire properties on passenger vehicle handling, vol. 1: summary report. Roland, R.D. Rice, R.S. Dell'Amico, F.
Information profiles on potential occupational hazards.
Information profiles on potential occupational hazards . Darby, G. Hulings, Dukich, Ardea et al.
Initial Interface Standards for Rapid Transit Car Subsystem Components. Morris, R.E. Pali, A. Urian, C. Walker, W.
Initial management of the burned patient. Monafo, William W.
Injuries Among Farm Workers In The United States, 1993 . Myers, John R.
Injuries and accident causes in sawmills.
Injuries and accident causes in warehousing operations : a detailed analysis of injuries, injury rates, and hazards for 1950, by type of warehouse, region and occupation.
Injuries in oil and gas drilling and services.
Injuries in the logging industry.
Injuries involving architectural glass.
Injuries resulting from falls from elevations.
Injuries resulting from falls on stairs.
Injuries to construction laborers.
Injuries to warehouse workers.
Injury coding manual, 1980. Petrucelli, Elaine States, J.D. Huelke, D.F. Hames, Lee N.
Innovations in hydraulic-conductivity measurements. Olsen, H. W. Gill, J.D. Willden, A.T. Nelson, K.R.
Innovative child resistant packaging systems.
Innovative child resistant packaging systems. Akers, Brian L. Stoeffler, Wendy Sharma, Jay
Innovative child-resistant packaging systems, Final report . Bjornerud, James Berkemer, Robert
INPREP - Interactive plotting and reporting program. Erinle, O. Chandrasekharen, S. Basu, S.
In-service evaluation of experimental traffic barriers: an interim report. Leonin, Cecilio A. Powers, Richard D.
In-service evaluation of the performance, reliability, maintainability, and durability of antilock braking systems (ABSs) for semitrailers. Klusmeyer, L.F. Gray, A.W. Bishop, J.S. Van Schoiack, M.
In-service evaluation of the reliability, maintainability, and durability of antilock braking systems (ABS) for heavy truck tractors. Klusmeyer, L.F. Gray, A. W. Bishop, J.S. Van Schoiack, M. Woods, J.M. Mahmoud, W.M.
Inspection manual for control of volatile organic emissions from gasoline marketing operations. Gordon, Robert J. Quinn, Gary Sakaida, Roy Scott, Victoria
Installation of child safety seats in selected 1988-89 model year automobiles.
Instrument & control location, accessibility & identification . Woodson, W.E. Conover, D.W. Miller, G.E. Selbey, P.H.
Instrumentation for detecting hazardous materials. Gross, Gerard J. Harris, David E. Lachs, Gerard Dillman, Robert M.
Integrated emergency management system: Mitigation program development guide.
Interchange planning and design - an international perspective. Lamm, R. Psarianos, B. Choueiri,,E.M. Mailaender, T.
Intercity freight movement by rail and highway.
Inter-examiner reliability in the determination of lateral visual field. Neil, Douglas E. Johns, Themis R.
International Road Signs: Interpretability And Training Techniques. Griffith, Douglas, Actkinson, Tomme R.
International System of Units, 1972 edition.
International Technical seminar on pumps for thermal power stations held at New Delhi, India on 13-14 March 1980, vol. 2: Proceedings.
Intersection and interchange design.
Intersection channelization guidelines for longer and wider trucks. Fambro, D.B. Mason, Jr., J.M. Cline, N.S.
Intersection design considerations to accommodate large trucks. Mason, J.M. Fitzpatrick, K. Harwood, D.W. True, J.
Interstate Truck Driver's Handbook.
Inventory of emissions from non-automotive vehicular sources . Taback, H.J. Macko, J.F. Parker, N.R. Dale, D.A. Erlich, S.
Inventory of special facilities for highway research.
Investigation of an improved resue hoist system for H-3 helicopters. Jopson, Howard B.
Investigation of contruction failure of the Riley Road interchange ramp, East Chicago, Indiana. Carino, N.J. Lew, H.S. Stone, W.C. Chung, R.M.
Investigation of Creosoting and Fireplace Inserts. Maxwell, T. T. Kyer, D. F. Maples, G. Burch, T.
Investigation of creosoting and fireplace inserts. Maxwell, T.T. Dyer, D.F. Maples, G.:Burch, T.
Investigation of fabric weave construction versus tear resistance [fuel tanks]. Olson, L. Howard
Investigation of fire and explosion accidents in the chemical, mining, and fuel-related industries: a manual. Kuchta, Joseph M.
Investigation of Fire Hazards of Fireplace Inserts in Factory- Built and Masonry Fireplaces. Terpstra, Wayne R. Jorgenson, Michael L. Dosedlo, Lee J.
Investigation of guardrails for the protection of employees from occupational hazards. Fattal, S.G. Cattaneo, L.E.
Investigation of hazards in the processing of pyrotechnic mixtures for chemical agent munitions: final report.
Investigation of inertial properties of the human body . Chandler, R.F. Clauser, C.S. McConville, J.T. Reynolds, H.M. Young, J.M.
Investigation of mortality from cancer and other causes of death among workers employed at an East Texas chemical plant . Sweeney, Marie Haring Beaumont, James J.
Investigation of motor vehicle performance standards for fuel tank protection, phase I final report.
Investigation of safe handle design. Cochran, David
Investigation of safety standards for flame-fired furnaces, hot water heaters, clothes dryers and ranges. Bullerdiek, W.A. Adams, D.E.
Investigation of safety standards for flame-fired space heaters. Bullerdiek, W.A. Adams, D.E.
Investigation of standards for safety of installed electrical equipment.
Investigation of techniques for validation of railcar dynamic analysis. Fallon, W.J. Cooperrider, N.K. Law, E.H.
Investigation of the dynamic impact on roadside obstacles: final report.
Investigation of the effect of wheel braking on side-force capability of a pneumatic tire. Byrdsong, Thomas A.
Investigation of the frequency of accidents with small power tools. Rubinsky, Stanley Smith, Nelson F.
Investigation of the increase in child passenger fatalities since 1984. Klein, T.M. Van Dyke, J. Surti, J. Walz, M.
Investigation of the performance of child restraints in serious crashes. Melvin, John W. Weber, Kathleen Lux, Paula
Investigation of the relationships between induced 'fatigue' and heart rate. Neil, Douglas E. Johns, Themis R.
Investigation of tire-pavement interaction during maneuvering. Volume 1. Theory and Results. Final Report. Shapery, R.A. Tielking, J.T.
Investigation of truck size and weight limits, appendices.
Investigation of truck size and weight limits, final report.
Issues relating to the usage of a tilt table for measuring the roll stability characteristics of heavy duty truck combinations. Ervin, Robert D.
IVHS Countermeasures for Rear-End Collisions, Task 1. Volume I: Summary (Interim Report). Wilson, Terry
IVHS Countermeasures for Rear-End Collisions, Task 1. Volume II: Statistical Analysis (Interim Report). Wilson, Terry
IVHS Countermeasures for Rear-End Collisions, Task 1. Volume III: 1991 NASS CDS Case Analysis (Interim Report). Wilson, Terry
IVHS Countermeasures for Rear-End Collisions, Task 1. Volume IV: 1992 NASS CDS Case Analysis (Interim Report). Wilson, Terry
IVHS Countermeasures for Rear-End Collisions, Task 1. Volume V: 1985 NASS Case Analysis (Interim Report). Wilson, Terry
IVHS Countermeasures for Rear-End Collisions, Task 1. Volume VI: Human Factors Studies (Interim Report). Wilson, Terry
Job demands and worker health. Caplan, Robert D. Cobb, Sidney French, John R.P. Van Harrison, R. Pinneau, S.R.
Key issues in heavy truck safety: statement submitted at the Motor Vehicle Safety Seminar.
Kitchen Ranges in Fabric Fires. Allan K. Vickers
Knowledge based expert systems in transportation, A synthesis of highway practice. Cohn, Louis F. Harris, Roswell A.
Laboratory correlation study of near-surface response parameters. Kraft, D.C. Moore, R.K. Grob, J.D.
Laboratory evaluation of existing breakaway structures, vol. 1: Executive summary. Bloom, J.A. Hinch, J.A.
Laboratory Evaluation of Existing Breakaway Structures. Volume II: Technical Results. Bloom, J. A. Hinch, J. A.
Laboratory Evaluation Of Existing Breakaway Structures. Volume III. Test Data. Bloom, Jeffrey A. Hinch, John A.
Laboratory procedures manual for Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS) 109 [New pneumatic tires - passenger cars].
Laboratory study of the Flexural Strength and Elastic Modulus of Freshwater and Saline Ice. Tatinclaux, J.C. Wu, C.Y.
Land disposal: hazardous waste. Proceedings of the 7th annual Research Symposium.
Land disposal: municipal solid waste. Proceedings of the 7th annual Research Symposium.
Land treatment field studies, vol. 2: oily waste from a petroleum refinery. Berkowitz, Joan B. Bysshe, Sara E. Goodwin, Bruce E. Harris, Judith C. Land, David B. Leonardos, Gregory Johnson, Sandra
Land treatment field studies, vol. 5: Wastewater treatment sludge from batch organic chemical analysis. Berkowitz, Joan B. Goodwin, Bruce E. Harris, Judith C.
Large-truck accident causation. Eicher, J.P. Robertson, H.D. Toth, G.R.
Lateral stability of ballast: Ballast and Foundation Materials Research Program. Hay, W.W. Peterson, H.C. Plotkin, D.E. Bakas, P.T.
Lateral stability of road tankers: Volume 1. Main Report . Strandberg, Lennart
Lateral track stability, 1991.
Law enforcement fleet crash study.
Lead-acid battery manufacture - background information for promulgated standards.
Lead-acid battery manufacture - background information for proposed emission standards.
Leak lookout: Using external leak detectors to prevent petroleum contamination from underground storage tanks.
LIARS - Library Information Access and Retrieval System. Volume 1. Users Mnaul. Shams, T. Nguyen, T. Chi, M.
LIARS - Library Information Access and Retrieval System. Volume 2. Programmers Manual. Shams, T. Nguyen, T. Chi, M.
LIARS - Library Information Access and Retrieval System. Volume 3. Operators Manual. Shams, T. Nguyen, T. Chi, M.
Library Information Retrieval System (LIRS) Volume 1: Users' Manual. Basu, Sudhamay Chatterjee, Arun
Library Information Retrieval System (LIRS) Volume 2: Programmers and Operators Manual. Basu, Sudhamay Chatterjee, Arun K.
Library reproduction of copyrighted works (17 U.S.C. 108) - Second Report (part I).
Library reproduction of copyrighted works (17 U.S.C. 108) - Second Report (part II).
Library reproduction of copyrighted works (17 U.S.C. 108) - Second Report (part III).
Light Rail Transit Car Specification Guide. Elms, C.
Limit yaw stability of trucks and tractor-semitrailers . Emery, Lloyd H.
Limits of flammability of gases and vapors. Coward, H.F. Jones, G.W.
Linking Legacies, Connecting the cold war nuclear weapons production processes to their environmental consequences.
Liquid cargo shifting and the stability of cargo tank trucks, vol. 2: final technical report. Ervin, R.D. Barnes, M. Wolfe, A.
Liquid cargo shifting and the stability of cargo tank trucks. Vol. I - Executive summary. Ervin, R.D. Barnes, M. Wolfe, A.
Literature review summary examination of truck accidents on urban freeways. Bowman, Brian L. Hummer, Joseph
Living with radiation : 1. fundamentals.
Living with radiation : 2. fire service problems.
Local police enforcement, public information and education strategies to foster more and proper use of child safety seats by toddlers: Evaluation of a demonstration project. Decina, Lawrence Temple, Michael Dorer, Heidi
Local policy implications of BART Development. Graebner, Linda S. Giles, Peter B.
Location, Selection, and Maintenance of Highway Traffic Barriers. Michie, Jarvis D. Maurice E. Bronstad
Locomotive / Caboose Crashworthiness. Tong, Pin
Locomotive cab design development, vol. I: analysis of locomotive cab environment & development of cab design alternatives. Robinson, John Piccione, D. Lamers, G.
Locomotive cab design development, vol. II: operator's manual . Robinson, John Piccione, D.
Locomotive cab design development, vol. III: design application analysis. Robinson, John
Locomotive cab design development, vol. IV: recommended design. Robinson, John
Logic and switching circuits. Hilton, Alice Mary
Long-term problems of land contaminated by nonradioactive hazardous chemicals: sources, impacts, and countermeasures . Baes, C.F. Garten, C.T. Tolbert V.R.
Low cost bridge deck surface treatment. Munshi, Snehal Millstein, Leonid
Low-clearance vehicles at rail-highway grade crossings: an overview of the problem and potential solutions. Eck, R.W. Kang, S.K.
Low-cost method for measuring air infiltration rates in a large sample of dwellings. Grot, Richard A.
Machine safety guards 1970-Jul 1985 (citations from the Engineering Index database).
Magnitude and severity of drainage-structure-related highway accidents. Robertson, H.D.
Maintainability and repairability of vehicles-in-use.
Maintenance activities accomplished by contact. McMullen, Clifford C.
Maintenance and construction zone: annotated bibliography . Richards, Stephen H. Dudek, Conrad L. Matlock, Nancy L. Hatcher, Donald R.
Maintenance Contracting. Newman, R.B. Garmong, J.E. Hatry, H.P.
Maintenance management of street and highway signs. Cunard, Richard A.
Maintenance management, traffic safety, and snow removal.
Maintenance Standards Snow and Ice Committee Report on Snow and Ice Formula. Erickson, Ronald B.
maintenance training on control equipment. Schiff, Alfred N.
Maintenance Work Zone Safety Devices Development and Evaluation. Stout, Dale Graham, Jerry Bryant-Fields, Bobbie Migletz, Jim Fish, Joe Hanscom, Fred
Making mitigation work: a handbook for state officials.
Management of small waste flows. Small Scale Waster Management Project
Management plan: explosive classification and shipment program .*** Transportation information resource manual..
Management policies of the National Park Service.
Management review of the Superfund Program: Implementation plan.
Managing trucks for air quality: current work in progress . Nelson, C. Siwek, S. Guensler, R. Michelson, K.
Manual of individual water supply systems.
Manual of septic tank practice.
Manual of Septic Tank Practice.
Manual on indoor air quality. Diamond, R.C. Grimsrud, D.T.
Manufacturers' Abbreviated Guide for Age-Labeling Toys: Matching Toy Characteristics to Children's Ages.
Marine accident investigation manual. Loeser, Robert
Marine accident report: brief format issue #6, reports issued Feb. 16, 1988.
Maritime LNG manual.
Maritime Standards and interpretations, volume II.
Marking highway curves with safe speed indications - Dec. 1940. Moyer, R.A. Berry, D.S.
Maryland turned-down guardrail terminal. Hirsch, T.J. Dolf, T.J. Arnold, Anthea
Mass fire life hazard. Pryor, A.J.
Materials and energy reclamation from municipal wastes . Ghosh, S. Conrad, J.R. Klass, D.L.
Materials evaluation study: Ballast and Foundation Materials Research Program. Knutson, R.M. Thompson, M.R. Mullin, T. Tarabji, S.D.
Mathematical Model of Vehicle Safety Deformation under Impact - Design for Safety. Gross, L.
mathematical simulation for crashworthy aircraft seat design . Laananen, David H.
Mathematical simulation of guardrail/vehicle dynamic interaction. Bruce, R.W.
Mathematical-computer simulation of the dynamics of a freight element in a railroad freight car. Shum, Kwok L. Willis, Terrence
Maximizing legibility of traffic signs in construction work zones. Kuemmel D.A.
Measurement of blind areas on the right front of heavy trucks . Burger, William J. Mulholland, Mark U. Smith, Russell L. Bardales, Marlene C.
Measurement of eye behavior: critical and selected reviews of voluntary eye movement and blinking. Hall, Robert J. Cusack, Bruce L.
Measurement of Flammability and Burn Potential of Fabrics, Summary Report, December 1, 1970 - November 30, 1971. Mehta, Arun K. Wong, Franklin
Measurement of pedestrian behavior: a handbook for identifying the behaviors to measure and the measurement systems for use in countermeasure evaluation: interim report. Rose, Andrew M. Levine, Jerrold M. Eisner, Ellen J.
Measurement of shear and compression waves during triaxial testing. Baldwin, K.C. de Alba, P. Jones, A. Menguc, I.
Measurement of tire characteristics for P195/75R14 custom polysteel tires Volume I : Technal Report Part I.
Measurement of tire characteristics for P195/75R14 custom polysteel tires Volume 2 : Technal Report Part 2.
Measurement of tire characteristics for P195/75R14 custom polysteel tires Volume 3 : Tabulated Data Measurements.
Measurement of tire characteristics for P195/75R14 custom polysteel tires Volume 4 : Tabulated Data Measurements.
Measurement of tire characteristics for P195/75R14 custom polysteel tires Volume 5 : Tabulated Data Measurements.
Measurement of tire characteristics for P195/75R14 custom polysteel tires Volume 6 : Tabulated Data Measurements.
Measurement of tire characteristics for P195/75R14 custom polysteel tires Volume 7 : Tabulated Data Measurements.
Measurement of vibrations caused by construction equipment and blasting. Brown, L.M.
Measuring lead exposure in infants, children, and other sensitive populations.
Meat processing: citations from the food science and technology abstracts data base. Search period covering Jan. 1972-Nov. 1979.
Mechanical failures of metals in service. Bennett, John A. Quick, G. Willard
Mechanical power press safety engineering guide.
Mechanical rope and cable.
mechanical specifications of 1972 cars.
Mechanics of automobile collisions. Rosenthal, Felix Bort, Robert L. O'Hara, George J. Clements, Edward W. Skop, Richard A.
Mechanics of Train Collision. Tong, Pin
Mechanisms of Cervical Spine Injury During Impact to the Protected Head. Hodgson, R. Voigt Murray, Thomas L.
Medical devices recalls: an overview and analysis 1983-88.
Medical devices recalls: examination of selected cases.
Medically impaired drivers: an evaluation of California policy. Janke, Mary K. Peck, Raymond C. Droyer, Dell R.
Melting and pouring department: Health hazards in a foundry.
Methane ignition by frictional impact between aluminum alloys and rusted steel.. Desy, D.H. Neumeier, L.A. Risbeck, J.S.
Method of operation of the Birds Point-New Madrid Floodway, Missouri: Model investigation.
Methodology for the design of urban transportation interface facilities. Demetsky, Michael J. Hoel, Lester A. Virkler, Mark R.
Methodology fpr Determining the role of vehicle handling in accident causation, appendices B, C, D, E Vol. II. Dunlap, D.F. Segel, L. Preston, F.L. Cooley, P. Brown, B.C.
Methods for assessing exposure to chemical substances. Freed, J. Randall Nacht, Stephen H. Chambers, Thompson Christie, William N. Carpenter, Clay
Methods to calculate the response time of heat and smoke detectors installed below large unobstructed ceilings. Evans, David D. Stroup David W.
Microbial flora and fauna of respirable grain dust from grain elevators. Smalley, E.B. Burkholder, W.E. Caldwell, R.W. Mai, S.H. Phillips, J.K. Whidden, M.P.
Mine hoists and hauling, citations from the NTIS database, 1970- April 1980. Hippler, Robert
Mine safety: Occupational health - general studies.
Minicars research safety vehicle program, phase III, vol. I: technical report. Ausherman, V.K. Khadikar, A.V. Syson, S.R. Strother, C.E. Struble, D.E.
Minicars research safety vehicle program, phase III, vol. II: appendices. Ausherman, V.K. Khadikar, A.V. Syson, S.R. Strother, C.E. Struble, D.E.
Minimizing the number of states in incoletely specified sequential switching functions. Paull, M.C. Unger, S.H.
Mitigation of sight-distance problem for unprotected left- turning traffic at intersections. Joshua, S.C. Saka, A.A.
Mitigation of traffic mortality of endangered brown pelicans on coastal bridges. Owens, L.K. James, R.W.
Mizzou housing project: application of turn-key construction to industrialized urban housing in Missouri. Vogel, John Karl
Mock Tower Rating System in the Airborne Training Program (The). Kent, Gerald Windle, Charles McFann, Howard H.
Mode split at large special events and effects on air quality . Green, C.P.
Model calculation of environment-friendly traffic flows in urban networks. Immers, B.H. Oosterbaan, J.G.J.
Model performance standard for guardrails. Fattal, S.G. Cattaneo, L.E. Turner, G.E. Robinson, S.N.
Modeling the Interaction of Heavy Vehicles with Protective Barriers , Volume II: CRUNCH Program Users Manual. Iwankiw, N. R. Hahn, E.E. Chiapetta, R.L. Walgrave, S. Joyce, R.P.
Modeling the interaction of heavy vehicles with protective barriers, vol. 3: CRUNCH program user's manual. Iwankiw, N.R. Hahn, E.E. Chiapetta, R.L. Walgrave, S. Joyce, R.P.
Modeling the Interaction of Heavy Vehicles with Protective Barriers , Volume IV: Addendum. Iwankiw, N. R. Hahn, E.E. Chiapetta, R.L. Walgrave, S. Joyce, R.P.
Modeling the Interaction of Heavy Vehicles with Protective Barriers , Volume III: CRUNCH Program Users Manual. Iwankiw, N. R. Hahn, E.E. Chiapetta, R.L. Walgrave, S. Joyce, R.P.
Modeling the Interaction of Heavy Vehicles with Protective Barriers , Volume II: CRUNCH Computer Program Manual . Iwankiw, N. R. Hahn, E.E. Chiapetta, R.L. Walgrave, S. Joyce, R.P.
Modeling the Interaction of Heavy Vehicles with Protective Barriers , Volume II: CRUNCH Program Users Manual. Iwankiw, N. R. Hahn, E.E. Chiapetta, R.L. Walgrave, S. Joyce, R.P.
Modeling the Interaction of Heavy Vehicles with Protective Barriers , Volume I: Development and Validation of the CRUNCH Program. Iwankiw, N. R. Hahn, E.E. Chiapetta, R.L. Walgrave, S. Joyce, R.P.
Modeling the Interaction of Heavy Vehicles with Protective Barriers: monthly report 8. Iwankiw, N. R. et al
Modeling, simulation and verification of impact dynamics - volume 1, Executive report. McIvor, I. K.
Modeling, simulation and verification of impact dynamics - volume 2, State-of-the art, computer simulation of vehicle impact. McIvor, I. K. Wineman, A.S. Yang, W.H. Bowman, B.
Modeling, simulation and verification of impact dynamics - volume 3, State-of-the art of impact testing. Robbins, D.H.
Modeling, simulation and verification of impact dynamics - volume 4, Three dimensional plastic hinge frame simulation module. McIvor, I.K. Wineman, A.S. Anderson, W.J. Wang, H.C.
Momentum and energy analysis of automobile collisions . Branch, R.M.
Monitored retrievable storage facility: Includes the following papers; Storage of spent nuclear fuel; Transportation of used fuel; Nuclear waste policy act and amendments; Civilian radioactive waste management system; Monitored retrievable storage-facility; MRS site requirements and considerations; Radiation; The MRS; Safety: the key to the civilian radioactive waste management program; MRS dry handling operations; Used nuclear fuel;.
Morbidity Patterns Among Heavy Equipment Operators Exposed to Whole-Body Vibration-1975 (Follow-up to a 1974 study). Spear, C. Keller, Carl Behrens, Virginia Hudes, Mark Tarter, Dolores
MORT : the management oversight and risk tree / including systems developed by the Idaho Operations Office and Aerojet Nuclear Company. Johnson, W.G.
Motor carrier activities of the Federal Highway Administration .*** Users guide for the conversion of Navy paint spray booth particulate emission control systems from wet to dry operation. Ayer, Jacqueline Tate, Darrel
Motor carrier activities of the federal highway administration .*** Patterns of misuse of child safety seats. Decina, Lawrence E. Knoebel, Kathleen Y.
Motor Carrier Preventable Accident Countermeasures. Hales, C. Uzgiris, S.C.
Motor Carrier Preventable Accident Countermeasures: appendix . Hales, C. Uzgiris, S.C.
Motor vehicle brake systems, 1973-Jul 82 (citations from the Information Services in Mechanical Engineering Data).
Motor vehicle collision investigation symposium vol. 1: proceedings [bound in 2 parts]. Garrett, John W.
Motor vehicle fires in traffic crashes and the effects of the fuel system integrity standard. Parsons, Glenn G.
Motor vehicle rear vision. Kelley, Charles R. Prosin, Daniel J.
Motorcycle accident cause factors and identification of countermeasures, vol. II: appendix/supplemental data. Hurt, H.H. Ouellet, J.V. Thom, D.R.
Motorcycle accident factors study: summary of results.
Motorcycle accidents and motorcycle injuries: a review . Scott, Robert E.
Motorcycle crashes: a level two study. Vaughan, Rodney G. Pettigrew, Keith Lukin, Jill
Motorcycle handling, vol. 1: summary report. Weir, David H. Zellner, John W.
Motorcycle headlighting research. Sturgis, Samuel P.
Motorcycle safety, environmental effects and performance studies, citations from the NTIS database, 1970-Feb. 1986).
Motorcycle safety, environmental effects, and performance studies, citations from the NTIS database, Sep 79 - present.
Motorcycles: a subject bibliography from Highway Safety Literature. Flynn, Lois
Motorcyclists' injuries and injury sources from two on-site studies. Griffiths, Michael
Motorist understanding of traffic control devices in Kansas . Stokes, Robert W. Rys, MArgaret J. Russell, Eugene R. Kerbs, Jeff
Movement and stability of cuts and fills. Marr, J. Allen Lambe, T. William
Moving america safely : priority plan : NHSTA's activities through 1994..
Moving people: an introduction to public transportation.
Moving radar evaluation project report. Hunter, William W. Bundy, Henry L.
MSHA's guide to equipment guarding for metal and nonmetal mining..
Multidisciplinary accident investigation summaries, vol. 1 #6.
Multidisciplinary accident investigation summaries, vol. 4 #3.
Multidisciplinary accident investigation, vol. I. Fisher, Russell S.
Multidisciplinary accident investigation: case no. UNM 19, Three car/rear end collision.
Multidisciplinary accident investigation: truck/rollover collision, case no. 1225d.
Multi-disciplinary investigations to determine automobile accident causation, report No. 1: organization and methodology of intensive accident investigation. Tharp, K.J. Garrett, J.W.
Multilevel study of accident causation and avoidance: phase IA planning report. Filkins, Lyle D. Scott, Robert E. O'Day, James Kubacki, Michael
Multi-piece rim wheel standard: management's role.
Multiple-Service-Level Highway Bridge Railing Selection Procedures. Bronstad, M.E. J.D. Michie
Municipal sewage treatment : a comparison of alternatives.
Municipal solid waste: resource recovery. Proceedings of the 7th Annual Research Symposium.
Muscular strength of women and men: a comparative study . Laubach, Lloyd L.
Musts for USTs: a summary of the regulations for underground storage tank systems.
NARD Version 2.0 Volume I: Users Manual. Basu, S. Hancock, K. Chou, C.C.
NARD Version 2.0 Volume III: Engineering Manual. Basu, Sudhamay
NARD Version 2.0 Volume III: Programmers Manual. Basu, S. Hancock, K. Chou, C.C.
NASA/FAA General aviation crash dynamics program - a status report. Thomson, Robert G. Goetz, Robert C.
National accident sampling system nonreported accident survey . Greenblatt, Janet Merrin, Mary Beth Morganstein, David Schwartz, Sanford
National Crash Analysis Center. Eskandarian, Azim Bedewi, Nabib E. Neczkowski, Leonard
National Fire Research Strategy Conference Proceedings.
National Governors' Association Truck Accident Data Collection Program: Officer's Manual. S. H. Richards, T. D. Sullivan, R. A. Margiotta
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration strategic plan . National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
National Toxicology Program, Fiscal year 1995 annual plan.
National Toxicology Program, Review of current DHHS, DOE, and EPA research related to toxicology, Fiscal year 1995.
National Toxicology Program: Fiscal year 1993 annual report.
National Toxicology Program: Fiscal year 1994 annual report.
National Toxicology Program: Review of current DHHS, DOE and EPA research related to toxicology, Fiscal year 1992.
National Toxicology Program: Review of current DHHS, DOE, EPA research related to toxicology: Fiscal year 1994.
National Toxicology Program: Fiscal year 1992 annual report.
National Transportation Safety Board Safety Study.
Nature and extent of lead poisoning in children in the United States.
NCSS Statistics: passenger cars. Ricci, Leda L.
Near term electric vehicle program.
Near term safety improvements for motorcycles.
Need For Standards For Recapped Tires. Huggins, Col. M. Wayne, Superintendent of State Police et al. Commonwealth of Virginia
NETS safety handbook.
New and improved model of passing sight distance on two-lane highways. Glennon, J.C.
New car assessment program (NCAP) frontal barrier impact test- 1990 Honda Prelude, 2 door coupe (ACP). Khadilkar, Anil V. Pruit, S.D. et al.
New car assessment program (NCAP), frontal barrier impact test of a 1996 Chevrolet C1500 pickup NHTSA No. MT0103. Markusic, Craig A.
New concepts for traffic barrier systems. Bronstad, M.E.
New control techniques. Donohoe, Dennis E.
New Directions for Learning About Safety Effectiveness . Hauer, E., Lovell, J., Persaud, B.N.
New Highway Barriers: the practical application of theoretical design. Graham, Malcolm D. Burnett, William C. Gibson, John L. Freer, Robert H.
New look at odorization levels for propane gas. Whisman, M.L. Goetzinger, J.W. Cotton, F.O. Brinkman, D.W. Thompson, C.J.
New portable tester for the evaluation of the slip-resistance of walkway surfaces. Brungraber, Robert J.
New technology in electrodeposition of metals: Current reversal in electroplating. Bakhvalov, G.T.
New Technology Transfer Publications.
NHTSA heavy duty vehicle brake research program report No. 1: stopping capability of air braked vehicles, vol. 1: technical report. Radlinski, Richard W. Williams, Sidney F.
NHTSA heavy duty vehicle brake research program report No. 1: stopping capability of air braked vehicles, vol. 2: appendices. Radlinski, Richard W. Williams, Sidney F.
NHTSA heavy duty vehicle brake research program report No. 2: the effect of adjustment on air brake performance. Radlinski, Richard W. Williams, Sidney F.
NHTSA heavy duty vehicle brake research program report No. 3: evaluation of parking and emergency pneumatic systems on air braked trailers. Radlinski, Richard W. Williams, Sidney F.
NHTSA Heavy Duty Vehicle Brake Research Program Report No. 5: Pneumatic Timing.
NHTSA New Car Assessment Program (NCAP) Frontal Barrier Test of a 1991 Chevrolet Caprice 4-Door Sedan. Paolini, Vincent M., Kilgallon, Michael J., Levan, Walter E.
NIOH and NIOSH basis for an occupational health standard: Acrylamide, a review of the literature. Molak, Vlasta
NIOH and NIOSH basis for an occupational health standard: grain dust; Health hazards of storing, handling, and shipping grain . Brown, Michael A.
NIOSH alert: Request for assistance in Preventing adverse health effects from exposure to Dimethylformamide (DMF).
NIOSH alert: Request for assistance in preventing and injuries from excavation cave-ins.
NIOSH alert: request for assistance in preventing bladder cancer from exposure to o-Toludine and Aniline.
NIOSH alert: Request for assistance in preventing death from from excessive exposure to chlorofluocarbon 113 (CFC-113).
NIOSH alert: request for assistance in preventing deaths of farm workers in manure pits.
NIOSH alert: Request for assistance in preventing electrocutions of workers in fast food restaurants.
NIOSH alert: Request for assistance in preventing electrocutions of workers using portable metal ladders near overhead power lines.
NIOSH alert: Request for assistance in preventing electrocutions from contact between cranes and power lines.
NIOSH alert: Request for assistance in preventing electrocutions due to damaged receptacles and connectors.
NIOSH Alert: Request for assistance in preventing electrocutions during work with scaffolds near overhead power lines.
NIOSH alert: request for assistance in preventing electrocutions by undetected feedback electrical energy present in power lines.
NIOSH Alert: request for assistance in preventing electrocutions of crane operators and crew members working near overhead power lines.
NIOSH alert: Request for assistance in preventing entrapment & suffocation caused by the unstable surfaces of stored grain & other materials.
NIOSH alert: Request for assistance in preventing falls and electrocutions during tree trimming.
NIOSH alert: Request for assistance in Preventing Fatalities of Workers who Contact Electrical Energy.
NIOSH alert: Request for assistance in preventing hazards in the use of water spray (fog) streams to prevent or control ignition of flammable atmospheres. Millar, J. Donald
NIOSH Alert: request for assistance in preventing homicide in the workplace.
NIOSH Alert: request for assistance in preventing injuries and deaths of loggers.
NIOSH Alert: request for assistance in preventing injuries and deaths from metal-reinforced hydraulic hoses.
NIOSH alert: Request for assistance in preventing lead poisoning in construction workers (rev. ed.).
NIOSH alert: Request for assistance in preventing occupational fatalities in confined spaces.
NIOSH Alert: request for assistance in preventing scalping and other severe injuries from farm machinery.
NIOSH alert: Request for assistance in preventing the injury of workers by robots.
NIOSH alert: request for assistance in preventing vision disturbances and acute physical distress due to Dimethylethylamine (DMEA) exposure.
NIOSH alert: Request for assistance in preventing worker deaths and injuries from falls through skylights and roof openings.
NIOSH alert: Request for assistance in preventing worker injuries and deaths caused by falls from suspension scaffolds.
NIOSH health and safety guide: tool, die, and precision machining industry.
NIOSH health hazard evaluation report: DuPage County Judicial Office facility, Wheaton, IL. Hurrell, Joseph J. Kiefer, Max Wilcox, Thomas Kawamoto, Melody
NIOSH health hazard evaluation report: St. Vincent Hospital, Indianapolis, IN. Cook, Calvin K. Zimmer, Anthony
NIOSH mini-alert: Request for assistance in controlling carbon monoxide hazard in aircraft refueling operations.
NIOSH surveillance report: Job injuries among loggers . Frazier, Todd M. Coleman, Patrick J.
NIOSH testimony on OSHA proposed rule: Grain handling facilities; safety hazards 29 CFR 1910 and 1917. Millar, J. Donald
NIOSH testimony on repetitive trauma disorders. Fine, Lawrence J.
NJ (New Jersey) Breakaway Sign Testing. Szalaj, W.M. Hollinger, R.L.
NMMA Certification Handbook.
Noise and traction characteristics of bias-ply truck tires, vol. 1: noise and dry traction findings. Ervin, R.D. Wild, R.E.
Noise programs of professional/industrial organizations, universities, and colleges.
Noise: the environmental problem. A guide to OSHA standards..
Non-destructive impact between railroad cars: experimental and analytical study. Peters, David A. Yin, Sheng K.
Nonferrous industry particulate emissions source category report. Burnett, Mark Minden, Andrew
Nonlethal weapons for use by U.S. law enforcement officers . Coates, Joseph F.
Non-Steady Outflow Of Propane Vapor From A Railroad Tank Car (The). Sallet, D.W. Palmer, M.E.
North American Testing Company Final Report: 1980 Commuter "Comuta-Car".
NTP Summary report on the metaolism, disposition, and toxicity of 1,4-Butanediol. Irwin, Richard D.
NTP Technical report of toxicity studies of 1-Nitropyrene administered by inhalation to F344/N rats. Chan, Po C.
NTP Technical report of toxicity studies of Cyclohexanone Oxime administered by drinking water to B6C3F Mice. Burka, Leo T.
NTP Technical report on comparative toxicity and carcinogenicity studies of o-Nitrotoluene and o-Toluidine Hydrochloride (CAS Nos. 88-72-2 and 636-21-5) administered in feed to male F344/N rats. Elwell, Michael R.
NTP Technical report on renal toxicity studies of selected Halogenated Ethanes administered by gavage to F344/N rats . Bucher, John R.
NTP Technical Report on the carcinogenesis bioassay of Butyl Benzyl Phthalate (CAS No. 85-68-7)in F344/N Rats and B6C3F(1) Mice (feed study)..
NTP Technical Report on Toxicity Studies of 1,3- Diphenylguanidine (CAS No. 102-06-7) administered in feed to F344/N Rats and B6C3F(1) Mice..
NTP technical report on toxicity studies of cadmium oxide administered by inhalation to F344/N rats and B6C3F(1) mice . Dunnick, June K. Ph.D.
NTP technical report on toxicity studies of Dibutyl Phthalate (CAS No. 84-74-2) administered in feed to F344/N Rats and B6C3F1 Mice. Marsman, Daniel S.
NTP Technical report on toxicity studies of Isoprene . Melnick, Ronald L. Phd.
NTP Technical Report on Toxicity Studies of t-Butyl Alcohol Administered by Inhalation to F344/N Rats and B6C3F1 Mice: National Toxicology Program Toxicity Report Series Number 53 . Mahler, Joel
NTP Technical report on toxicity studies of Urethane in drinking water and Urethane in 5% Ethanol administered to F344/N rats and B6C3F mice. Chan, Po C.
Nuclear materials transportation and emergency management : 1989 conference andworkshops : final report.
Nuclear materials transportation and emergency management : 1989 conference andworkshops : final report.
Nuclear weapons complex modernization report.
Numerical analysis of roadside design (NARD) volume 1: users' manual. Basu, S. McHale, G.
Numerical analysis of roadside design (NARD) volume 2: programmers' manual. Basu, S. McHale, G.
Numerical analysis of roadside design (NARD) Volume III: Validation Procedure Manual. Basu, S. Haghighi, A.
Objective criteria for guardrail installation. Glennon, John C. Tamburri, Thomas N.
Oblique angle crash tests of loaded heavy trucks, into an instrumented wall. Mak, K.K. Beason, W.L. Hirsch, T.J. Campise, W.L.
Occidental Tower fire, Los Angeles, California, November 19, 1976.
Occupancy use readiness manual : safety considerations.
Occupancy use readiness manual : safety considerations.
Occupant head space in passenger cars. Herbert, David C. Stott, John D. Corben, Christopher W. Cutting, Derrick Gillies, Neil
Occupant motion during a rollover crash. Johnson, Arnold K. Knapton, David A.
Occupant Survivability in Heavy-Truck Crashes. Wolf, Brian Campbell, Kenneth L. O'Day, James
Occupational diseases: a guide to their recognitition (rev. ed.). Key, Marcus M.
Occupational exposure sampling strategy manual. Leidel, Nelson A. Busch, Kenneth A. Lynch, Jeremiah R.
Occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens.
Occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens: Precautions for emergency responders.
Occupational exposure to chromic acid.
Occupational exposure to fibrous glass.
Occupational fatalities related to roofs, ceilings and floors as found in reports of OSHA fatality/catastrophe investigations . Cloe, W.W. Breslin, Patricia P.
Occupational medical support of a research hospital. Brandt, Robert J.
Occupational safety and health symposia, 1977. Doege, Theodore Wheater, Robert H.
Occupational safety and health: a bibliography.
Occupational safety in grain elevators and feed mills. Linn, Herbert
Occupational vision guide.
Odor pollution, Jan 77-Apr 86, citations from the NTIS database.
Older driver perception-reaction time for intersection sight distance and object detection - Final report, volume 1 . Lerner, Neil D. Huey, Richard W. McGee, Hugh W. Andrew, Sullivan
Older driver perception-reaction time for intersection sight distance and object detection - appendices, volume 2. Lerner, Neil D. Huey, Richard W. McGee, Hugh W. Andrew, Sullivan
Older driver preception-reaction time for intersection sight distance and object detection. Volume 2. Appendixes. Lerner, Neil D. Huey, Richard W. McGee, Hugh W. Sullivan, Andrew
On-road crash experience of utility vehicles. Snyder, Richard G. McDole, Thomas L. Ladd, William M. Minahan, Daniel J.
Operational effects of geometrics and geometric design.
Operational effects of geometrics and improvement evaluations.
Operational effects of nontraversable medians and two-way left- turn lanes: a comparison. Venigalla, M.M. Margiotta, R. Chatterjee, A. Rathi, A.K. Clarke, D.B.
Operational impacts of wider trucks on narrow roadways . Harkey, D.L. Zegeer, C.V. Reinfurt, D.W. Davis, S.E. Stewart, J.R. Council, F.M.
Operational impacts of wider truks on narrow roadways . Harkey, D.L. Zegeer, C.V. Stewart, J.R. Reinfurt, D.W.
Operational testing of locomotive-mounted strobe lights . Hopkins, John B.
Operations manual - package treatment plants. Zickefoose, Chuck
Operator restraint testing program, phase II [forklift trucks]. Melvin, John W. Alem, Nabih M. Winkler, Christopher B.
Operator restraint testing program, phase II: appendices [forklift trucks]. Melvin, John W. Alem, Nabih M. Winkler, Christopher B.
Optical engineering research on new and used automotive glazing. Wakely, Harold Wolf, Linda Godin, Steven
Optimum recall period for reporting persons injured in motor vehicle accidents.
Optimum width for widening secondary arterial streets. Verge, Michel E. Berry, Donald S.
OSHA handbook for small businesses.
OSHA handbook for small businesses.
OSHA publications and audiovisual programs.
OSHA safety and health training guidelines for general industry, vol. 1. Lowry, D.E. Adams, H.E.
Outline for training powered industrial truck operators.
Overheating in electrical products.
Overview of chain saw related injuries. Newman, Rae
Overview of roadway delination research. Capelle, Donald G.
Overview of the information retrieval system for the crash test (film) library. Goldman, Don Hoffman, Roger
Overview of the on-road crash experience of utility vehicles (highlights of the technical report). Snyder, R.G. McDole, T.L. Ladd, W.M. Minahan, D.J.
Paper and pulp: the control of accidents..
Parametric analysis of heavy duty truck dynamic stability Volume II -Appendices. Winkler, C.B. Fancher, P.S. MacAdam, C.C.
Parametric analysis of heavy duty truck dynamic stability, vol. I: Technical report. Winkler, C.B. Fancher, P.S. MacAdam, C.C.
Parametric analysis of heavy duty truck dynamic stability, Volume I -Technical Report. Winkler, C.B. Fancher, P.S. MacAdam, C.C.
Parking facilities, Jan 70-Oct 87, citations from COMPENDEX.
Passenger car and truck signaling and marking research: 1. regulations, intensity requirements and color filter characteristics. Mortimer, Rudolf G. Moore, Corwin D. Jr. Jorgeson, Craig M. Thomas, J. Kirby
Passenger car braking performance, vol. 1: summary report . Gilchrist, Arnold Enserink, Bert
Passenger car braking performance, vol. 2: technical report . Gilchrist, Arnold Enserink, Bert
Passenger vehicle, light truck and van convex mirror optimization and evaluation studies, vol. 1: Convex mirror optimization. Burger, William J. Mulholland, Mark U. Smith, Russell L. Sharkey, Thomas J.
Passenger vehicle, light truck and van convex mirror optimization and evaluation studies, vol. 2: Evaluation of alternative mirror. Burger, William J. Mulholland, Mark U. Smith, Russell L. Sharkey, Thomas J. Bardales, Marlene C.
Passive restraints.
Passive restraints. Flynn, Lois
Pavement condition measurement for safety improvements. Vol. I Development of procedures. Lock, James R. Ivey, Don L. et al.
Pavement edges and vehicle stability: a basis for maintenance guidelines. Zimmer, Richard A. Ivey, Don L.
Pavement friction measurement normalized for operational, seasonal, and weather effects. Wambold, J.C. Henry, J.J. Antle, C.E. Kulakowski, B.T. Meyer, W.E. Stocker, A.J. Button, J.W. Anderson. D.A.
Pavement surface properties and vehicle interaction.
Pedestrian falling accidents in transit terminals. Fruin, John J. Guha, Dilip K Marshall, Rolf F.
Pedestrian movement and safety: citations from the NTIS database.
Pennsylvania's guide rail standards: a cost-effective change . Schultz, L.
Pentachlorophenol: position document 1. Cirelli, Daniel P.
Pentoclorophenol toxicity (1978-1984 citations).
Perceived importance of zones surrounding a vehicle and learning to use a convex mirror effectively. Burger, William J. Smith, Russell L. Bardales, Marlene C.
Performance and operational experience of truck-mounted attenuators, a synthesis of highway practice. Michie, Jarvis D. Bronstad, Maurice E.
Performance criteria for channelizing devices used for two-lane two-way operations. Lewis, Russell M.
Performance data: new 1973 passenger cars and motorcycles.
Performance evaluation of child restraint systems. Naab, Kenneth N.
Performance of longitudinal traffic barriers. Bronstad, M.E Michie, J.D. Mayer, Jr., J.D.
Performance of the Hi-Dro cushion cell barrier vehicle-impact attenuator. Hayes, Gordon G. Ivey, Don L. Hirsch, T.J.
Performance Recovery Following Startle: A Laboratory Approach To The Study Of Behavioral Response To Sudden Aircraft Emergencies. Thackray, Richard I.
Performance standards for bulldozer operators.
Perimeter Safety Net Projection Requirements. Yancey, C.W.C. Carino, N.J., Sansalone, M.
Personal protective equipment.
Personal protective equipment.
Personnel guardrails for the prevention of occupational accidents. Fattal, S.G. Cattaneo, L.E. Turner, G.E. Robinson, S.N.
Perspectives on current occupational medical practice . Tabershaw, Irving R.
Petition for Reconsideration of the Aircraft Accident Report of the National Transportation Safety Board on the Simmons Airlines Flight 4184 ATR-72 Accident near Roselawn, Indiana, October 31, 1994.. Le Directeur General de L'Aviation Civile (France)
Phenomena of pneumatic tire hydroplaning. Horne, Walter B. Dreher, Robert C.
Physchophysical basis for manual lifting guidelines. Ayoub, M.M.
Physical-chemical factors governing the combustion of polymers. Einhorn, I. N. Seader, J.D.
Physico-chemical phenomena in soils 1962.
Physiological basis for manual lifting guidelines. Rodgers, S.H. Yates, J.W.
Pilot specification for the procurement of multiple-unit railway commuter cars.
Pilot study of the relationship of regional road traffic to surface-soil lead levels in Illinnois. BaBelle, S.J. Lindahl, P.C. Hinchman, R.R. Ruskamp, J. and McHugh K.
Pipeline Accident Report: Boston Gas Co., natural gas overpressure, explosion and fires, East Boson, MA, Sept. 23, 1983.
Pipeline Accident Report: Low-pressure natural gas distribution systems, Burlington, Iowa, Nov. 6, 1969.
Pipeline Accident Report: Missouri Power and Light Co., natural gas fires, Centralia, MO, Jan. 28, 1982.
Pipeline accident report: Texas Eastern Gas Pipeline Co. ruptures and fires at Beaumont, KY on Apr. 27, 1985 and Lancaster KY on Feb. 21, 1986.
Piping and tubing technology: a compilation.
Plane and convex mirror sizes for small to large trucks: predictions from truck characteristics: Final Report . Burger,W.J. Mulholland, M.U.
Planned maintenance management system municipal wastewater treatment plants. Sargent, Donald H. Rudich, David A.
Planning and implementing pedestrian facilities in suburban and developing rural areas. Smith, S.A. Opiela, K.S. Impett, L.L. Pietrucha, M.T. Knoblauch, R Kubat, C.
Planning for survival.
Planning Guide and Checklist for Hazardous Materials Contingency Plans.
Planning guide for wastewater cluster systems in Illinois . Helm, Richard Quinn, James Zyznieuski, Walter
Planning in implementing pedestrian facilities in suburban and developing rural areas. Smith, S.A. Opiel a, K.S. Impett, L.L. Pietrucha, M.T. Knoblauch R.: Kubat, C.
Planning procedures for improving transit station security . Richards, Larry G. Hoel, Lester A.
Planning, implementing and maintaining accessible accessways to and from bus stops: existing problems and possible solutions for the wheelchair traveler. Block, Arnold J. Leisman, Naomi
Plastics used as building or construction materials, vol. 1: 1970-1974 [citations from Compendex]. Cavagnaro, Diane M.
Plastics used as building or construction materials, vol. 2: 1975-December 1979 [citations from Compendex]. Cavagnaro, Diane M.
Pole inspection and maintenance.
Pollution prevention program.
Polymeric materials combusition: toxicity hazards and legal aspects 1976-Oct 1985 (citations from the Rubber and Plastics Research Assn Database).
PORSCHE - Preprocessor of Roadside Safety Hardware Evaluation . Hancock, K. Su, E. Valles, M. Basu, S.
Portable concrete barrier connectors. Graham, J.L. Loumiet, J.R. Migletz, J.
Portable life support systems: 2nd conference held at NASA Ames Research Center.
Portable life support systems: a conference held at NASA Ames Research Center.
Position paper on grounding of appliances and electrical systems.
Possible design procedure to promote design consistency in highway geometric design on two-lane rural roads. Lamm, R. Choueiri, E.M. Haywardm J.C. Paluri, A.
Post mortem protocol: the foundation for fire safety.
Potential for increasing the output of existing hydroelectric plants. Davis, Darryl W. Buckley, John J.
Power lawn mower thrown object validity study, part I: final report. Hendry, R. N. et al.
Power lawn mower thrown object validity study, part II: Phase I report, reponse to public comments. Hendry, R. N. et al.
Power lawn mower thrown object validity study, part IV: Phase II report: Mower simulation refinements; Phase III: Hazard potential of thrown objects. Hendry, R.N. et al.
Power lawn mowers: evaluation of anthropometric foot probes . Persensky, J.J. Ramey, A.M.
Power lawn mowers: Time-to-blade access, Final report. Ramey, A.M. Persenky, J.J.
Power system communications: Supervisory control and energy management systems.
Practical determination of tunnell entrance lighting needs . Schreuder, D.A.
Practices and needs in work zone pedestrian safety. Noel, E.C.
Predicting the braking performance of trucks and tractor- trailors, phase III technical report: Appendices A,B,C,D,E,F . Winkler, C. Bernard, J. Fancher, P. MacAdam, C. Johnson, L.
Prediction of hazards of spills of anhydrous ammonia on water . Raj, P.K. Hagopian, J. Kalelkar, A.S.
Preemployment strength testing. Chaffin, Don B. Herrin, Gary D. Keyserling, W. Monroe Foulke, James A.
Preliminary control technology assessment of Crane Company, Ferguson, KY. Godbey, Frank W.
Preliminary fire protection study to determine the feasibility of bare steel protected by automatic sprinklers, Pittsburgh Great High Schools. Jensen, Rolf
Preliminary inventory of hydropower resources, National Hydroelectric Power Resources Study, vol. 5: Southeast region.
Preliminary investigation of the performance of men's safety-toe footwear. Cook, William I. Groce, Dennis W.
Preliminary report on trucks in injury producing accidents . Stern, Arthur
Preliminary study of the fire safety of thermal insulation for use in attics or enclosed spaces in residential housing . Gross, Daniel
Preliminary toxilogical evaluation of 8 chemicals used as wood preservatives. Dacre, Jack C.
Preparation of highway vehicle emission inventories . Suhrbier, J.H. Lawton, S.T. Moriarty, J.A.
Prescription for battery workers.
Pressure and temperature fluctuations in underground storage tank pipelines containing gasoline. Maresca, Joseph W. MacArthur, Maria P Regalia, Angela
Pre-triage system for mass casualty care. Klinghoffer, Max
Preventing foodborne illness, a guide to safe food handling . Rehe, Susan
Preventing lead poisoning in young children. Centers for Disease Control
Preventing lead poisoning in young children. Roper, William L. M.D.
Prevention of dust explosions in grain elevators: an achievable goal.
Prevention of electric shock in a large crane near a radio broadcasting antenna. Kasashima, Yoshinori
Prevention of electrical system ignition of automotive crash fire. Gatlin, Clifford I. Johnson, Neva B.
Pricing of air pollution in the Swedish transport policy . Hanson, L.
Primer for wastewater treatment.
Principal emergency response and preparedness requirements in OSHA standards and guidance for safety and health programs.
Principal emergency response and preparedness requirements in OSHA standards and guidance for safety and health programs.
Principles and practices of industrial air standards. Lewis, Trent R.
Principles and techniques of mechanical guarding.
Principles and techniques of mechanical guarding.
Principles and techniques of mechanical guarding. Griffin, William G. Homan, Sheldon W.
Priority programming methodology for rail-highway grade crossings. Ryan, T.A.
Probability of driver injury in single vehicle collisions with roadway appurtenances as a function of passenger car curb weight. Griffin, Lindsay I, III
Probability of spent fuel transportation accidents. McClure, James D.
Probing the Law and Beyond: A Quest for Public Protection form Hazardous Product Catastrophies. Brown, James M.
Problems in occuapational health programming: introduction . Zenz, Carl
Problems in occupational health programming. Hatch, Loren L.
Problems in the management of college students' health . Miller, John M.
Problems of inference in studies of seat belt effectiveness . Hochberg, Yosef
Procedure for estimating the costs of injuries associated with household products. Wulff, J. Jepson
Procedures binder for the WGA Technical Advisory Group on WIPP (Waste Isolation Pilot Plant) Transport..
Procedures to evaluate openings in children's products for head entrapment hazards. Deppa, Shelley Waters
Proceedings of a symposium on commercial vehicle braking and handling held May 5-7, 1975 at Ann Arbor, MI.
Proceedings of national conference on health, environmental effects, and control technology of energy use..
Proceedings of the 1st coordination meeting of contractors energy from biomass' (Project E).
Proceedings of the conference on the transportation of radioactive material.
Proceedings of the environmental technology through industry partnership conference, volume I. Kothari, Vijendra P.
Proceedings of the environmental technology through industry partnership conference, volume II. Kothari, Vijendra P.
Proceedings of the international snowmobile conference. US Department of Interior, Bureau of Outdoor Recreation New York State Conservation Commission
Proceedings of the National Conference on Child Passenger Protection.
Proceedings of the seminar on the ergonomics of locomotives and free-steered vehicles. Mason, S.
Proceedings of the workshop for classification yard technology. Witt, Ellen S. Shedlock, Norka
Proceedings--Special Public Hearing, Fog Accidents on Limited Access Highways..
Process of setting safety standards in the courts, Congress and administrative agencies. Wollan, Michael J.
Processing for the production of synthetic crude oils by liquefaction of oil shale and coal. Klass, Donald L.
Product liability in the workplace: the effect of workers' compensation On the rights and liabilities of third parties . Weisgall, Jonathan
Product liability: a study of the interaction of law and technology. Weinstein, Alvin S. Twerski, Aaron D. Piehler, Henry R. Donaher, William A.
Product Safety and the Older Consumer: What Manufacturers/Designer Need to Consider.
Professional liability considerations. Waugh, David K.
Profiles on occupational hazards for criteria document priorities.
Program for determining the RF hazard from electromagnetic radiating equipment for an electroexplosive device. Warshall, Theodore
Program Illi-Track: a finite element analyis of conventional railway support system: User's manual & program listing: Ballast & Foundation Materials Research Program. Tarabji, S.D. Thompson, M.R.
Program reseach and development announcement for demonstration, testing, and evaluation of industrial environmental restoration and waste management technologies.
Progress Toward a general analytical method for predicting indoor air pollution in buildings indoor air quality modeling phase 3 report. Axley, James
Projects 1993. Raufaste, Noel J.
Promising site cleanup technology. Hill, Ronald D.
Properties and preparation of explosives. Yaremenko, N. Ye. Svetlov, B. Ya.
Proposal for Evaluating Human Exposure to Carbon Monoxide Contamination in Military Vehicles.. Steinberg, Seymour, and Nielsen, Gerald D.
Proposed construction or alteration of objects that may affect the navigable airspace.
Proposed qualification requirements for selected railroad jobs. Hale, A. Jacobs, H.H.
Proposed rear view mirror characteristics and costs. Mattson, S. Cross, A. Wakeley, H. Viergutz, O.
Protecting health and safety at hazardous waste sites: an overview.
Protection of personnel in maintenance and construction zones . Brackett, Quinn Stuart, Mark Carnahan, Tim Stealy, Sheryl
Protective clothing - assessment of need, vol. 1. Barnhart, W.L. Toney, C.R. Nicodemus, L.A.
Protective clothing - assessment of need, vol. 2. Barnhart, W.L. Toney, C.R. Nicodemus, L.A.
Protective clothing: a DDC bibliography.
Protective clothing: Industrial environments, 1964-April 1980 (citations from the NTIS database). Kenton, Edith
Protective coatings for bridge steel. Hare, C.H.
Prototype geotechnical information system. Bakeer, R.M. Hadj- Hamou, T. Niklaus, J.L.
Prototype internal rescue hoist for UH-ID.
Provisions for elderly and handicapped pedestrians, vol. 1: executive summary. Templer, John A.
Provisions for elderly and handicapped pedestrians, vol. 3: the development and evaluation of countermeasures. Templer, John A.
Prudent practices for controlling lead exposure in the secondary lead smelting industry: a guide for employers and employees.
Psychological and social losses from road traffic crashes . Hart, David Linklater, Dawn
Public transit research: Rail, bus, and new technology, 1991.
Pull-out capacity of a yielding signpost as related to soil moisture. Ross, Hayes E. Jr. Dolf, Timothy J.
Pyrolysis, Ignition & Fire Spread on Horizontal Surface of Wood. Ateya, Arvind
Questions and answers about the OSHA standards for commercial diving operations.
Questions and answers on quality, the ISO 9000 standard series, quality system registration and related issues. Breitenberg, Maureen
Radial ply aircraft tires: design, construction, and testing . Spinti, C.G.W. Licus, J.J. Martin, D.J. Wagner, J.S.
Radiation in perspective.
Radiologic examination of the lumbosacral spine. Gilula, Louis
Radiological handbook.
Rail safety/equipment crashworthiness, vol. I: A systems analysis of injury minimization in rail systems. Reilly, M.J. Jines, R.H. Tanner, A.E.
Rail safety/equipment crashworthiness, vol. II: design guide . Reilly, M.J. Shefrin, J. Patrick, L.M.
Rail safety/equipment crashworthiness, vol. III: Proposed engineering standards. Reilly, M.J.
Rail safety/equipment crashworthiness, vol. IV: Executive summary. Reilly, M.J. Jines, R.H. Tanner, A.E.
Rail transit safety, 1978 annual report.
Rail transit safety, 1980 annual report. Daley, David M. Leonard Eugene L.
Rail transit safety, 1981 annual report. Daley, David M. Leonard Eugene L.
Rail transit safety, 1982 annual report. Daley, David M. Leonard Eugene L.
Rail-highway crossing accident/incident and inventory bulletin no. 12, calendar year 1989.
Railroad Accident Report - hazardous materials accident at the Southern Pacific Transportation Co.'s Englewood yard Houston, Texas September 21, 1974..
Railroad Accident Report - Hazardous Materials Railroad Accident in the Alton and Southern Gateway Yard in East St. Louis, Illinois, January 22, 1972.
Railroad accident report: Chicago, Burlington, & Quincy Railroad Co. Train 64 & 824 derailment & collision with tank car explosion, Crete, NE, Feb. 18, 1969.
Railroad Accident report: derailment of Louisville & Nashville Railroad Co.'s train no. 584 and subsequent rupture of tank car containing liquified petroleum gas, Waverly, TN Feb. 22, 1978 .*** Strategy for small alternative wastewater systems.
Railroad accident report: Derailment of Toledo, Peoria & Western Railroad Co. Train 20 with resultant fire & tank car ruptures, Crescent City, IL, June 21, 1970.
Railroad accident report: Penn Central transportation Co. freight train derailment, passenger train collision with hazardous material car, Sound View, CT, Oct. 8, 1970.
Railroad accident report: side collision of Southern Railway Co. Trains Nos. 1 and 152, Spencer, North Carolina, Oct. 8, 1977.
Railroad accident/incident summary report: Miamisburg, OH, July 8, 1986.
Railroad accident/incident summary report: Philadelphia, PA, Dec. 10, 1986; Ardmore, PA, Jan. 26, 1987.
Railroad Classification Yard Technology Manual, Vol. I: Yard Design Methods. Wong, P.J. Sakasita, M. Stock, W.A. Elliott, C.V. Hackworth, M.A.
Railroad Classification Yard Technology-Assessment of Car Speed Control Systems. Kiang, R.L. Ploeger, D.W. Stock, W.A. Eckerle, J. Wong, P.J.
Railroad fire prevention field guide. Moore, Howard E.
Railroad Freight Car Classification Yards Installations 1976- 1924.
Railroad rail, track, regulation, operations management, and commuter issues.
Railroad Regualtion Issues, rail passenger services, railroad bridges, and track maintenance management. Kaplan, Elizabeth W., ed.
Railroad reseach bulletin, Autumn 1973.
Railroad safety: DOD can improve the safety of on-base track and equipment.
Railroad yard safety - hazardous material and emergency preparedness.
Railroad/Highway Accident Report - Collision of a Crown-Trygg Construction Company Truck with an AMTRAK Passenger Train, Elwood, Illinois, November 19, 1975.
Railroad/Highway Accident Report - Collision of a Louisiana & Arkansas Railway Freight Trainand a L.V. Rhymes Tractor- Semitrailer at Goldonna, Louisiana, December, 28, 1977.
Railroad/Highway Accident Report - Collision of a Louisiana & Arkansas Railway Freight Train and a L.V. Rhymes Tractor- SemiTrailer at Goldonna, Louisiana, December 28, 1977.
Railroad/Highway Accident Report - Collision of Amtrak Train No. 88 with Tractor lowboy Semitrailer Combination Truck, Rowland, North Carolina, August 25, 1983.
Railroad/Highway Accident Report - Illinois Central Gulf Railroad Freight Train, Mobil Oil Co. Tractor/Cargo-Tank Semitrailer Collision and Fire, Kenner, Louisiana, November 25, 1980.
Railroad/Highway Accident Report - Miller Transporters Inc., Tractor Cargo Tank-Semitrailer/Southern Railway System Freight Train Collision and Fire, Huntsville, Alabama September 15, 1981.
Railroad/highway accident report: collision of an Amtrak/Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway train & a tractor- cargo tank semitrailer, Marland, OK, Dec. 15, 1976.
Railroad/Highway Accident Report--Illinois Central Gulf Railroad Freight Train, Mobil Oil Company Tractor/Cargo-Tank Semitrailer collision and fire, Kenner, Louisiana, November 25, 1980.
Railroad-highway grade crossing handbook.
Railroad-highway safety, part 1: a comprehensive statement of the problem.
Rapid Transit Car Door Operator System Reliability Study . Smith, Robert Mateyka, James
Rate of Inertial Recovery and Subsequent Radar Monitoring Performance Following A Simulated Emergency Involving Startle . Thackray, Richard I. Touchstone, R. Mark
Rational approach for geometric design of speed-control road humps. Fwa, T.F. Liaw, C.Y.
Reach capability of men and women: a three-dimensional analysis. Kennedy, Kenneth W.
Readability of self-illuminated signs obscured by black fuel- fire smoke. Rasumssen, P.G. Chesterfield, B.P. Lowrey, D.L.
Rear end structural crashworthiness of perimeter frame vehicles - summary report. Anderson, R.L. Enserink, E.
Rear end structural crashworthiness of perimeter frame vehicles, baseline test report. Anderson, R.L. Arndt, F.E.
Rear end structural crashworthiness of perimeter frame vehicles. Design development and verification. Anderson, R.L. Enserink, E.
Rear end structural crashworthiness of unitized construction vehicles - summary report. Anderson, R.L. Enserink, E.
Rear end structural crashworthiness of unitized construction vehicles, baseline tests part 1. Anderson, R.L. Enserink, E.
Rear end structural crashworthiness of unitized construction vehicles, design development and design verification . Anderson, R.L. Enserink, E.
Recent developments in roadside crash cushions. Viner, John G.
Reclassification of materials listed as transportation health hazards. Back, K.C. Thomas, A.A. MacEwen, J.D.
Recommendations for control of occupational safety and health hazards: manufacture of paint and allied coating products.
Recommendations for protecting against failure by brittle fracture in ferritic steel shipping containers up to 4 inches thick. Holman, W.R. Langland, R.T.
Recommended child safety seat enforcement guidelines. Smith, Michael F. Moran, Bernie
Recommended methods of reduction, neutralization, recovery or disposal of hazardous waste, vol. 14: Summary of waste origins, forms and quantities. Ottinger, R.S. Blumenthal, J.L. Dal Porto, D.F. Gruber, G.I.
Recommended Procedures for the Safety Performance Evaluation of Highway Features. Ross, H.E. Sicking, D.L. Zimmer, R.A Michie, J.D.
Recommended procedures for the safety performance evaluation of highway appurtenances. Michie, Jarvis D.
Recommended procedures for vehicle crash testing of highway appurtenances. Bronstad, M.E.. Michie, J.D.
Recommended standard for occupational exposure to vinyl chloride.
Recommended standard: an identification system for occupationally hazardous materials.
Reconditioning heavy-duty freeways in urban areas. Meyer, A.H. Ledbetter, W.B. Layman, A.H. Saylak, Donald
Recordkeeping Guidelines for Occupational Injuries and Illnesses.
Recovery Of Motor Performance Following Startle. Thackray, Richard I. Touchstone, R. Mark
Recreational boat safety collision research, phase I, vol. 2: Collision accident investigations for 1974 season. MacNeill, R.
Recreational boat safety collision research, phase II, vol. 1: Problems definition; safety enhancement concepts. MacNeill, R. Stiehl, C. Cohen, S. Doll, T.
Recreational boat safety collision research, phase II, vol. 2: Collision accident investigations 1975. MacNeill, R. Cohen, S.
Recreational boating in the continental United States in 1973 and 1976: the nationwide boating survey.
Reducing Heavy Truck Aggressivity in Collisions with Passenger Cars. Prasad, Aloke K. Clarke, Robert M. Wilke, Donald W. Monk, Michael W.
Reducing runaway truck accidents through weight-based advisory speeds. Firestine, M. McGee, H. Cunningham, D.
Reduction of the aerodynamic drag of trucks.
Reduction of volatile organic compound emissions from automobile refinishing. Athey, Carol Hester, Charles McLaughlin, Mark Neulicht, Roy M. Turner, Mark B.
Reference guide to odor thresholds for hazardous air pollutants listed in the Clean Air Act amendments of 1990.
Reference tables for thermocouples. Shenker, Henry Lauritzen, John I. Corruccini, Robert J.
References : Final environmental impact statement : waste management activities for ground water protection, Savannah River Plant, Aiken, South Carolina..
Relating pavement roughness to vehicle behavior. Quinn, B.E. Jones, E.W.
Relationship between driver crash injury and passenger car weight. Campbell, B.J. Reinfurt, Donald W.
Relationship between slow drift and smooth pursuit eye movements. Cunitz, Robert Jesse
Relationship between truck ride quality and safety operations: methodology development. Klein, Richard H. Allen, R. Wade Miller, James C.
Relationship between vehicle defects and vehicle crashes, vol. 1: summary report.
Relationship between whole body vibration and morbidity patterns among heavy equipment operators. Milby, T.H. Spear, R.C.
Relationship between Whole-Body Vibration and Morbidity Patterns among Motor Coach Operators. Gruber, George J. Ziperman, H. Haskell
Relationships between off-road fixed-object accident rates and roadway elements of urban highways. Wright, Paul H. Mak, King Kuen
Relationships Between Whole-body Vibration and Morbidity Patterns Among Interstate Truck Drivers. Gruber, George, J.
Relative muscle loading and endurance. Caldwell, Lee S.
Reliability and fault tree analysis guide. Crosetti, P.A.
Reliability and utilization of occupational disease data . Rose, Vernon E.
Reliability record for gasoline-engine driven forklift truck family.
Remaining healthy in the encounter with stress. Kobasa, Suzanne C. Hilker, Robert R.J. Maddi, Salvatore R.
Repair coatings and durable paints for gas distribution piping systems. Saha, N.C. Grayson, Donald R.
Repairing utility trenches. Johnson, Ann M.
Report of a standard ASTM fire endurance test and fire and host stream test on duplicate non-load bearing acrylonitrile- butadiene-styrene (ABS) plumbing wall assemblies for Plastic Pipe Institute, New York, Yew York..
Report of industrial hygiene surveys conducted during fiscal year 1973 in 6 aluminum plants located in the northwestern U.S..
Report of project committee on relation of curavture to speed . Barnett, Joseph
Report of the Labor Coalition on Public Utilities on Gas Pipeline Safety and the Peoples Gas Light and Coke Co. Record.
Report of workshops on epidemiologic studies of airborne particulates. Radford, Edward P.
Report on automotive door hinge and latch tests, Volkswagen Beetle, tested to FMVSS 206. Pyryt, Raymond McBean, Gerald M.
Report on automotive door hinge and latch tests, Volkswagen Beetle, tested to FMVSS 206. Pyryt, Raymond McBean, Gerald M.
Report on automotive door hinge and latch tests, Volkswagen 'Bus' tested to FMVSS 206. Pyryt, Raymond McBean, Gerald M.
Report on automotive door hinge and latch tests, Volkswagen model 914, tested to FMVSS 206. Pyryt, Raymond McBean, Gerald M.
Report on EPA operator training programs.
Report on graphic arts equipment.
Report on office appliances and business equipment.
Report on tests of class B industrial helmets. Cook, William I. Groce, Dennis W.
Report on the emergency response training and equipment activities through 1991 for the Transportation of Transuranic Waste to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant..
Report on the engineering evaluation of all terrain vehicles . Deppa, Roy W.
Report on the interaction between crane mounted proximity detectors And energized powerline systems. Jepperson & Associates
Report on the performance of lineman's rubber insulating gloves.
Report on the performance of men's safety-toe footwear. Cook, William I.
Report on traffic accidents and injuries, 1981 - The National Accident Sampling System. Rubin, David Hoar, Ralph Klinger, Dieter
Report ot Congressional Requesters: Highway safety: motorcycle laws save lives and reduce costs to society..
Report to the Congress on the effect of motorcycle helmet use law repeal: a case for helmet use.
Report to the president and congress on the need for leaded gasoline on the farm. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Dept. of Agriculture
Request for assistance in preventing homocide in the workplace .*** Collection of legal opinions, Dec. 1970-Dec. 1973 [vol. 1].
Request for assistance in preventing knee injuries and disorders in carpet layers.
Request for assistance in preventing silicosis and deaths in rock drillers.
Requirements analysis and feasibility studies for an experimental safety motorcycle. Bartol, J. Livers, G.D. Hirsch, N.R.
Requirements Analysis for a Heavy Vehicle Driver licensing System. Waller, Patricia, F. Li, Livia, K.
Requirements for Roll-Over Protective Structures and Falling Object Protective Structures for Surface Coal Mines and Surface Areas of Underground Coal Mines. Hallop, Edward E.
Research and development program to develop an improved model for aerial gunnery effectiveness, vol. 1: sight systems simulation. McPhate, Andrew J. Boudreaux, Alvin J. Whitehouse, Gerald D.
Research and development program to develop an improved model for aerial gunnery effectiveness, vol. 2: simulation of tactical aerial gunnery (STAG) program. McPhate, Andrew J. Whitehouse, Gerald D.
Research and development program to develop an improved model for aerial gunnery effectiveness, vol. 3: Performance analysis of pilot perceived fireline (PAPPF). McPhate, Andrew J. Whitehouse, Gerald D. Tabony, John H.
Research input for computer simulation of automobile collisions, vol. II: Staged collisions tests no. 1 through no. 5 . Shoemaker, Norris E.
Research on the flammability characteristics of aircraft fuels. Jones, G.W. Zabetakis, M.G. Richmond, J.K. Scott, G.S. Furno, A.L.
Research on traffic control devices.
Research problem statements, Design and construction of transportation facilities.
Residential waste collection: hazard recognition & prevention.
Resistance of welded details under variable amplitude long-life fatigue loading. Fisher, J.W. Nussbaumer, A. Keating, P.B. Yen, B.T.
Resources for educating truck drivers about truck escape ramps. Eck, Ronald W. Galuschik, Theodore J.
Respirator decision logic.
Respiratory health effects of passive smoking: lung cancer and other disorders [review draft].
Response of cadaver test subjects in belt restraints. Burkes, J.M. Peel, H.H. Lawrason, G.C. Cromack, J.R.
Restraint systems, a subject bibliography from Highway Safety Literature. Flynn, Lois
Results and analysis of the switchyard impact tests . Orringer, Oscar Tong, Pin
Retarders for heavy vehicles: evaluation of performance characteristics and in-service costs, vol. 1: technical report. Fanchers, Paul S. O'Day, J. Bunch, H. Sayers, M. Winkler, C.
Retarders for heavy vehicles: evaluation of performance characteristics and in-service costs, vol. II: appendices . Fancher, P. O'Day Bunch, H. Sayers, M. Winkler, C.
Retarders for heavy vehicles: phase II field evaluations . Fancher, P.S. O'Day, J. Winkler, C.B.
Review of aircraft crash structural response research.
Review of bending methods for stainless steel tubing.
Review of channelizing devices for two-lane two-way operations, Interim Report, Sept. 1982 - June 1983. Lewis, Russell M.
Review of ignition and flammability properties of lubricants . Kuchta, Joseph M. Cate, Ralph J.
Review of literature, applicable test methods, and incident data for the evaluation of the fire performance of Central Telephone Office Equipment. Braun, Emil
Review of methods for studying pre-crash factors. Haight, F. Joksch, H. O'Day, J. Waller, P. Stutts, J. Reinfurt, D.
Review of rotorcraft accidents, 1977-1979.
Review of the DBR Studies on control of smoke froma fire in high buildings. Tamura, G.T.
Review of the emergency management system and its preparedness to respond to transportation incidents..
Review of the literature and programs for pedestrian and bicylist conspicuity. Hale, Allen Zeidler, Peter
Review of the state-of-the-art of fluidic control. Banham, James W.
Review of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission's health effects and exposure assessment documents on nitrogen dioxide.
Revision of evaporative hydrocarbon emission factors . Burklin, C.E. Honerkamp, R.L.
Ring element stiffness matrix. Chiapetta, R.L.
Risk analysis of crane accidents: Gulf of Mexico OCS region . Danos, Warren Bennett, L.E.
Risk analysis: a guide to principles and methods for analyzing health and environmental risks. Cohrssen, John J. Covello, Vincent T.
Risk management guide. Briscoe, Glen J.
Risk of catastrophic spills of toxic chemicals. Simmons, John A. Erdmann, Robert C. Naft, Barry N.
Risks associated with Certain Sports Activities. Beine, William B.
Road Class and Large Truck Involvements in Fatal Accidents . Carsten, Oliver
Road environment aspects of the fairfield in-depth crash study. Jamieson, J.R.
Road roughness and skidding measurements: 1960.
Road Safety in the Seventies: Lessons for the Eighties . Herbert, David C.
Road Surface Irregularity and Vehicle Ride, Part 2: Riding Comfort in Cars Driven by the Public. Cooper, D.R.C. Young, J.C.
Road Surface Irregularity and Vehicle Ride, Part 3: Riding Comfort in Coaches and Heavy Goods Vehicles. Cooper, D.R.C. Phil, M. Young, J.C.
Roads and Runways: Snow Removal and Deicing. Citations from the NTIS Database (1970 - Mar 85).
Roadside Safety - Transportation Research Record 1065 . Numerous Authors of Papers Relating to Roadside Safety
Roadside safety analysis techniques, evaluation and systhesis . Shams, T. Nguyen, T. Chi, M.
Roadside safety appurtenances.
Roadside safety design: course notes. Johnson, Jocille H., ed. Messer, Carroll J., ed.
Roadside Safety Features - 1991, Highway and Facility Design, Transportation Research Record 1302. Many Contributing Authors: Glauz, Doran L. Stroughton, Roger L. et al.,
Roadside Safety Features - Transportation Research Record 1198 .*** Roadside Hazards, Traffic Barriers, and Safety Appurtenances, Trans- portation Research Record 769. Committee on Safety Appurtenances, Jarvis D. Michie, Southwest Research Institute, Chairman Committee on Utilities, Ronald L. Williams, West Virginia Department of Highways, Chairman Committee on Traffic Safety in Maintenance and Construction Operations, Kenneth A. Brewer, Iowa State University, Chairman
Roadway design standards to accommodate low-clearance vehicles. Eck, R.W. Kang, S.K.
Robotic Safety. Kessel, David S.
Rockfall hazard rating system. Pierson, L.A.
Rockfall prediction and control and landslide case histories.
Rodside Safety Library: Grafix - a Graphics post-processor. Volume 2. Programmers Manual. Shams, T. Nguyen, T. Chi, M.
Rodside Safety Library: Grafix - a Graphics post-processor. Volume 1. Users Manual . Shams, T. Nguyen, T. Chi, M.
Rodside Safety Library: Grafix - a Graphics post-processor. Volume 3. OperationsManual. Shams, T. Nguyen, T. Chi, M.
Rodside Safety Library: PREP - A Plotting and Reporting Program. Volume 1. Users Manual. Shams, T. Nguyen, T. Chi, M.
Rodside Safety Library: PREP - A Plotting and Reporting Program. Volume 2. Programmers Manual. Shams, T. Nguyen, T. Chi, M.
Rodside Safety Library: PREP - A Plotting and Reporting Program. Volume 3. Operations Manual. Shams, T. Nguyen, T. Chi, M.
Role of aircraft panel materials in cabin fires and their properties. Quintere, J. Barbrauskas, V. Cooper, L. Harkleroad, M. Steckler, K. Tewarson, A.
Role of behavioral science in physical security. Kramer, Joel J., ed.
Role of myelography and discography in low back pain. Ford, Lee T.
Role of nursing in occupational medicine. Gillane, Melba M.
Role of Prior Knowlege in Operating Equipment from Written Instructions. Kieras, David E.
Role of the occupational physician in controlling industrial toxins outside the working environment. Johnson, Maurice
Role of vision and audition in truck and bus driving . Henderson, Robert L. Burg, Albert
Rolling resistance of light truck tires. Clark, S.K.
Rolling resistance of tires measured under transient and equilibrium conditions on Calspan's tire research facility . Schuring, D.J.
Rollover accidents, a subject bibliography from Highway Safety Literature.
Rollover of heavy commercial vehicles. Winkler, Christopher B. Blower, Daniel Ervin, Robert D. Chalasani, Rao M.
Rollover protective structure (ROPS) design, analysis and test of an improved ROPS for the military 6000 pound rough terrain forklift truck and a feasibility study of ROPS for the military 20 ton rough terrain crane. Gavan, G.R.
Rollover protective structure (ROPS) inspection and maintenance guide. Swan, Stephen A. Jones, Dennis C. Niziol, Kazimir
Rollover protective structure (ROPS) performance criteria for large mobile mining equipment. Swan, Stephen A.
Safe accommodation of pedestrians at intersections . Pietrucha, M.T. Opiela, K.S.
Safe drinking water act: 1986 amendments..
Safe maintenance guide for robotic workstations. Etherton, John R.
Safer bridge railings, vol. 1: Summary report. Buth, Eugene et al.
Safer bridge railings. Volume 2 Appendices A, B, D, & E . Buth, Eugene Arnold, A. Campise, W.L. Hirsch, T.J. Ivey, D.L. Noel, J.S.
Safer bridge railings. Volume 3 Appendix C, part 1. Buth, Eugene Arnold, A. Campise, W.L. Hirsch, T.J. Ivey, D.L. Noel, J.S.
Safer bridge railings. Volume 3 Appendix C, part 2. Buth, Eugene Arnold, A. Campise, W.L. Hirsch, T.J. Ivey, D.L. Noel, J.S.
Safer timber utility poles, volume 1 - summary report. Ivey, Don L. Morgan, James R.
Safety and Automatic Train Control for Rail Rapid Transit Systems. Pawlak, R.J. Colella, A.M. Knable, N. Robichaud, R.H. Sussman, E.D.
Safety and health guide for the meatpacking industry.
Safety appraisal guide. Buys, J.R. Nertney, R.J. Bullock, M.G. Klinestiver, L.K. Knox, N.W.
Safety aspects of roadside cross-section design. Final Report . DeLeys, N.J.
Safety aspects of using vehicle hazard warning lights Vol. 2. Final Report. Knoblauch, Richard L. Tobey, Henry N.
Safety assessment of Denver Type I and Standard Type II barricades via full scale tests - Executive Summary, Final - Volumn 1. Carlson, Lloyd E.
Safety assessment of several traffic channelizing devices, Volume 11 -Research Results. Carlson, L.E. Hoffman, A.G.
Safety assessment of several traffic channelizing devices, Volume 1, Executive Summary. Carlson, L.E. Hoffman, A.G.
Safety assurance system summary (SASS) manual for appraisal.
Safety Belt Interlock System: Usage Survey. Westefeld, Albert Phillips, Benjamin M.
Safety belt survey, 1974: NHTSA/Consumers Union Research Project. Hix, Robert L. Ziegler, Peter N.
Safety belt usage among drivers; Use of child restraint devices, passenger safety belts and position of passengers in cars; Motorcycle helmet usage. Phillips, Benjamin M.
Safety belt usage: a review of effectiveness studies.
Safety belt use in large trucks: a guide to encourage safety belt use among drivers of heavy trucks (draft). Wolf, Sid
Safety belts, airbags and child restraints: research to address emerging policy questions.
Safety checklists.
Safety considerations in siting housing projects.
Safety devices for gas-fired appliances. Bullerdiek, W.A. Adams, D.E.
Safety during construction of concrete buildings: a status report. Lew, H.S.
Safety Effectiveness Evaluation of Detection and Control of Unsafe interstate commercial drivers through the National Driver Register, State Driver Licensing Policies, and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety.
Safety effectiveness evaluation: Analysis of Proceedings of the National Transportation Safety Board into Derailments and Hazardous Materials, April 4-6, 1978.
Safety effectiveness evaluation: the improvement of nighttime conspicuity of railroad trains.
Safety effects of cross-section design for two-lane roads . Zegeer, C.V. Reinfurt, D.W. Hummer, J. Herf, L. Hunter, W.
Safety effects of geometric improvements on horizontal curves . Zegeer, C.V. Stewart, J.R. Council, F.M. Reinfurt, D.W. Hamilton, E.
Safety evaluation of converting on street parking from parallel to angle. McCoy, T.A. McCoy, P.T. Haden, R.J. Singh, V.A.
Safety features of stop signs at rail-highway grade crossings, vol. 1: executive summary. Sanders, James H. McGee, Hugh W. Yoo, Chang S.
Safety features of stop signs at rail-highway grade crossings, vol. 2: technical report. Sanders, James H. McGee, Hugh W. Yoo, Chang S.
Safety for the household.
Safety guide for the processing, handling, and decontamination of white phosphorus (WP).
Safety guidelines for high energy accelerator facilities . National Accelerator Safety Committee
Safety improvements at intersections on rural expressways: a survey of state departments of transportation. Bonneson, J,A. McCoy, P.T. Truby, Jt., J.E.
Safety in paper mills: fourth report of the joint standing committee for paper mills.
Safety in the use and maintenance of large mobile surface mining equipment: Proceedings, Bureau of Mines Technology Transfer Seminars, 1983.
Safety management seminar: participant's manual.
Safety manual for rehabilitation facilities.
Safety methodology in rail rapid transit system development.
Safety modifications of turned-down guardrail terminals, final report, vol. 1: executive summary. Hinch, J.A. Owings, R.P. Manhard, G.A.
Safety of Multipurpose Vans.
Safety program practices in high versus low accident rate companies : an interim report (questionnaire phase). Cohen, Alexander Smith, Michael Cohen, H. Harvey
Safety Program Practices in Record-Holding Plants. Cleveland, Robert Cohen, H. Harvey, Smith, Michael J. Cohen, Alexander
Safety requirements for manufacturing nitroglycerin.
Safety requirements for manufacturing small-arms ammunition.
Safety requirements for motor driven cycles (Mopeds).
Safety rest areas, roadway vegetation, and utility and highway issues, 1991.
Safety standard for firing circuits.
Safety Study - Training, Licensing, and Qualification Standards for Drivers of Heavy Trucks.
Safety study: Performance of lap belts in 26 frontal crashes.
Safety Study-Crashworthiness of Large Poststandard Schoolbuses .*** Highway Accident Report - Intercity bus loss of control and collision with bridge rail on Interstate 70 near Frederick, Maryland, August 25, 1985.
Scale effect in 1g-model tests on horizontally loaded piles . Franke, E. Muth, G.
Scale-model test of an energy-absorbing barrier. Fay, Richard J. Wittrock, Edward P.*** Crash test performance of a prototype lightweight concrete engery-absorbing guardrail system. Warner, Charles Y. Walker, Grant W.
School bus moving barrier impact tests.
Scientific support documentation for the revised 1991 NIOSH lifting equation: Technical contract reports.
Screening study on feasibility of standards of performance for secondary aluminum manufacturing. Brookman, Edward T.
Seat belt use-inducing system effectiveness. Appleby, Michael R. Bintz, Louis J.
Second field investigation of noise reduction afforded by insert- type hearing protectors. Edwards, R.G. Broderson, A.B. Green, W.W. Lempert, B.L.
Second international conference on new frontiers for hazardous waste management.
Second report of the committee appointed to consider the prevention of accidents in paper mills.
Seeking Validation and Consensus on Slip-Resistance Measurements and Standards-Report from the Workshop on:Evolution of Slip- Resistance Standards November 21-22, 1996. Frohnsdorff, Geoffrey J. Martin, Jonathan W.
Seismic spectra for highway bridges in Washington state . Tsiatas, G. Kornher, K. Ho, C.
Selected occupational fatalities related to fire and/or explosion in confined work spaces as found in reports of OSHA fatality/catastophe investigations. Cloe, William W.
Selected occupational fatalities related to oil/gas well drilling & servicing as found in reports of OSHA fatality/catastrophe investigations. Cloe, William W.
Selected occupational fatalities related to pulp, paper and paperboard mills as found in reports of OSHA fatality/catastrophe investigations.
Selected Occupational Fatalities Related to Toxic and Asphyxiating Atmospheres in Confined Work Spaces as Found in Reports of OSHA (Occupational Safety and health Administration) Fatality/Catastrophe Investigations. Cloe, William W.
Selected Occupational Fatalities Related to Vehicle-Mounted Elevating and Rotating Work Platforms as Found in Reports of OSHA Fatality/Catastrophe Investigations..
Self-restoring barrier (SERB) guardrail: an interim report on its installation in four states. Powers, Richard D.
Self-restoring median barriers and bridge railings, research report and test reports. Bronstad, M.E. McDevitt, C.F.
Sensitivity analysis for land use, transportation, and air quality. May, J. Scheuernstuhl, G.
Sensitivity Analysis of the Tilt Table Test Methodology . Bogard, S.E. Winkler, C.B. Campbell, K.L.
Sensitivity analysis of vehicle tripped rollover model . Nalecz, Andrzej G. Bindemann, Alan C. Bare, Cleve
Septic tank as a wastewater treatment and disposal facility . Veneman, Peter L.M.
Service Vehicle Lighting and Traffic Control Systems Fror Short- Term and Moving Operations. Hanscom, Fred R., Transportation Research Corporation, Haymarket Virginia Pain, Richard F., Essex Corporation, Alexandria, Virginia
Service-evaluated products list for rapid transit car subsystem components. Morris, R.E. Schaeffer, J.E.: Merrill, K.S.
Serving single piece and muliti-piece rim wheels.
SETS user's manual for accident sequence analysis. Stack, Desmond W.
SETS user's manual for the fault tree analyst. Worrell, Richard B. Stack, Desmond W.
Severities of transportation accidents involving large packages. Dennis, Albert W. Foley, Jeremiah T. Hartman, William F. Larson, David W.
Severity of large truck accidents. Hedlund, James
Share the road campaign research study - final report. Longo, David N.
Shared Roadway Bike Lane Study: A Proposed Plan for Rural Bicycle Routes in the State of New Hampshire.
Shear stress at base of bridge pier. Johnson, P.A. Jones, J.S.
Shipment of radioactive material..
Shoulder belt utilization. Anderson, Theodore E.
Shoulder harnesses: a subject bibliography from Highway Safety Literature. Flynn, Lois
Side door latch/hinge assembly evaluation. Shams, T. Nguyen, T. Chi M.
Side Friction for Superelevation on Horizontal Curves. Volume 1, Executive Summary.. MacAdam, C.C. Fancher, P.S. Segel, L.
Side impact crashworthiness of full-size hardtop automobiles . Shaw, L.M.
Sight distance requirements at land closure work zones on urban freeways. Richards, Stephen H. Dudek, Conrad L.
Sight-distance design for curved roadways with tangential intersections. Gattis, J.L.
Signal operations analysis package - 1982 version, SOAP 82. Preliminary User's Manual.
Signal Operations Analysis Package: Volume 1 Computational Methodology.
Signal Operations Analysis Package: Volume 2 Users manual.
Signal Operations Analysis Package: Volume 3 Portable Calculator Routines HP67/97.
Signal Operations Analysis Package: Volume 5 Programmers Manual.
Significant Factors in Truck Ride Quality, Vol. I: Summary Report. Jax, Henry, R. Zellner, John W.
Significant Factors in Truck Ride Quality, Vol. II: Comprehensive Report. Jax, Fenry R. Zellner, John W.
Simplified logical design using nor & stroke gates. Abacus Incorporated
Simplified procedure for computing vehicle offtracking on curves. Pilkington, G.B. Howell, P.D.
Simplifying switching circuits with boolean algebra. Maley, G.A.
Simulation of vehicle impact with the texas concrete median barrier. Volume I: Test comparisons and parameter study . Young, Ronald D. Post, Edward R. Ross, Hayes E. jr. Holcomb, Robert M.
Simultaneous logical equations (matrix logic IV). Schubert, E.J.
Single failure proof cranes for nuclear power plants. Porse, L.
Single point urban interchange design and operations analysis . Messer, C.J. Bonneson, J.A. Anderson, S.D. McFarland, W.F.
Site evaluation, design, operation and installation of home sewage systems in Iowa. Beer, C. E.
Skid prevention research 1959.
Skid resistance measurements and design: training course participant notebook.
Skidding Accidents, Wet-Weather Accident Experience, Human Factors, and Legal Aspects. Transportation Research Board
Skidding accidents: pavement characteristics.
Skidding accidents: tires, vehicles, and vehicle components.
Skidding of vehicles - a dynamic analysis. Saibel, Edward Tsao, C.
Skinfolds, body girths, biacromial diameter, and selected anthropometric indices of adults, United States, 1960-62 . Stoudt, Howard W. Damon, Albert McFarland, Ross A.
Sled testing of child restraints. Walsh, Michael J.
Sling safety.
Sling safety.
Slips and falls: Truck-related personal injury accidents.
Sludge treatment and disposal, course #166: aerobic digestion . Klopping, Paul H.
Slurry feeding of coal to hygas gasifier. Lee, B.S.
Small business innovation research program solicitation.
Small car safety in the 1980's.
Small Transit Bus Requirements Study.
Small wastewater systems: alternative systems for small communities and rural areas.
Small-scale enclosure for characterizing the fire buildup potential of a room. Parker, W.J. Lee, B.T.
Smoke control as a part of building fire protection: summary minutes of seminar on May 3, 1977.
Smoke measurements in large and small scale fire testing . Bukowski, Richard W.
Smoking and chronic airways obstruction (annual report for 9/77 to 8/78). Buist, A. Sonia
Smoking and chronic airways obstruction (final report) . Buist, A. Sonia
Smoking and chronic airways obstruction (final report) . Macklem, Peter T. Martin, Richard R.
Snowmobile accidents : a detailed investigation. Negri, Barry D.
Soil dynamics, deep stabilization and special geotechnical construction Design Manual 7.3. Naval Facilities Engineering Command
Soil Nailing Summary Report (Revised) Original date Sept.-Oct. 1992. Byrne, Dr, R. John Chassie, Ronald G. et al.
Soil surface characteristics and rainfall-runoff-moisture relationships on coastal plain soils. Hermanson, Ronald E.
Soil-gas measurement for detection of subsurface organic contamination. Blume, L.J.
Some advances in electrodesposition, part 3. Benninghoff, Hanns
Some aspects of lawn mower safety. Porter, L.G. Jones, Clarke Persensky, J.J.
Some characteristics of potential backfill material. Simpson, Dale R.
Some essential safety factors in tunneling. Harrington, D Ash, S.H.
Sonic Boom Startle Effects-Report Of A Field Study. Thackray, Richard I. Rylander, Ragnar Touchstone, R. Mark
Sound environment in locomotive cabs. Aurelius, John P.
Source assessment: Rail tank car, tank truck, and drum cleaning: State of the art. Earley, D.E. Tackett, K.M. Blackwood, T.R.
Space requirements of the seated operator: Geometrical, kinematic, and mechanical aspects of the body with special reference to the limbs. Dempster, Wilfred Taylor
Sparking characteristics and safety hazards of metallic materials.
Sparking Characteristics and Safety Hazards of Metallic Materials.
Special events and Carbon Monoxide violations: TSM, crowd control, economics, and solutions to adverse air quality impacts. Spitzer, S.P.
Special NIOSH hazard review: rubber products manufacturing industry.
Special occupational hazard review for benzidine-based dyes.
Special occupational hazard review with control recommendations for use of ethylene oxide as a sterilant in medical facilities. Glaser, Zorach R.
Special Report : structural and hardware failure of cribs . Rutherford George W. Jr.
Special study of proposed track safety standards.
Special study of rail rapid transit safety.
Special vehicles for the severely disabled: Adjustable-height wheelchair and auto lift for the quadriplegic driver . Cunningham, Don M.
Specifications for wood crossarms (solid and laminiated) transmission timbers and pole keys.
Speed-reduction patterns of vehicles in a highway construction zone. Benekohal, R.F. Wang, L. Orloski, R. Kastel, L.M.
Spilled fuel ignition sources and countermeasures. Johnson, N. Sanderson, S.
Spinal cord injuries. Bors, Ernest
Sports-Related Injuries to Persons 65 Years of Age and Older . Rutherford, George W. Jr. Schroeder, Thomas J.
Spray painting: good practices for employees.
Sprayed asbestos-containing materials in buildings: a guidance document. Sawyer, Robert N. Spooner, Charles M.
Stability and handling criteria of articulated vehicles, part 1: technical report. Eshleman, R.L. Desai, S.D. D'Souza, A.F
Stability and handling criteria of articulated vehicles, part 2: AVDS3 user's manual. Eshleman, R.L. Desai, S.D. D'Souza, A.F.
Stability of inelastic tubes under external pressure and bending. Karamanos, Spyros Tassoulas, John L.
Stability of riprap and discharge characteristics, overflow embankments, Arkansas River, Arkansas. Brogdon, N.J. Grace, J.L.
Staffing considerations in construction engineering management. Newman Robert B.
Stairway and handrail design for reducing fall injuries . Templer, John Archea, John Cohen, H. Harvey
Stairways and ladders: a guide to OSHA rules.
Standard test procedures for evaluating leak detection methods: pipeline leak detection systems. Maresca, Joseph W. Smedfjeld, Robert M. Wise, Richard F. Starr, James W.
Standard test procedures for evaluating leak detection methods: statistical inventory reconciliation methods.
Standard test procedures for evaluation leak detection methods: pipeline leak detection systems. Flora, Jairus D Bauer, Karin M.
Standard test procedures for evaluation leak detection methods: nonvolumetric tank tightness testing methods. Flora, Jairus D Bauer, Karin M.
Standard test procedures for evaluation leak detection methods: volumetric tank tightness testing methods. Flora, Jairus D Bauer, Karin M.
Standardization of friction testing of industrial working surfaces. Reed, M.E.
Standards activities organizations in the United States . Toth, Robert B.
Standards for remedial action: how clean is clean?. Sharples, Frances E.
Standards for the preparation and publication of DOT scientific and technical reports.
State of PC-based CADD systems. Brandt, G.L. Bowers, J.M Gorman, T.S. Taylor, L.E.
State of the art report 6: Relationship between safety and key highway features, a synthesis of prior research. . Crump, Edythe Traylor
Statewide Inventory of Land-Based Disposal Sites: An Update . Mehnert, Edward Keefer, Donald A.
Statewide Inventory of Land-Based Disposal Sites: FY '88 Update. Mehnert, Edward Mushrush, Mary J. Perry, Lance G.
Static and dynamic measurements of motor vehicle drivers. . Stoudt, Howard W. Crowley, Thomas J. McFarland, Thomas J. Ryan, Anthony Gruber, Barry Ray, Charlene
Static and dynamic tests of steel rings.
Static brake inspection investigation, vol. 1: summary report.
Static brake inspection investigation, vol. 3: appendices.
Static electricity in hospital operating suites: Direct and related hazards & pertinent remedies. Guest, P.G. Sikora, V.W. Lewis, Bernard
Statistical analyses of commericial vehicle accident factors, vol. 2: summary report. Fleischer, G.A. Philipson, L.L.
Statistical analysis of seat belt effectiveness in 1973-1975 model cars involved in towaway crashes, vol. 1. Reinfurt, Donald W. Silva, Claudio Z. Seila, Andrew F.
Statistical analysis of seat belt effectiveness in 1973-1975 model cars involved in towaway crashes, technical summary . Reinfurt, Donald W. Silva, Claudio Z. Seila, Andrew F.
Statistical analysis of seat belt effectiveness in 1973-75 model cars involved in towaway crashes, vol. 1. Reinfurt, Donald W. Silva, Claudia Z. Seila, Andrew F.
Statistical association between past and future accidents and violations. Stewart, J. Richard Campbell, B.J.
Status assessment of toxic chemicals: benzene. Ochsner, J.C. Blackwood, T.R. Zeagler, L.D.
Status Of Safety Net Standards For Construction And Research Needs. Pielert, James H.
Status of the hygas program. Lee, B.S. tarman, P.B.
Status Report of Accident Investigation Data, Motorcycle Accident Cause Factors and Identification of Countermeasures . Hurt, Hugh H,
Status report on chain saw related hazards since the revised voluntary standard. Van Ty Smith, Eliane McNamara, James
Steady state analysis of ATV tipping. Hauser, Joseph A. II
Steam-Oxygen-Char gasification of a nonslagging fluidized bed . Punwani, D. Pyrcioch, E.J. Johnson, J.L. Tarman, P.B.
Steel: its strength stretches worldwide: state-of-the-art in automotive steel usage as displayed by American Iron and Steel Institute at the 1985 Society of Automotive Engineers Exposition.
Steering and suspension system: Descriptive parameters used in analyzing the braking and handling, v. 4. Winkler, Christopher B. Nisonger, Robert L.
Steering assemblies for evaluation, rating and improvements of safety performance. Hannemann, Neil E. Syson, Stephen R.
Stereopsis cueing effects on hover-in-turbulence performance in a simulated rotorcraft.. Parrish, Russell V. Williams, Steven P.
Stop, yield, and no control at intersections. Stockton, W.R. Brackett, R.Q. Mounce, J.M.
STOVE: A predicative model for heat transfer from solid-fuel appliances. Peacock, Richard D. Dipert, Richard A.
Straight talk on tanks: a summary of leak detection methods for petroleum underground storage tank systems.
Strategic plan for the Elimination of Childhood Lead Poisoning .*** Accident/Incident Bulletin No. 146, Calender Year 1977.
Strategies to increase the use of safety belts by youngsters . Klein, Nancy
Stratification of particulate and VOC pollutants in paint spray booths. Darvin, Charles H. Ayer, Jacqueline
Strength characteristics of U.S. Children for Product Safety Design. Owings, Clyde L. Chaffin, Don B. Snyder, Richard G. Norcutt, Richard H..
Strength of glass. Capps, Webster Moore, John A.
Strength of guardrail post in rock. Eggers, David W. Hirsch, T.J. Ross, H.E. Jr.
Stress and driving: the relationship between life crisis experience and a sudden deterioration in driving record . Waller, Patricia F. Foley, James P. Jeffrey, Dwight W.
Stress of relocation - recognition and prevention. Kelsey, James E.
Striking vehicle aggressiveness factors for side impact . Monk, Michael W. Willke, Donald T.
Structural entrapment hazards to infants and children. Miles, Regina Rutherford, George Coonley, Robert
Structural mode effects on flying qualities in turbulence . Crother, C.A. Gabelman, B. Langton, D.
Structural Survey of Classes of Vehicles for Crashworthiness . Widmayer, Edward
Structure response and damage produced by ground vibration from surface mine blasting. Siskind, D.E. Stagg, M.S. Kopp, J.W. Dowding, C.H.
Studies for rail vehicle track structures. Meacham, H.C. Prause, R.H. Ahlbeck, D.R. Kasuba, J.A.
Studies in motor vehicle rear vision, II: evaluation of innovations in passenger car and truck rear view mirror systems. Burger, William J. Smith, J.D. Smith, Russell L. Wulfeck, J.W.
Studies of Automobile and Truck Rear Lighting and Signaling Systems. Mortimer, R.G., Hoffman, E.R., Poskocil, A. Jorgeson, C.M., Olson, P.L., Moore, C.D.
Studies of deaths, injuries & economic losses resulting from accidental burning of products, fabrics, or related materials: 3rd annual report to the President and Congress.
Studies of effectiveness of commercial home treatment systems . Trigg, William W. Couser, Raymond D.
Studies on household sewage disposal systems, part III . Weibel, S.R. Bendixen, T.W. Coulter, J.B.
Study of 1960-67 and 1968-70 model Volkswagens and other sedans in rural U.S. accidents. Garrett, John W.
Study of Hazards from Burning Apparel and the Relation of Hazards to Test Methods - Second Final Report. Alkidas, A. Champion, E.R. et al.
Study of Heat, Noise, and Vibration in Relation to Driver Performance and Physiological Status. Mackie, Robert R. O'Hanlon, James F. McCauley, Michael
Study of heavy truck occupant crash protection: report for task 1 - heavy truck accident data. Ranney, Thomas A.
Study of holding power of wire rope clips in a wire rope loop . Jackson, Eric Skoneczka, Dennis
Study of metalcutting lathe safety. Trump, T.R. Joyce, R.P.
Study of Methods for Increasing Safety Belt Use: Study Report.
Study of older child restraint/booster seat fit and NASS injury analysis. Klinich, Kathleen D. Pritz, Howard B. Beebe, Michael S. Welty, Kenneth Burton, Ronald W.
Study of railroad ballast economics. Hay, W.W. Baugher, R. Reinschmidt, A.J.
Study of recreational snowmobile stability. Newman, James A.
Study of Riding Mower Tire/Surface Properties, Vol. 1: Technical Discussion. Donnelly, Bruce R.
Study of Riding Mower Tire/Surface Properties, Vol. 2: Portable Tire Test Device (POTTD) User's Manual. Donnelly, Bruce R.
Study of seating as related to electronic-equipment operators . Woodson, W.E.
Study of selected economic and environmental aspects of individual home wastewater treatment systems. Goldstein, S.N. Wenk, V.D. Fowler, M.C. Poh, S.S
Study of Selected Warning Devices for Reducing Truck Speeds. . Middleton, Dan
Study of the autoignition properties of certain diesel fuels . Johnson, J. Enoch Crellin, John W. Carhart, Homer W.
Study of the soil-structure interaction behavior of highway guardrail posts. Dewey, James F. Jeyapalan, Jey K. Hirsch, T.J. Ross, Hayes E.
Study of the strength capabilities of children ages two through six. Brown, W.C. Buchanan, C.J. Mandel J.
Study of tire-surface interaction for the case of rolling on a wet surface. Moore, Desmond F.
Study of vapor control methods for gasoline marketing operations, vol. I: Industry survey and control techniques . Burklin, C.E. Cavanaugh, E.C. Dickerman, J.C. Fernandes, S.R.
Study of vapor control methods for gasoline marketing operations, vol. II: Appendix. Burklin, C.E. Cavanaugh, E.C. Dickerman, J.C. Fernandes, S.R.
Study of variables associated with wheel spin-down and hydroplaning. Martinez, J.E. Lewis, J.M. Stocker, A.J.
Study of work practices employed to protect workers in trenches. Hinze, Jimmie Carino, Nicholas J.
Study on driving records, licensing requirements and insurability of physically impaired drivers. Finesilver, Sherman C.
Study to determine gas consumption by pilot lights: Discussion of alternative ignition means to effect energy savings . Bullerdiek, W.A. Ehrenreich, L.C. Adams, D.E.
Study to determine the engineering and economic feasibility of retrofitting ROPS on pre-July 1, 1969 construction equipment.
Study to reduce the hazards of tank car transportation . Bullerdiek, W.A. Vassallo, F.A. Adams, D.E. Matheis, C.W.
Styrofoam highway insulation on Colorado mountain passes . Hayden, Robert L. Swanson, Herbert N.
Substitute chemical program - initial scientific review of PCNB. Berkowitz, Joan Stevens, Janet Arnold, Douglas Goyer, Muriel Senechal, Donald
Subway environmental design handbook: Principles and applications.
Sudden impact: an occupant protection fact book.
Summary analysis of powered-industrial truck accidents . McPeek, John S.
Summary of 1968-1970 multidisciplinary accident investigation reports, vol. 1.
Summary of Driver Fatigue Programs.
Summary of ignition properties of jet fuels and other aircraft combustible fluids. Kuchta, Joseph M.
Summary Report of the Contract Administration Techniques for Quality Enhancement Study Tour (CATQEST) (FHWA International Technology Scanning Program). Kane, Anthony Bower, Dwight et al.
Supersonic Spray Cleaner (Technical Briefs).
Supervisor's guide to safety and health programs.
Supporting studies for HSGT systems reports.
Surface Mine Truck Safety.
Surface-Compression Strengthened Glasses: Some Properties . Perry, H.A.
Survey of compounds for radiation protection. Doull, John Plzak, Vivian Brois, Stanley J.
Survey of Driver Seating Discomfort and Related Factors . Schneider, Lawrence W. Ricci, Leda L.
Survey of environmental conditions incident to the transportation of materials. Ostrem, Fred E. Libovics, Basil
Survey of Gasoline Tank Trucks and Rail Cars. Hang, J.C. Sakaida, R.R.
Survey of grain elevator facilities for the presence of combustible gases/vapors. Wilcox, H.K. Fiscus, D. Vogel, D. Thomas J. Bergman, F.
Survey of ladder accidents resulting in injuries, 1978.
Survey of past and Present Methods used to control Respirable Dust in Noncoal Mines and Ore Processing Mills. Rodgers, S.J.
Survey of power saw accidents resulting in injuries, 1978 . Schaffer, Herbert
Survey of railroad industry perceptions regarding needed locomotive cab design improvements. Rockwell, Thomas H. Kiger, Steven M.
Survey of Rollover Protective Structures (ROPS) Field Performance. Jack I. Woodward
Survey of test methods currently used for simulating the transportation environment, phase II. Henzi, Alan N.
Survey of Tire Debris on Metropolitan Phoenix Highways . Carey, Jason
Survey of vendors of external petroleum leak monitoring devices for use with underground storage tanks. Eklund, B. Crow, W.
Survey on protective canopy design. Farrar, R. Champney, R. Weiner, L.
Survey report: Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Authority, Randall's Island, NY, NY. Ringenberg, Virginia McCammon, Charles Marlow, Dave Pretty, Jack
Switching circuit synthesis by transmission matrix manipulation. Stapleton, C.A.
Symbols for industrial safety. Collins, Belinda L. Lerner, Neil D. Pierman, Brian C.
Symposium on Geometric Design for Large Trucks, Transportation Research Record 1052. Numerous Papers by Various Authors
Synergistic effects of alcohol, methapyriline, and chlordiazepoxide on drivers' eye movements and tracking errors in simulated dangerous situations. Schroeder, Stephen R. Ewing, John A. Rouse, Beatrice A. Ball, Patricia Allen, John A.
Systematic approach to pipeline safety.
Systematic experimental investigation of significant parameters affecting model tire hydroplaning. Wray, Gilbert A. Ehrlich, I. Robert
Systematic program to reduce the incidence and severity of bathtub and shower area injuries. Stone, Robert F. Blackwell, Deborah J. Burton, Daniel J.
Systems for controlling overrunning hydraulic loads. Koski, Rober E. Malacek, Arthur
Tangent as an independent design element. Lamm, R. Choueiri, E.M. Hayward, J.C.
Tapered edge asphalt shoulders.. Price, David A.
Task analysis for the jobs of freight train conductor and brakeman. Sanders, Mark S. Jankovich, John P.
Task Force 27 Report: In Situ Soil Improvement Techniques. Prepared for AASHTO-AGC-ARTBA Task Force 27 Ground Modification Techniques.
Technical assessment paper: Relationship between rollover.
Technical data bases report: Ballast and Foundation Materials Research Program. Robnett, Q.L. Thompson, M.R. Knutson, R.M. Tarabji, S.D. Hay, W.W. Peterson, H.C. Baugher, R.W.
Technical factors in small hydropower planning. Davis, Darryl W.
Technical guidance for hazards analysis: emergency planning for extremely hazardous substances.
Technical guidelines for the control of direct access to arterial highways, vol. 1: general framework for implementing access control techniques. Glennon, J.C. Valenta, J.J. Thorson, B.A.
Technical guidelines for the control of direct access to arterial highways, vol. 2: Detailed description of access control techniques. Glennon, J.C. Valenta, J.J. Thorson, B.A. Azzeh, J.A.
Technical resource document for the storage and treatment of hazardous waste in tank systems.
Techniques for predicting high-risk drivers for alcohol countermeasures, vol. 2: User manual. Council, Forrest M. Lacey, John H. Stewart, J. Richard
Techniques for predicting high-risk drivers for alcohol countermeasures, vol. 1: Technical report. Council, Forrest M. Lacey, John H. Stewart, J. Richard
Technological innovation in grade crossing protective systems . Hopkins, John B. Hazel, Morrin E.
Technology transfer: federal efforts to enhance the competitiveness of small manufacturers.
Temperatures of vehicle exhaust system: a fire hazard.
Temporary barriers used in construction zones. Bronstad, M.E. Kimball, C.E.
Temporary barriers used in construction zones. Final report . Bronstad, M.E. Kimball, C.E. Jr.
Test and evaluation of head restraints, seat backs, and anchorages in vehicles subjected to rear impact collision . Pirtle, R.
Test and evaluation of self-restoring guardrails. Kimball, C.E. Deel, G.W.
Test and evaluation of vehicle arresting, energy absorbing, and impact attenuation systems: final report.
Test and evaluation of vehicle arresting, energy absorbing, and impact attenuation systems: final report appendix F..
Test and evaluation of W-beam and three-beam guardrails . Ivey, D.L. Robertson, Richard Buth, C.E.
Test evaluation of tubular thrie beam for upgrading concrete bridge railing. Kimball, C.E. Wiles, E.O. Michie, J.D.
Test operations procedure: Functional testing proximity warning devices [aircraft].
Test Program For Breakaway Signs. Pope, Mel
Test program to determine performance capability of wheel/rim assemblies. Shearer, James E.
Test Program to Evaluate Human Response to Prolonged Motionless Suspension in Three Types of Fall Protection Harnesses. Mary An Orzech, Mark D. Goodwin, James W. Brinkley, Mark D. Salerno, John Seaworth
Test Program to Evaluate Human Response to Prolonged Motionless Suspension in Three Types of Fall Protection Harnesses. Mary Ann Orzech, Mark D. Goodwin, James W. Brinkley, Mark D. Salerno, John Seaworth
Test report of tire/flange interaction tests for U.S. Department of Transportation.
Testing and evaluation of work zone traffic control - Final Report May 1, 1991 to August 31, 1991. Mak, King K. Zimmer, Richard A. Campise, W.L.
Testing and evaluation of work zone traffic control devices - Final September 1989 to August 1990. Mak, King K. Campise, W.L.
Testing and licensing of weight handling and construction equipment operators.
Testing of highway barriers and other safety accessories . Whitmore, John L. Picciocca, Richard G. Snyder, William A.
Testing of Small and Large Sign Support Systems Foil Test Number(s): 92F017. Brown, Christopher M.
Testing of Small and Large Sign Support Systems Foil Test Number: 92F012. Brown, Christopher M.
Testing of Small and Large Sign Support Systems Foil Test Number: 92F014. Brown, Christopher M.
Testing of Small and Large Sign Support Systems Foil Test Number: 92F022. Brown, Christopher M.
Testing of Small and Large Sign Support Systems Foil Test Number: 92F035. Brown, Christopher M.
Testing of Small and Large Sign Support Systems Foil Test Number: 92F024 and 92F025. Brown, Christopher M.
Testing of small and large sign support systems Foil Test Number: 92F039. Brown, Christopher M.
Testing of small and large sign support systems Foil Test Number: 92F015. Brown, Christopher M.
Testing of Small and Large Sign Support Systems Foil Test Number: 92F023. Brown, Christopher M.
Testing of Small and Large Sign Support Systems Foil Test Number: 92F018. Brown, Christopher M.
Testing of Small and Large Sign Support Systems Foil Test Number: 92F038. Brown, Christopher M.
Testing of Small and Large Sign Support Systems Foil Test Number: 92F016. Brown, Christopher M.
Testing of Small and Large Sign Support Systems Foil Test Number: 92F036. Brown, Christopher M.
Testing of Small and Large Sign Support Systems Foil Test Number: 92F037. Brown, Christopher M.
Testing of Small and Large Sign Support Systems Foil Test Number: 92F026. Brown, Christopher M.
Testing of Small and Large Sign Support Systems Foil Test Number: 92F019. Brown, Christopher M.
Testing of Small and Large Sign Support Systems Foil Test Numbers: 92F040. Brown, Christopher M.
Testing of Small and Large Sign Support Systems Foil Test Numbers: 92F009 and 92F010. Brown, Christopher M.
Testing of Small and Large Sign Support Systems Foil Test Numbers: 92F020 and 92F021. Brown, Christopher M.
Testing of South Dakota Sign Support system, Foil Test Numbers 95F005 and 95F006. Ghanoudi, Maher K. Christopher M. Brown
Testing procedure for the certification of underground protective cabs and canopies. Sawyer, Stephen G. Brogan, Darryl K.
Testing Truck Mounted Vacuum and Air Conveyor Systems for Oil Spill Recovery. Gates, Donald C. Corradino, Kevin M.
Tests of child restraint system compatibility with emergency latching retractor belt systems. Kirkbride, Russell L. McGhee, Edward P. Ward, Michael R.
Tests of eyecup goggles. Campbell, Donald L. Collins, Rick L. Wolfe, Rex S.
Tests of glass plano safety spectacles. Campbell, Donald L. Collins, Rick L.
Tests of plastic plano safety spectacles. Collins, Rick L. Wolfe, Rex S.
Texas Crash Cushion Trailer To Protect Highway Maintenance Vehicles (Studies of Field Adaptation of Impact Attenuation Systems). Marquis, E.L., Research Engineer Hirsch, T.J., Research Engineer
The 400-lb/hp truck on grades: a numerical approach. Todres, Hyman A.
The design of highway interchanges: an example of a general method for analyzing engineering design problems. Alexnader, Christopher Manheim, Marvin L.
The detection of warning signals while wearing active noise reduction and passive hearing protection devices.
The economics of solid state control. Thate, A.
The effect of certain tire-road interface parameters on force and moment performance. Rasmussen, R.E. Cortese, A.D.
The effect of soil and load variations on the impact response of guardrail posts. Labra, J.J.
The effects of hearing protectors on speech communication and the perception of warning signals.
The Managua, Nicaragua Earthquake December 23, 1972: Two papers from a scientific conference held in San Francisco, California in November 1973 Engineering lessons from the Manaqua Earthquake Manaqua: effects on systems. Berg, Glen V. Ferver, Greer W.
The Modular Crash Cushion - research finding and field experience. Hirsch, T.J. Ivey, Don L. White, Monroe C.
The Modular Crash Cushion: a tentative progress memorandum on contract No. CPR-11-5851, U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Bureau of Public Roads . Hirsch, T.J. Hayes, Gordon G. Ivey, Don L.
The NAE Model of the Highway Cable Barrier for Parametric Studies of Vehicle Redirection using Digital Simulation . Basso, G.L. Pinkney, F.L. Fraser, I.J.
The short term priorities for improving lap-sash belt performance in motor vehicles. Garth, R.A. Herbert, D.C.
The Simulation Model of Automobile Collisions (SMAC) Operator's Manual. Solomar, Paul L.
Theoretical studies of the ignition and combustion of silane- hydrogen-air mixtures. Chinitz, Wallace
Theories of the combustion of wood and its control. Browne, F.L.
Theory and application of finite element analysis to structural crash simulation. Pifko, A.B. Winter, R.
Theory of high speed guns. Seigel, Arnold E.
Thermal decomposition of ammonium perchlorate: a literature review. Keenan, A.G. Siegmund, Robert F.
Thermal performance of masonry chimneys and fireplaces . Peacock, Richard D.
Thermodynamic property values for gaseous and liquid carbon monoxide from 70 to 300?K with pressures to 300 atmospheres . Hust, J.G. Stewart, R.B.
Thermonuclear properties of the oxides, fluorides, and chlorides to 2500?K. Glassner, Alvin
Thick-walled rings for energy-absorbing bridge rail systems. Final Report. Perrone, N.
Thrie-Beam guardrails for school and intercity buses. Ivey, Don L. McDevitt, Charles f. Roberston, Richard Buth, C. Eugene Stocker, Arthur J.
Timber in excavation, 3rd ed..
Timber post energy absorbing protective barrier: a tentative progress memorandum on contract No. CPR-11-5851, U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Bureau of Public Roads. Hirsch, T.J. Smith, Harry L. Ivey, Don L.
Tin plating and tin plate, citations from the NTIS database, 1964-April 1980.
Tinted windshield involvement among CPIR accidents. Filkins, Lyle D.
Tire analysis program package. Users Manual. Draft Copy. Final Report Volume III. Tielking, J.T.
Tire disablements followed by accidents among four-tired vehicles on the Illinois tollway. McIlraith, G. Declan Baker, J. Stannard
Tire disablements not followed by accidents among four-tired vehicles on the Illinois tollway. McIlraith, G. Declan Baker, J. Stannard
Tire hydroplaning: citations from the NTIS database, 1964-June 1980.
Tire hydroplaning: citations from the NTIS database, 1964-June 1980.
Tire parameter determination, vol. 1: summary. Schuring, D.J.
Tire parameter determination, vol. 2, part 1: Test methodology. Schuring, D.J.
Tire parameter determination, vol. 3, part 2: Tire Test data . Schuring, D.J.
Tire parameter determination, vol. 4, part 2: Tire Test data . Schuring, D.J.
Tire parameter determination, vol. 5, part 2: Tire Test data . Schuring, D.J.
Tire parameter determination, vol. 6, part 2: Tire Test data . Schuring, D.J.
Tire parameter determination, vol. 7, part 2: Tire Test data . Schuring, D.J.
Tire parameter determination, vol. 8, part 2: Tire Test data . Schuring, D.J.
Tire parameter determination, vol. 9, part 2: Tire Test data . Schuring, D.J.
Tire repair methods and materials. Cole, Calvin W.
Tire traction on dry, uncontaminated surfaces. Segel, L.
Tires, a subject bibliography from Highway Safety Literature.
Tires: a comparison of tire reserve load for 1973 passenger cars.
Tires: their selection and care. Brenner, F.C.
Tor-shok energy absorbing protective barrier: a tentative progress memorandum on contract No. CPR-11-5851, U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Bureau of Public Roads. Hirsch, T.J.
Toxic hazards research unit annual technical report 1972 . MacEwen, J.D. Vernot, E.H.
Toxic shock syndrome - assessment of current information and future research needs.
Toxic shock syndrome - citations from the Life Sciences Database, 1978-Sep 1983).
Toxic shock syndrome - citations from the Life Sciences Database, 1978-Sep 1983).
Toxic substances: EPA's chemical testing program has not resolved safety concerns.
Toxicity studies of 1,2 dichloroethane (ethylene dichloroide) (drinking water and Gavage studies).
Toxicity studies of 1,2,4,5-tetrachlorobenzene (feed studies).
Toxicity studies of 1,6-hexanediamine dihydrochloride administered by drinking water and inhalation. H?bert, Charles D.
Toxicity studies of 2-chloronitrobenzene and 4- chloronitrobenzene administered by inhalation. Bucher, John R.
Toxicity studies of 2-Hydroxy-4-methoxybenzophenone administered topically and in dosed feed. French, John Edgar
Toxicity studies of a chemical mixture of 25 groundwater contaminants administered in drinking water.
Toxicity studies of ÿ-Bromo-ÿ-nitrostyrene. Bucher, John R.
Toxicity studies of acetone in F344/N rats and B6C3f1 mice (drinking water studies).
Toxicity studies of antimony potassium tartrate (drinking water and intraperitoneal injection studies).
Toxicity studies of castor oil (dosed feed studies).
Toxicity studies of cobalt sulfate heptahydrate (inhalation studies).
Toxicity studies of cresols (feed studies).
Toxicity studies of cupric sulfate administered in drinking water and feed. H?bert, Charles D.
Toxicity studies of D&C yellow no. 11 (feed studies).
Toxicity studies of diethanolamine administered topically and in drinking water. Melnick, Ronald L.
Toxicity studies of ethylbenzene (inhalation studies).
Toxicity studies of ethylene glycol ethers administered in drinking water. Dieter, Michael P.
Toxicity studies of formic acid administered by inhalation . Thompson, Morrow
Toxicity studies of glutaraldehyde administered by inhalation . Kari, Frank W.
Toxicity studies of glyphosate administered in dosed feed . Chan, Po C. Mahler, Joel F.
Toxicity studies of methyl ethyl ketone peroxide in dimethyl phthalate administered topically. Zeiger, Errol
Toxicity studies of methylene Bis(thiocyante) administered by Gavage. Burka, Leo T.
Toxicity studies of n,n-dimethylformamide administered by inhalation. Lynch, Dennis W.
Toxicity studies of n-hexane in B6C3f1 mice (inhalation studies).
Toxicity studies of o-, m-, and p-Nitrotoluenes administered in dosed feed. Dunnick, June K.
Toxicity studies of p-Chloro-?,?,?-trifluorotoluene administered in corn oil and ?-Cyclodextrin. Jameson, C.W. Yuan, Jinhua
Toxicity studies of pentachlorobenzene (feed studies) . McDonald, Margarita M.
Toxicity studies of pesticide/fertilizer mixtures administered in drinking water.
Toxicity studies of riddelliine administered by Gavage. Chan, Po C.
Toxicity studies of sodium cyanide administered in drinking water. H?bert, Charles D.
Toxicity studies of sodium selenate and sodium selenite . Abdo, Kamal M.
Toxicity studies of t-Butyl Perbenzoate administered by Gavage. Matthews, H.B.
Toxicity studies of tetrachlorophthalic anhydride administered by Gavage. Mahler, Joel
Toxicity studies of trinitrofluorenone administred by dermal application and dosed feed. Kari, Frank
Toxicological profile for benzene.
Toxicology and carcinogenesis studies of marine diesel fuel and JP-5 Navy fuel (CAS No. 8008-20-6) in B6C3F1 mice (dermal studies).
Toxicology and carcinogenesis studies of o-nitrolanisole in F344 rats and B6C3f1 mice (feed studies).
Toxicology of Fire. Zapp, John A.
Track support systems parameter study: Ballast and Foundation Materials Research Program. Tarabji, S.D. Thompson, M.R.
Trackwork study, vol. 1: Trackwork practices of North American rapid transit systems. Dunn, R.H.
Trackwork study, vol. 2: Recommended trackwork standards . Dunn, R.H.
Traffic conflict techniques for safety and operations, engineers guide. Parker, M.R. Zegeer, C.V.
Traffic conflict techniques for safety and operations, instructor's guide. Parker, M.R. Zegeer, C.V.
Traffic conflict techniques for safety and operations, observers manual. Parker, M.R. Zegeer, C.V.
Traffic control devices, geometrics, visibility, and route guidance.
Traffic Control Devices, Visability, and Geometrics.
Traffic safety and the transport of pressurised gas fuels . Linklater, Dawn R. Baker, Amanda L.
Traffic safety trends and forecasts.
Traffic signing, visibility, and rail-highway grade corssings: highway operations, capacity, and traffic control, Transportation Research Record 1302.
Trailer brake performance: final technical report. Bernard, J.E. Winkler, C.B Campbell, J.D. Gupta, R.K.
Training requirements in OSHA standards.
Training requirements in OSHA standards and training guidelines.
Training requirements of OSHA standards.
Train-to-train rear end impact tests, vol. I: Pre-impact determination of vehicle properties. Anderson, R.L. Cramer, P.L.
Train-to-train rear end impact tests, vol. II: Impact test summaries. Anderson, R.L. Cramer, P.L.
Train-to-train rear end impact tests, vol. III: Appendix A: Impact test data, Appendix B: Report of inventions. Anderson, R.L. Cramer, P.L.
Transfer efficiency of improperly maintained or operated spray painting equipment sensitivity studies. Kennedy, K.C.
Transistorized low voltage regulator circuits and design . Rogers, John H.
Transit and the polycentric city. Schneider, Jerry B.
Transit station renovation: a case study of planning and design procedures. Griffiths, John R. Hoel, Lester A. Demetsky, M.J.
Transport of high concentrations of carbon monoxide to locations remote from the burning compartment. Lattimer, B.Y. Vandsburger, U., Roby, R.J.
Transportation accident scenarios for commercial spent fuel . Wilmot, Edwin L.
Transportation accidents/incidents involving radioactive materials, 1971-89. Cashwell, Cheryl E.
Transportation and urban air pollution policies for developed and developing countries. Krupnick, A.J.
Transportation assessment and integration (TRAIN): draft report..
Transportation management program : FY 1992 program plan : logistice, technology development, outreach.
Transportation management, HOV systems, and geometric design and effects, 1990.
Transportation of hazardous materials.
Transportation of hazardous materials : executive summary..
Transportation of hazardous materials : executive summary..
Transportation of hazardous materials, 1990.
Transportation of nuclear materials. Wolff, Theodore A.
Transportation operation procedures manual..
Transportation safety: information strategy needed for hazardous materials.
Transportation System Analysis.
Transportation system management - parking, enforcement, and other issues.
Transportation Systems: Improved hybrid computer vehicle handling program. Bohn, P.F. Keenan, R.J.
Transporting radioactive material.
Transporting spent fuel : protection provided against severe highway and railroad accidents.. Lahs, William R.
Trash collector dies after being caught in compactor of refuse vehicle -- North Carolina.
Traumatic injury surveillance of farmers 1993 statistical abstract. Myers, John R,
Traumatic injury surveillance of farmers: 1993 statistical abstract.. Myers, John R.
Treating wood preserving plant wastewater by chemical and biological methods. White, John T. Bursztynsky, T.A. Crane, John D. Jones, Richard H.
Tri-level study of the causes of traffic accidents: final report, executive summary. Treat, J.R. Tumbas, N.S. McDonald, S.T. Shinar, D. Hume, R.D. Mayer, R.E. Stansifer, R.L. Castellan, N.J.
Truck ability prediction procedure plus examples and copies of forms.
Truck accident and fatality rates calculated from California highway accident statistics for 1980 and 1981. Smith, Richard N.
Truck and Tractor-Trailer Dynamic Response Simulation - T3DRS:V1 User's manual. Gillespie, T.D. MacAdam, C.C. Hu, G.T.
Truck and tractor-trailer dynamic response simulation - T3DRS:V1. Programmers Manual. Hu, Garrick T. Bernard, James E. MacAdam, Charles C. Gillespie, Thomas D.
Truck and tractor-trailer dynamic response simulation, vol. 1: Summary report. Gillespie, T. MacAdam, C. Hu, G. Bernard, J. Winkler, C.
Truck and tractor-trailer dynamic response simulation, vol. 2: Technical report. Gillespie, T. MacAdam, C. Hu, G. Bernard, J. Winkler, C.
Truck Characteristics for Use in Highway Design and Operation. Volume 1. Research Report.. Harwood, D.W. Mason, J.M. Glauz, W.D. Kulakowski, B.T. and Fitzpatrick, K.
Truck Characteristics for Use in Highway Design and Operation.. Harwood, D.W. Mason, J.M. Glauz, W.D. Kulakowski, B.T. and Fitzpatrick, K.
Truck Drivers: Licensing and Monitoring, An analysis with Recommendations. Waller, Patricia F. Li, Livia K.
Truck Escape Ramps, A Synthesis of Highway Practice . Witheford, David K.
Truck occupant protection. Clarke, R.M. Leasure, W.A.
Truck Safety: Implementation of the Single Driver's License and Notification Requirements.
Truck tests on Texas concrete median barrier. Hirsch, T.J. Post, E.R.
Truck tire cornering and braking traction study. Boyd, Pat L. Neill, Art H. Hinch, John A.
Trucks in rural injury accidents. Robinson, Hazel Kihlberg, Jaakko K. Garrett, John W.
Trucks in rural injury producing and property damage Utah accidents. Schotz, William E. Robinson, Shirley J.
Tubular W-beam bridge rail. Hirsch, T.J. Panak, John J. Buth, C.E.
Tunnels: Machine excavation - rate of progress - machine data . Sinha, R.S.
Turner truck handling and stability properties affecting safety - Volume I - Technical report. Fancher, Paul Mathew,k Arvind Campbell, Kenneth, Blower, Daniel Winkler, Christopher
Two-Phase Flow Model Test Facility. Sallet, Dirse W. Guhler, Manfred Tsui, Chung Y.
Two-way left-turn lane guidelines for urban four-lane roadways. McCoy, P.T. Ballard, J.L. Eitel, D.S. Witt, W.F.
Typical vehicle parameters for dynamics studies. Rasmussen, R.E. Hill, F.W. Riede, P.M.*** Effects of tire properties on truck and bus handling: technical final report. Ervin, R.D. Winkler, C.B. Bernard, J.E. Gupta, R.K.
U.S. Department of Energy : Headquarters Transportation Roadmap: V. 1- Assessment Phase; V. 2- Analysis and issue resolution phase..
U.S. Department of Transportation heavy truck safety plan.
U.S. Dept. of Energy Transportation Management Div. motor carrier evaluation program plan. Birkland, J.A. Maxwell, J.E. Portsmouth, J.H. Toolson, G.P.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency National Priorities List and Supporting Materials..
UCLA motor vehicle safety project, final report. Severy, Derwyn M. Nahum, A.M.
UMTA (Urban Mass Transit Administration) data book.
Underground construction (tunneling).
Underground Storage Tank Corrective Action Technologies.
Underground storage tank integrated demonstrations (UST-ID), Technology summary.
Underride/override of automobile front structures in intervehicular collisions. Volume 2. Car-to-car head-on impacts. DeLeys, Norman J. Segal, David J. Patten, John S.
Uniform delay approach to warrants for climbing lanes . Wolhuter, K.M. Polus, A.
Uniform system for designating rocket and missiles: Explosives safety training study guide supplement 1.
United States and Canadian fabric flammability standards . Katz, Richard G.
University role in astronaut life support systems: atmospheres. Reid, Robert C.
Upgrading safety performance in retrofitting traffic railing systems. Michie, Jarvis D. Bronstad, Maurice E.
Urban freeway truck characteristics. Seguin, E.L. Crowley, K.W. Zweig, W.D. Gabel, R.J.
Urban Mass Transportation.
Urban search and rescue in Brownsville, TX following a commercial building collapse.
Urban search and rescue in New York City following a commercial building collapse.
Urban search and rescue in San Bernadino, CA following a major train derailment in a residential neighborhood.
Urban search and rescue in the Crested Butte, CO State Bank, following an explosion/collapse.
Urban search and rescue in the Santa Cruz area following the Loma Prieta earthquake.
Urban search and rescue in Will County, IL following the 1990 tornado.
Use of belt conveyors to transport mass concrete. Saucier, Kenneth L.
Use of child safety seats in metropolitan areas of Virginia during summer 1994. Syoke, Charles
Use of consultants for construction engineering and inspection. Newman, Robert B.
Use of Hazard Pictorials/Symbols in the Minerals Industry . Lowenhaupt-Collins, Belinda
Use of Life-Cycle Costing for transit equipment procurement . Winslow, Reed H.
Use of Riding Mowers by U.S. Households. Smith, Charles L.
Use of special aids, United States - 1977 (artificial limbs, braces, crutches, canes, walking sticks, wheelchairs, walkers) .*** Test of flexible fitting safety goggles. Campbell, Donald L. Collins, Rick L.
Use of voice-recognition systems for Atterberg limit tests . Brandon, T.L. Stadler, R.A.
Use of wood for fuel. Graves, Henry S.
User's Guide for Microcomputer Programs conwep and funpro, applications of TM 5-855-1, 'Fundamentals of protective design for conventional weapons'. Hyde, David W.
User's guide for the commercial treatment, storage, and disposal vendors database. Fore, C.S. Phillips, M.H. Kraemer, J.M. Hoffman, A.
Users guide for the wettime exposure estimation model . Harwood, D.W. Blackburn, R.R. Kibler, D.F.
Users' Guide to Positive Guidance (A) (3rd Edition) . Lunenfekd, H. Alexander, G.J.
User's guide, engineering data compendium, human perception and performance.
Utility of peripheral vision to motor vehicle drivers . Rockwell, Thomas H. Balasubramanian, K.N. Kretovics, Tom Wilfong, Eileen J.
Validation and application of the guard computer program, vol. 2: program user's manual. Welch, R.E. Pang, E.
Validation of a recommended approach to recirculation of industrial exhaust air, vol. 1: spring grinding, chrome plating, dry cleaning, welding, and vapor degreasing. Bagopian, J.H.
Validation of the MVMA/HRSI phase II straight truck directional response situation. Gillespie, T.D.
Validation of the reduction of rear-end collisions by a high- mounted auxillary stoplamp. Reilly, R.E. Kurke, D.S. Buckenmier, C.C.
Validation of truck handling simulation results, vol. 1: Summary report. Hayes, Gordon G.
Validation studies for head impact injury model. Stalnaker, R.L. Alem, N.M. Benson, J.B.
Variables associated with automobile tire hydroplaning . Lewis, J.M. Stocker, A.J.
Variables in occupational stress. Brocher, Tobias
Variables influencing spot-speed characteristics - review of literature. Oppenlander, J.C.
Vehicle Aggressivity: Fleet Characterization Using Traffic Collision Data. Joksch, Hans C. Massie, Dawn Pichler, Robert
Vehicle barrier systems.
Vehicle bumper performance study. Rup, W.J. Daly, J.M. Erten, M.
Vehicle Characteristics - Highway Research Record. Michael, Harold L. Johns, Kenneth B. et al.
Vehicle damage scale from traffic accident investigators: an investigation of its use and potential for predicting driver injury. Vilardo, Frank J.
Vehicle Dynamics Handbook for Single-Unit and Articulated Heavy Trucks. Fancher, Paul S. Mathew, Arvind
Vehicle familiarity and safety. Perel, Michael
Vehicle Fog Lighting: An Analytic View.. Kpth, B.W. McCunney, W.D. Duerk, C.P. Janoff, M.S. and Freedman, M.
Vehicle front end structure crash evaluation program, vol. 1: Summary report. Shaw, L. Maurice Harper, Allen D. Anderson, Robert L.
Vehicle front end structure crash evaluation program, vol. 2: Technical report. Shaw, L. Maurice Harper, Allen D. Anderson, Robert L.
Vehicle front end structure crash evaluation program, vol. 3: Appendices. Shaw, L. Maurice Harper, Allen D. Anderson, Robert L.
Vehicle handling.
Vehicle handling.
Vehicle handling and stability: a subject bibliography . Flynn, Lois
Vehicle handling performance, vol. 1. Ervin, R.D. Grote, P. Fancher, P.S. MacAdam, C.C. Segel, L.
Vehicle handling performance, vol. 2: Data plots. Ervin, R.D. Grote, P. Fancher, P.S. MacAdam, C.C. Segel, L.
Vehicle handling performance, vol. 3: summary report. Ervin, R.D. Grote, P. Fancher, P.S. MacAdam, C.C Segel, L.
Vehicle handling test procedures, vol. 1. Dugoff, H. Ervin, R.D Segel, L.
Vehicle handling test procedures, vol. 2. Dugoff, H. Ervin, R.D Segel, L.
Vehicle handling: a simulation study of the handling performance of 13 configurations of an intermediate size American passenger car.
Vehicle impact tests of a see-through, collapsing ring, structural steel tube, bridge barrier railing. Stoughton, R.L. Stoker, J.R. Nagai, I. Hale, P. Bishop, R.W.
Vehicle integration and evaluation of advanced restraint systems: restraint systems analysis report. Fitzpatrick, Michael U.
Vehicle mix.
Vehicle performance and analysis six degree-of-freedom simulation (VePAS). Reference Manual. Version 1.1.
Vehicle-In-Use Limit Performance and Tire Factors. Bernard, James E. Fancher, Paul S. Gupta, Rajiv Moncarz, Howard Segel, Leonard
Vehicle-in-use limit performance and tire factors: the tire in use. Fancher, Paul S. Bernard, James E.
Vehicle-in-use limit performance and tire factors: tire in use, appendix a,b,c. Bernard, James E. Fancher, Paul S. Gupta, Rajiv Mondarz, Howard Segel, Leonard
Vehicle-in-use limit performance and tire factors: tire in use, appendix d,e,f,g. Bernard, James E. Fancher, Paul S. Gupta, Rajiv Mondarz, Howard Segel, Leonard
Vehicular crash test of a continuous concrete medial barrier without a footing. Parks, D.M. Stoughton, R.L. Stoker, J.R. Nordlin, E.F.
Ventilation requirements for grinding, buffing and polishing operations. Bastress, E.K. Niedzwecki, J.M. Nugent, A.E.
Vibration analysis. Berry, C.W.
Vibration and combined stresses in advanced systems.
Vibration of plates. Leissa, Arthur W.
Vibration testing of resilient package cushioning materials . Zell, George
Vibration white finger disease in U.S. workers using pneumatic chipping and grinding hand tools, vol. I: Epidemiology . Wasserman, Donald
Vibration white finger disease in U.S. workers using pneumatic chipping and grinding hand tools. II. Engineering testing.
Visibility and audibility of trains approaching rail-highway grade crossings. Aurelius, John P. Korebow, Norman
Visibility for roadways, airways, and seaways, 1991.
Visibility Pilot Research (Phase I) Final Report. Miller, James, M. Gastchell, Susanne, M.
Visibility Under Night Driving Conditions. Hills, B. L.
Visibility under traansient adaptation. Adrian, W.K. Topalova, R.V.
Visibility, rail-highway grade crossings, and highway improvement evaluation.
Vision and Safety standards.
Vision and visibility in highway driving: a bibliography . Flynn, Lois
Visual search: a symposium conducted at the spring meeting, 1970.
Vol. I, The 1996 Baseline Environmental Management Report.
Volatile organic chemicals in the atmosphere: an assessment of available data. Brodzinsky, Richard Singh, Hanwant B.
VSDSS, research studies.
Walk-Through Survey Report, Control Technology for Grinding and Cutting at Fairchild Republic Co., Farmingdale, New York . Hollett, Bruce A.
Walk-through survey report, Ford Motor Co. Los Angeles assembly plant, Pico Rivera, CA, Jan. 30, 1979. Matanoski, G. Whitman, N.
Walk-through survey report, Grove Manufacturing Co., Shady Grove, PA.
Walk-through survey report: HVLV (High Velocity Low Volume) Control Technology for Machining and Hand Grinding at AMETEK, Inc., Haveg Division Wilmington, Delaware. Hollett, B.A.
Wall flames and implications for upward flame spread . Quintere, J. Harkleroad, M. Hasemi, Y.
Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Rapid Transit Cars Preliminary Specification.
Waste minimization audit report. Freeman, Harry
Waste minimization opportunity assessment manual.
Waste reduction activities and options for a manufacturer of commercial dry cleaning equipment. Saqa, Hanna Watts, Daniel J.
Water-plastic crash attenuation system: test performance and model prediction. Warner, Charles Y. Free, Joseph C.
Water-related disease outbreaks : surveillance (Annual Summary).
Way to safety and health for textile finishing workers.
Weapon system effectiveness analysis, optimization and simulation, phase I, vol. 8: Movable gun simulation. McPhate, Andrew J. Whitehouse, Gerald D. Caluda, Mario J.
Weibull analysis handbook. Abernathy, R.B. Breneman, J.E. Medlin, C.H. Reinman, G.L.
Weight, volume, and center of mass of segments of the human body. Clauser, Charles E. McConville, John T. Young, J.W.
Welded repair of cracks in steel bridge members. Gregory, E.N. Slater, G. Woodley, C.C.
Wet weather exposure measures. Harwood, D.W. Blackburn, R.R. Kulakowski, B.T. Kibler, D.F.
Wheelchair and occupant restraint on school buses. Dalrymple, Gale Hsia, Hsi-sheng Raglend, Carl Dickman, Francis Baker
Whole-Body Vibration Exposure of Workers During Heavy Equipment Operation. Wasserman, Donald E. Doyle, Thomas E. Asburry, William C.
Windshield glazing as an injury factor in automobile accidents. Fargo, Roger B.
Wire rope terminations, vol. 1: Efficiency and service life of wire rope terminations. Matanzo, F
Wire Rope Terminations, vol. 2: Selection and inspection guide for wire rope terminations. Mantanzo, F.
Wire rope terminations, vol. 3: Training and inspection manual for assembly. Metcalf, John T. Matanzo, F.
Women's safety-toe footwear. Cook, William I.
Wood crate design manual. Anderson, L. O. Heebink, T.B.
Wood preservative pesticides cresote, pentachlorophenol and the inorganic arsenicals (wood uses) postition document 2/3.
Wood preservative pesticides: cresote, pentacholorphenol, inorganic arsenicals: position document 41.
Wood preserving industry multimedia emission inventory . DaRos, Bruce Fitch, Bill Franklin, Carole Friedman, Mike Merrill, Richard Wolbach, Dean
Work injuries and accident causes in school lunchrooms.
Work Zone Design Considerations for Truck Operations and Pavement/Shoulder Dropoffs, Final Report. Graham, Jerry L. John C. Glennon Karin M. Bauer
Work zone safety, maintenance management, and equipment, and transportation of hazardous materials.
Work zone traffic control.
Work Zone Traffic Management Synthesis: Tiedown Methods for Precast Concrete Safety Shaped Barriers. Noel, Earl C. Sabra, Ziad A. Dudek, Conrad L.
Workbook for predicting pressure wave and fragment effects of exploding propellant tanks and gas storage vessels. Baker, W.E. Kulesz, J.J. Ricker, R.E. Bessey, R.L. Westine, P.S. Parr, V.B. Oldham, G.A.
Workbook of Atmospheric Dispersion Estimates. Turner, D. Bruce
Worker deaths in confined spaces: a summary of surveillance findings and investigative case reports..
Worker Perception of Hazardous Robotic Workstations . Karwowski, Waldemar Amarnath, Bangalore Pongpatana, Nai
Working in hot environments.
Workplace exposure to asbestos: review and recommendations.
Workplace use of back belts : review and recommendations . Back Belt Working Group
Work-related hand injuries and upper extremity amputations.
Workshop on the research needed to advance the state of knowledge in robotics.
Yaw stability of tractor-semitrailers during cornering . Ervin, R.D. Nisonger, R.L. Mallikarjunarao, C. Gillespie, T.D.
Yaw stability of tractor-semitrailers during cornering: appendices. Ervin, R.D. Nisonger, R.L. Mallikarjunarao, C. Gillespie, T.D.
Yaw stability of tractor-semitrailers during cornering: summary. Ervin, R.D. Nisonger, R.L. Mallikarjunarao, C. Gillespie, T.D.
Young driver accidents: a report prepared by an OECD road research group.

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